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Upgrade Your Hay Wagon For Ease Of Use & Other Benefits
Most hay wagons are relatively simple, but with a few DIY modifications, you can upgrade your hay wagon to make it even more useful. Essentially, a typical hay wagon is a large platform with a vertical wall on the back and a couple of diagonal beams to...
Trailers: To Hitch or to Haul
How often will you be hauling them? Class 2 – All types of tag-along trailers over 2,000 lbs. Class 5 – All types of tag-along trailers up to 14,000 lbs. There are some other safety features to look for as well: Check that latches and connecters are...
The Pros and Cons of Carts for Riding Lawn Mowers
That said, these carts are better suited to some tasks than others. They can be a bit unstable over bumpy ground. If you own a riding lawn mower (and because you're a hobby farmer, you probably do), then you're probably familiar with the small pull-behind...
Farm Storehouse: 7 Products to Help You & Your Operation
SnoBoss Reversible for tight steps and stairs, the True Temper SnoBoss can be used as a snow pusher or a shovel and is ergonomic for minimal back strain. The Mini Mill is a compact milling attachment for your chainsaw that lets you cut logs into lumber...
Storm Debris: Clean It Up Soon & Use the Right Tools
Along with the usual scattering of small branches, the storm blew down the top of a White Pine tree (a sizable section about 25 feet long) and a similar size chunk of a dead red pine.
Essential Tools & Equipment for the Small Farm
Unlike their single-wheeled cousins, they are sturdy and steady over uneven ground (as well as through mud or snow) and they are just plain hard to tip. But when we moved to the country, we both drove cars that were quite unsuitable for our rutted, two-track...
14 Trailer Safety Tips
Look for dry rot on tires, uneven tire wear, overall tire wear and tire damage.“You've got to have good tires, right tires,” Cole emphasizes. “It doesn't come unhitched by itself—you just forgot to latch it! If the hitch is properly latched, it...
Harvesting Tools
Combination wood and metal carts require indoor storage; metal or plastics usually weather well Carts with pneumatic tires generally push easiest, but flat-free, solid tires are better for jobs like harvesting walnuts in the woods.
Names of Farm Equipment
These are costly investments, and with all of their moving parts, they require maintenance, so it's important to be confident that you'll use your baler before you write your check.
Use Online Classified Sites to Stay Within Your Farm Equipment Budget
If you see something you need, compare the price to what you saw at the farm supply store—if there are meaningful savings and the item appears to be in good shape, it might be worth investigating.
4 Tips For Loading Pigs Into A Trailer
We now install a feeder inside the trailer and deliver rations inside. But what neither we nor our mentors figured out in time was the best way to load a hog onto a trailer. Our team grew adept at wielding pushboards and muscling pigs through particleboard...
How Do I Repair Cracked Welds?
When MIG welding aluminum, use a push technique: Angle the gun back 10 to 15 degrees, point the nozzle in the direction of forward travel and push the weld puddle forward. Step 4 Make all the gas and electrical connections to your welder.
Traveling with Livestock
Also, don't trust factory-installed latches; if they come open in transit and your animals escape, they could be killed. Adding bedding is important because dog- crate floors are slippery.
Trailing African Violets: Flowing Foliage and Bountiful Blooms
We've discussed this in the past on the African Violet forum and come to this consensus: trailers tend to have leaves all the way to the soil surface rather than a bare neck. Plant saucers can make great pots, as long as they hold a couple inches of potting...
El Segundo
Trailing African Violets: Grooming, Pruning and Propagating
Is yours refusing to branch out? Removing a row of two of outer leaves from the crown (leaving at least the center two pairs of leaves) creates a stub of stem for sticking into barely moist potting mix.
El Segundo
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
This adds to the traction without affecting steering, and it also improves the braking with less tendency to jackknife. This is a group of factory-installed options that includes the following.
7 Tips For Transporting Animals Safely
Try your best to empty and re-bed the trailer after a day of hauling. Be Water Wise A week prior to transporting animals, put a little bit of sports drink, such as Gatorade, or peppermint or lemon extract in their water.
Riding the High Desert
Kathy and I, on the other hand, were going to spend the night in our respective SUVs. Temps were predicted to be in the mid to low 30s that night, so I was concerned about freezing my butt off.
Controlling Boston Ivy – Learn About Removing Or Pruning Boston Ivy Vine
But you will need to plant it at least 15 feet from any surface on which you do not want it to climb, and always keep your pruning shears ready.With care, your ivy will thrive indoors or outdoors for many years to come.
Trailing Coleus: Overwintering in a Basket
It is a final weeding of the season, but not a determined pull and toss process. Although I can now sit amongst some of them on my patio and just enjoy, if I think ahead even a few weeks, I know that this pleasurable time will soon end.
El Segundo
Consider Artificial Insemination for Your Livestock
Other than swine and cattle, AI is used in other species including horses, sheep, goats, dogs, rabbits and poultry, as well as in some endangered species. If you start messing around too much, like with sexing semen as mentioned above or even just freezing...
Weekend NATRC Trail Ride
Read more of City Stock » Tags Audrey Pavia , competitive trail ride , NATRC , North American Trail Ride Conference Soon enough, his dream of a riding buddy came true. Milagro has always ridden with a buddy on these things, and he's not a happy camper...
Sprayer Selection
Choose from a host of equipment for your small-farm sprayer applications. A trailered or mounted spray system is the natural next step. “A backpack is handy for landscape spraying and getting down through the vegetation to your target—whether it is...
Use Your ATV To Erect Farm Fencing
You'll also discover that when digging fence post holes, the amount of dirt you remove from the ground is rarely enough to fill the hole again, even once the post has been added. If you have spent any amount of time working with fences , you know they...
Cutting & Storing Firewood on Your Farm
If you have forestland on your property, think of it as your very own fuel station. When in doubt, walk away. This creates a place to work safely, and gives you room to turn your tractor or ATV around.
This Farm Offers Vegetables Year-Round
The Green Wagon Farm has extended its growing season through the use of “plastic-covered tunnels, two heated hoop houses and a refrigerated food storage trailer,” reports.
African Violets with GIRL foliage, what sweethearts!
But I've fallen in love with the look of these ruffled, cupped, light-centered leaves. Powdery mildew also seems to be a more of a challenge to treat on the denser, often contorted foliage of girl leafed African violets.The best treatment is prevention,...
El Segundo