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4 Tools You Need For Transplanting Trees
Spring is here at last! Whether or not the weather feels like spring will depend on the area of the country where you live, but from an official perspective, spring began on March 20 th , so now is the perfect time to start planning a year full of fun...
Choosing a Garden Fork
Let's see, there are digging, spading, garden (English), manure, compost, potato, broadfork, border and shrubbery that we're really confused with so many types, let's take a look at what type of work each fork is made to do best.(aka One...
El Segundo
Garden In Front: Sharpen Your Digging Tools By Hand
Proper Storage For Digging Tools To keep the edge on your tools, it's a good idea to properly store your tools off the floor. Why should you bother with this often thankless task? Regular usage dulls tools over time, and digging implements, like spades,...
5 Everyday Items That Make Great Trellises
Why not try one of these awesome upcycled garden trellis ideas instead? I found this one in a local community garden. To grow pole beans , I ran four lengths of jute twine from the top of the frame down to the ground on each side.
5 Tools I Can\'t Garden Without
Keeping anvil pruners sharp is a must, as dull blades often crush rather than cut and can open up more surface area for pathogen entry. If you have yet to invest in a good wheelbarrow, you are missing out.
6 Flowering Ground Covers For Difficult Spaces
I have a variety called Beacon Silver at home and another called White Nancy, and I love them both. Tags ground covers , Lists Flowers can be white, pink or red depending on the variety.
Italian Hand Tools
I was happy with my freshly sharpened saws, and I imagine he was happy with his 15 euros. These are the sorts of tools that Daniel Boone and his cohorts could have used when they were carving farms out of the virgin forests of Kentucky.
7 Garden-Tested Gifts For Your Favorite Gardener
There's a wide range of price points represented, too. Whether you're looking for a stocking stuffer or something a little bigger, these tools belong in every gardener's tool shed.
Garden Find: Peel Away Pots
The downside, of course, is the expense—and expensive they are. A set of three 4-inch pots with the tray and mat will run you $24.95, and without the tray and mat a set of three pots will run you $9.95.
Gardening Spades: Choosing the one that\'s right for you
The best gardening spades are typically made of carbon or stainless steel with the head and handle socket that are hand forged (not stamped) from a single piece of thick metal. With its deep dished and pointed blade, you can easily create deep round holes.With...
El Segundo
A Suggested List of Tools for the Gardener
Your garden spade that you use to turn soil in the garden also works great for planting large shrubs and small trees as well a lawn edger. Spend the money to buy a good pair and you'll have a lifetime tool.Water Hose -look around, ask your neighbors to...
El Segundo
2017 Holiday Gift-giving Guide for Gardeners
It's durable, washable and very clever. It's lightweight and easy to use. I used to use BenGay, or a big pharmacy-brand of muscle rub, but then I discovered this salve at a local farmer's market here in Pennsylvania.
Make A Cucumber Trellis Out Of Scrap Wood
Train the plants to grow up the welded-wire fencing. We're growing cucumbers on ours, but you could use the same trellis to grow pole beans, winter squash, watermelons and just about any other vining crop.
Bed Bugs, Plantago and Aunt Bett
I am not sure what she considered my dogs to be since at least one of them followed us wherever we went; but truthfully Pepper did not really stay near us, she was off chasing squirrels and rabbits and only came when I called to her.Digging deeply into...
El Segundo
5 Reasons Why You Need A Staple Gun On Your Farm
Instead of merely pressing down on the top of the device (as you would with an ordinary stapler), a staple gun has a large lever that amplifies its stapling power. It's arguably easier to use than a household stapler.
Rafter Panel Storage
When lifted back into place, the panel ends rest against the top plate of the shed wall. My plan was to secure the panels with a latch, magnets or some other system at the ridgepole.
Fit Your Anvil to Your Needs
It is a tough job, but somebody has to do it. For those who are intrigued by the idea of having their own working anvil , there are multiple other options, including online sources and stores such as Northern Tool + Equipment.
Sprayer Selection
If you go with a manual spray system, consider one that can be pumped with either the right or left arm. Choosing among the many sprayer options can be confounding, and an ever-expanding offering of sprayer types, sizes and component parts is making selection...
5 Farm Tools I\'m Thankful For
Now it's your turn! What tools are you thankful to have? Hobby farmers should have no trouble coming up with a lengthy “I'm thankful for” list—in fact, there are so many things for hobby farmers to be thankful for, that their lists practically need...
The Tools You Need For Trimming Trees
I personally prefer a handsaw for most of my pruning needs because I frequently stop to change tools and move cut branches out of the way, but for very large branches or entire trees that would take too long to saw by hand, a chainsaw can save you a lot...
Buying Tools: Price Versus Quality
When it comes to tools that are high-use and high-wear, quality and dependability trump price every time. However, I often struggle with buying a high-priced, high-quality tool versus one that will get the job done when it will be seldom used and lightly...
Why I\'m Using an Apple Picker in the Winter
Let's just say I like to think outside the box. Believe it or not, I'm using it for snow removal. I'm a firm believer that some farm tools can (and should) be used for more than their intended purposes.
Musings on an Old-Fashioned Measuring Wheel
More importantly, a large wheel isn't affected as much by dips and rises in the ground—it can more easily ride over them, resulting in more accurate measurements than those of small wheels, which can be thrown off by the amount of time they spend traveling...
Bolt Cutters & Wire Cutters: Why They Are Essential Farm Tools
But the bolt cutters do the job with hardly any exertion on my part, allowing me to work efficiently while focusing on safety . They'll chop through thin plastic if you need to open packaging or cut a hole in something.
A Tool is a Tool, Except …
I will also buy other old tools, like the block plane, broadaxe and a few other things I picked up at antique/used stuff stores I visited this past weekend. Someday I may even try making a tenon.
Expect the Unexpected
Only then did I notice a spot about 15 feet up. A few minutes later, I had sawn through the ash and the two trees fell to the ground. I always do my best to prepare the way for safe felling.
Can a Refractometer Help Me Grow Tastier Food?
Point the refractometer toward a light source. The amount of refraction (i.e., how much the light bends) tells you the ratio of water to dissolved solids, such as fructose and other sugars, proteins, and minerals inside.