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The Best Flowering Perennials
Yarrow grows 3 feet in height, has lacy gray-green leaves and white or pink flat-topped clusters of flowers. It is a member of the aster family of flowers and has many hybridized variations.
Santa Monica
The Best Antioxidant Vegetables
To incorporate beans into a diet, try tossing them in salad, blending them into a dip making them into a main dish like bean enchiladas.Pizza sauce made from tomatoes is a good source of the antioxidant lycopene.Tomatoes derive their bright red color...
Santa Monica
Beets Are the Best!
If you can get a hold of gorgeous yellow beets and concentrically red-and-white striped Chioggia beets, a mix of them makes a colorful array. If possible, let sit about 30 minutes before serving.
Happy, Hunting Grounds
Applying full-strength coffee grounds in a heap directly to the soil surface in a confined space could result in some or all of the problems listed above. This applies worldwide. I also slather the base of my azaleas with as many bags of oak leaves as...
El Segundo
The Best Mushrooms to Grow
The morel mushroom is one of the best for long productivity. Growers in France have been successful with boletes. Chefs around the world prize mushrooms, and to the serious mushroom farmer, they are a valuable crop.
Santa Monica
The Best Fungicide for Tomatoes
Remove infected plant parts, and spray with an organic fungicide containing copper or a synthetic fungicide containing Chlorothalonil or Mancozeb. Pick off infected leaves and fruit, and cut off affected stems, dipping your pruners in a one-part-bleach,...
Santa Monica
The Best Perennials for Texas
Consider using native Texas flowering plants in your garden. These plants suit the soils and provide food and cover for native wildlife and are among the best choices for the perennial garden.Tetraneuris scaposa or bitterweed does well in dry rocky soilFavorites...
Santa Monica
The Best Scented Indoor Plants
These plants produce fragrances constantly and they last a long time with proper care. One sure way to keep your rooms smelling fresh is to grow fragrant houseplants in your home. Jasmine soil should be dry to the touch before each watering.This plant...
Santa Monica
The 30 Best World Cups
Algeria: Mint Tea Maghrebi tea is the national beverage of Algeria, but it's also consumed across northern Africa. With just a few resources from your own garden and farm, you can recreate your own version of beverages from all 32 countries to enjoy while...
The Best Fertilizer for Bamboo
Growers with Bamboo Garden suggest supplying a 3-inch layer of compost or rotted manure around the base of the bamboo as a supply of supplemental slow-release, natural nutrients twice throughout the year as well.Apply the fertilizer in early spring and...
Santa Monica
The Best Small Farm Tractors
Instead, the general purpose tractor is usually used for row crops. However, if a farmer chooses to use only one small tractor, a tractor must be purchased that can use the widest range of attachments possible.
Santa Monica
The Best Fertilizer for Plumerias
Otherwise, continue to fertilize year-round.Use 1 lb. Growing to 30 feet in height, the best way to get your plumeria to bloom is by applying fertilizer.The best fertilizer for plumeria trees is one that is high in phosphorous, such as 10-30-10.
Santa Monica
The 13 Best Companion Plants
Cosmos deter harmful insects and attract beneficial insects. Yarrow is a medicinal herb; it comes in a variety of colors, but herbalists consider white yarrow to have the most medicinal properties.
A Summer Treasure Hunt
Summer is here, and with it comes the joys of stepping outdoors at any moment of the day with digital camera in hand (of course)! The treasures to be found in summer are abundant; in fact, they practically land at one's feet.
El Segundo
An Autumn Treasure Hunt
When there is a plethora of leaves and other fall items, what should you do? I marvel at the many vibrant colors which abound in the fall. This is simply a book of pages, you put together, whichaccording to the leaves you collect.
El Segundo
The Best of the Dwarf Columbines
Water regularly during dry weather as none are drought-tolerant. Many of the species about to be described are not available at local nurseries, but are often found among offerings of mail-order alpine specialist nurseries or as seed from seed exchanges.
El Segundo
The Best Fruit Trees for Kansas
Full seasons, loads of sunshine and plenty of rain allow gardeners to plant a variety of fruit trees in Kansas. Fruit trees bring both healthy fruits for eating and canning and add to the overall beauty and appeal of your yard or garden.
Santa Monica
The Best Quail Breeds To Raise
The eggs are enjoyed on a seasonal basis, from spring through fall, with one female producing about 200 eggs in the first season. Want to add variety to your poultry operation? Find local breeders on websites like Craigslist, or buy directly from a hatchery.
Which Plants Make the Best Topiaries?
For indoor topiary, woody herbs like rosemary, lavender and thyme are most popular. The most popular shrubs for outdoor, and occasionally indoor, topiary are yews and boxwood. Hollies, viburnums, laurels, hornbeam and privets can also be successfully...
Santa Monica
The Best Climbing Roses for Texas
Lady Banks grows 20-foot-tall canes, and Cecile Brunner is not far behind with 15- to 20-foot canes. New Dawn was the first rose to be patented in the U.S. it is a fast climber that can grow to 20 feet tall, sporting white flowers with pink centers.
Santa Monica
Neem, An Indoor Gardeners Best Friend
It is also harmless to ladybugs. I appreciate the fact that I can use it in the house without fearing for the safety of my critters. The oil is produced from the seeds. That's right folks, a Japanese beetle might munch a Neem-covered lily leaf, but her...
El Segundo
The Ten Best Crape Myrtle Varieties
Among these two types of crape myrtles, there are many varieties that offer different sizes and bloom colors.Crape myrtle varieties produce various blossom colors.Most dwarf varieties of crape myrtles are compact flowering shrubs that grow in a mound...
Santa Monica
The Best Eco-Friendly Barn Insulation
Get more barn maintenance help on Build a Better Barn How to Throw a Modern-Day Barn Raising How to Site Your First Barn Move That Barn! But Read This First 7 Ways to Reduce Your Barn-Fire Risk Tags barn , installation , insulate , insulation
Biodynamic Farming: Interdependence at its Best
The objective is to have a completely self-sustaining farm with little or no outside inputs: no nutrient sources that didn't originate on the farm itself, no pesticides derived from plants grown in another country, no animal feed imported from the next...
The Best Way to Peel Grapes
Although peeled grapes are commonly used as ice cubes in mixed drinks or as faux "eyeballs" at Halloween parties, the methods for peeling are the same: freezing or blanching. Store the grapes in a bowl of water in the refrigerator until ready to use.
Santa Monica
Snowberry ~ The Name Says It Best
In 1812, McMahon sent cuttings to Thomas Jefferson, who planted them in his garden. (I have no proprietary interest in this nursery, I just found a large variety of plants there and I have ordered from them before.) You can search* * * * * * * * * * *...
El Segundo
The Best Planting Days in Oklahoma
These plants will thrive in the spring, when daily temperatures average 70 degrees Fahrenheit or less.Tender and very tender vegetables, along with annual flowers, should be planted after the last frosts have passed in late April and mid-May.
Santa Monica