Cons Because these carts are small, they're not as convenient for large projects. Pros These carts are small and easy to use. If you own a riding lawn mower (and because you're a hobby farmer, you probably do), then you're probably familiar with the small...
It is adaptable, low maintenance and fast growing.that grow like weeds and need little babying. The leaves and stems are fragile and break off easily, but for lightly used areas it will create a wonderful textured green groundcover.It is true that sedum...
Keep the plants moist, although don't fuss over them. In what areas can you use mazus as a lawn substitute and how do you take care of mazus lawns? Remodel a bit.Certainly the added benefit of mazus lawn alternative is that it is a seasonal prolific bloomer.
Most of the sedges grow in a clumping habit. That's a lot of work for a plant. Loosen the soil to at least 6 inches and then rake it free of rocks, roots and other debris.Make sure you have superior drainage.
If one end dips when you let it go, it's probably out of balance. If you did all that, all you will likely need to do is fill the gas tank, choke and start. Hold the rod horizontal with the blade perpendicular to the rod.
The plants should be of sufficient size to plant out in the lawn area by late spring.A new chamomile lawn should not be walked on for at least 12 weeks and, thereafter, as rarely as possible to allow it to establish.
If you've got a sunlight-challenged patch where grass refuses to grow no matter what you do, a deadnettle ground cover may be the way to go. Similarly, deadnettle is easy to propagate by division.Deadnettle withstands drought conditions but performs best...
Turf grass requires mowing, fertilizing and watering to keep it at its peak appearance. Rake out the area to be planted and add a good topsoil layer of at least 3 inches.Liriope divides easily for more plants or you can get flats of plugs from many nurseries.
A meadow lawn alternative is an option for homeowners who are tired of the labor involved in maintaining a traditional lawn, or for those who are concerned about the considerable environmental impact of watering, fertilizing and weed control.
The concept was simple: by using grasses that are native residents of hot, drought ridden areas, people could have the lush green lawn they long for while also conserving water.Habiturf native grasses turned out to be a great success in these locations...
Moss lawns require minimal attention. The stuff practically grows on trees. Using moss as lawn provides wonderful springy groundcover which can be walked on moderately, a no mow alternative and rich, deep color and texture.
It is hardy to USDA zone 4, can be walked upon and will rapidly spread to fill in a space. Some people do mow the thyme lawn after flowers are spent, but it's okay to be a little lazy and leave the area as is.
A typical lawn uses thousands of gallons of water every season, in addition to many hours of hard labor spent, needed to maintain that healthy, emerald green lawn, poses considerable harm to the environment as it leaches into the groundwater.
It's best for small areas. In addition, you won't need the lawn chemicals that can seep into groundwater and run off.) -These sturdy plants grow well in poor soil and never need watering.
Add someand a few pieces of driftwood. Stones are also common elements ofare also popular and can greatly reduce the amount of lawn in your yard. Whether you're a busy homeowner looking for something easier or just someone wanting to make a statement,...
What kid doesn't like chasing after butterflies in their own backyard? How about a fire pit and patio furniture? You know, the places where we entertain the most or the little ones play about.
Lush, green lawns are traditional, but many people are opting for lawn alternatives, which are often more sustainable, require less water, and are less time-consuming than regular turf.
Think of steep slopes, rocky areas or sand dunes. But the word simply means a plant you don't want on your land. For best results, pick plants that are native to your region, low to the ground and that spread rapidly.
Varieties with purple foliage are also available. Don't let the name put you off, this is actually an attractive ground cover with lovely variegated foliage and stunning spring blooms.Both fescue and ornamental grasses provide another alternative to the...
Blue star creeper isn't the perfect solution for every situation because this rambunctious plant can be invasive.(Speedwell) “Waterperry blue,” suitable for zones 4 through 9, is a stepable plant with deep green leaves that take on copper and burgundy...
Some people are beginning to use either pea gravel or recycled tumbled glass. It can take a medium amount of wear and when you walk on the chamomile it releases a lovely smell. Chamomile has feathery leaves and during the summer it has a white and daisy-like...
There are available blends for your region which will give you the varieties of plants recommended for no mow lawn ideas in your zone.Sustainable turf plants such as fescue provide reliable solutions for energy conservation and reduced need for resources...
It's a good idea to lay sturdy landscape fabric under gravel to keep them from working their way deep into the soil. A well-tended lawn makes your home look neat and tidy, but is it worth all the work?
Use a permanent Sharpie-type to write the plant name onto the label. The injections are effective for ten years.The aromatic oils in herbs are at their best early in the morning. Tetanus is commonly known as "lockjaw." There's no cure for tetanus.
Mulcher Some lawn mowers are capable of mulching grass, which means that they make multiple cuts in the same blades of grass, slicing them into small pieces that are spread unnoticeably across the yard.
The program arose out of Polk County leaders' desire to involve citizens in a county-wide effort to reduce the amount of ground-level ozone and fine particulate matter, explains Jeremy Becker, Air Quality Division manager.
As with Melting Out, the thatch is how the fungus spreads. There is nothing more frustrating than watching a well manicured lawn fall victim to some kind of grass fungus. A lawn disease caused by a fungus of some kind can create unsightly brown patches...