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Q&A With The Please Pick Project
When Suzanne Barish founded the Please Pick Project she envisioned a town-wide food forest in which people could harvest food right in their own neighborhood and connect with nature.
Community Gardens Boom in New Jersey
Below are some of the study's key findings: Camden consistently ranks among the poorest and most violent cities in the United States, a stark example of urban decline, social and political economic crisis, and consequently, food insecurity.
Community Gardening: Food + Framily
I've been gardening a lot since I got married, and I love being able to put fresh produce on our table. Gardeners benefit from leisure activity, family time and fresh produce, said Cecily Renteria, assistant recreation supervisor for the Costa Mesa community...
UF Hack: Prevent Illegal Dumping In Your Community Garden
Unite With Community Members Aliza Sollins Attend your neighborhood association meetings or other city council meetings to engage your neighbors with the work you're doing at your farm to help combat illegal dumping.
5 Ways to Prove Your Urban-farming Cred
Tags chicken keepers , community gardens , FFA , Lists , urban farming Or help to start your one in your urban high school. Getting involved with your community brings awareness to the urban-farming cause and gives you another outlet for learning and...
Where Does The Food Go?
Remember thatI wrote a while back? Lemon, honey and hot water is a lovely thing to enjoy this time of year. It is such an incredibly rewarding experience. Kids are kids and they love having something to do as opposed to trying to be patient waiting in...
El Segundo
Where are all the Butterflies? Butterfly Populations in the United States
The excitement was enough to interest me in raising my own butterflies. Although the data does not point to any concrete answers, several factors are certain. The spring migration into Texas was late but reproduction conditions were favorable.
El Segundo
Gardening for the Hungry
She was happy to hear that I have a surplus of green onions that I am willing to donate. Food pantries and soup kitchens often solicit donations and will specify what sort of foods they will accept, or you can call to ask.campaign of the Garden Writers...
El Segundo
5 Passive Irrigation Techniques That Make Watering Easier
Contour gardening can maximize the use of rainwater: slowing it, reducing erosion and absorbing valuable nutrients that would otherwise wash away. As a bonus, they can also reduce costs.
Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part III
This left behind many homes which fell into disrepair and eventually had to be torn down. The old Michigan Central train station can be seen from the garden.Very little is thrown away, cut logs are used to borderThese 5 city lots produce organic vegetables,...
El Segundo
There\'s Joy to be found in Public Gardens
How about something that sounds a little more formal like a Botanical Garden? From the formal gardens of Forest Lawn, to the tropical splendor of Kauai; from the playfulness of Denver, to the austere desert reclamation of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia I have...
El Segundo
Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part II
The garden is used by students for research as well as local residents to grow organic vegetables and flowers.Welcome to the Uof M Dearborn Organic Community Garden.Recycled good are used throughout the garden as witnessed by sunflowers in clay drain...
El Segundo
Iowa Roundup 2008--Portal to Plant Heaven
No, it's..." the 2008 Iowa DG Roundup at Noelridge Park in Cedar Rapids! He Iowa Roundup, now in its sixth year, continues to be the most popular and well-attended one in the U.S.Attendance at this year's May 3 event equaled that of the previous year.Two...
El Segundo
Dave\'s Garden leads to Dinu\'s Garden
A particular website on Google showed up often. I wanted to know what it was. Yet another respected DG-er chipped in to offer me a DC, but that turned out to be a "PC". But the situation was rescued by "Garden Angels" to whom I am profoundly grateful...
El Segundo
Its a Small World After All
They had parenting issues, and dilemmas about what to serve for dinner. And it grew.There are five times more people in DG than in the entire country that I live in! That is a lot of people communicating.Mr. Disney was always in favor of happy endings.
El Segundo
Put a Little Love in Your Heart
There are several organizations and ministries doing this very thing. I had no idea there was a day set aside for peace. It does seem rather elusive these days and as apathy takes over, it can even appear to be a lost cause.
El Segundo
Connecting with Your Local Community Garden
If you must go to the garden alone, make sure someone knows where you are, and have a working cell phone within reach at all times.Realize that in many cases, the land for community gardens is being leased.
El Segundo
5 Urban-Farming Projects That Need Your Support
You can donate to the cause, register your own garden in the online urban-garden directory or watch educational videos dedicated to urban farming. These are just a handful of national organizations and opportunities for supporting urban farming beyond...
Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part I
The Goodwill Garden in Taylor, Michigan has to be one of my all time favorite community gardens. I want to show you a few of my favorites in this series. Produce raised in the community garden is donated to area food pantries to help feed the disadvantaged.
El Segundo
Through the Years, We All Will Be Together
Lee Ann Stark was one of who helped convince me (though none was needed) to adopt Clementine. Here's to a blessed 2009; may it be a year of renewed hope and vitality. April Campbell wrote adetailing all the aspects of this heartwarming story and is very...
El Segundo
Breaking Bread and Swapping Plants: The First Ever Dave\'s Garden Roundup
Oh, there will be kids (and dogs) so let's plan some fun things for them too. Dave?s Garden has grown, and grown, and grown? The community building was so new that there were NO tables and chairs yet, just several large refrigerators.
El Segundo
Coffee and conversation: the evolution of an e-community
I was thinking about coffee the other day, and conversation, and how communities evolve. Other regional forums have their own "chatty threads," and there are several more in the Parking Lot forum.
El Segundo
Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part IV
The fourth in my series on community gardens will be more of a pictorial than verbal. One thing that I found very interesting, I didn't see on tomato plant in these gardens.Rice and other bog plants Fallow ground is covered until the next plantingThe...
El Segundo
5 Ways to Start a Community Garden
Don't try to do it alone. But what exactly does a community garden look like? Others use the total garden harvest to increase the amount of local, fresh vegetables in school lunches.
2 Vining Squash Substitutes For Summer
The plants are hardy and have pretty good resistance to both insects and many common squash diseases . Sometimes known as Calabacita, the Tatume is a traditional ingredient in many Southwestern or Mexican cuisines.
Family, Friendships and Flowers
I have the bowl full ofthat came from a start that Yardbird brought me one year when she visited my home. I planted it near my back door, the fragrance when it blooms greets me each morning and evening, and I think of her each time I smell it.
El Segundo
Beyond the Tomato, Planting for the Food Pantry
They have a storage area (usually small) and fill a bag or two at a time when customers come in. Some soup kitchens have tables and chairs for eat in service, while others take food to shut-ins, or a combination of the two.
El Segundo