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Best Herbs To Grow

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Characteristics of a Basil Plant
Sow seed indoors six to eight weeks before the last frost. The shiny, oval leaves can be 4 inches long, and the stems are tough and square in profile. Basil plants thrive in sunny conditions and rich but well-drained soil and need abundant water, especially...
Santa Monica
How Do You Know When the Basil Plant Leaves Are Ready for Picking?
Remove no more than one-half the plant's height at each harvest.Pick basil leaves a second time three weeks later, after the plant has grown to its previous preharvest height. Cut off the leaves near the top of the plant, leaving at least two sets of...
Santa Monica
Is Lavender Poisonous to Cats?
The lavender plant in its natural form will not poison your cat if ingested in small quantities. An allergic reaction to lavender in your cat can include itching, which could lead to hair loss and open sores.Avoid applying any undiluted essential oils,...
Santa Monica
How to Thicken Laundry Detergent
This makes it easy to make laundry soap, dish soap or even body wash of consistencies that you prefer. Thickening your liquid soap detergent doesn't take much time, and the ingredients used are completely natural.
Santa Monica
How to Extract Lemongrass
Today, we use the extracts in perfumes, lotions and bug repellents, as well as in recipes. Use the resulting fragrant oil in any recipes conducive to a lemony flavor or for homemade lotions or creams.Chop the lemongrass stalk into small pieces.
Santa Monica
What Can You Use Mint Leaves for?
You may find a brand new purpose for this refreshing herb.Toss a handful of mint leaves in the tub for a refreshing bath.Hot mint tea is a refreshing brew that may even settle your stomach after a large meal.
Santa Monica
How to Hydroponically Grow Ginger
Water it well and regularly.Prepare the hydroponic system to receive the ginger plants. Even if you intend to plant only one ginger plant, it is helpful to attempt to germinate several rhizome sections at once to ensure germination success.Fill the pot...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Cilantro Hydroponically
Pour off excess water and drop two or three seeds into the center of each cube. Remove the plastic once sprouts appear and move the tray to a sunny area. Cilantro seeds are hard and may take up to 14 days for germination.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Herbs Inside Aquariums
Add an even layer of activated charcoal on top of the gravel, bringing it up to about one inch.Fill the aquarium with high quality potting soil until it reaches within 5 to 6 inches from the top.Plant either seeds or seedlings in the soil.
Santa Monica
Butter Daisy, a Low Maintenance Annual
They are truly low-maintenance, high performing plants.The butter daisy is known by such common names as butter daisy, star daisy, gold medallion flower, and I'm sure there are others.
El Segundo
How to Care for a Basil Plant
Repot or transplant if the soil is not well-draining.Fertilize 1 to 2 times a month with a liquid plant fertilizer. Basil, like many herbs, prefers conditions on the dry side. The care for exotic varieties such as Thai, cinnamon, holy, purple, lemon or...
Santa Monica
Cilantro Vs. Culantro
Culantro is an ingredient in stomach medicines and is used to treat flu, pneumonia and malaria, among other ailments.Cilantro produces the herb coriander. Culantro is added to heavy foods such as meats, sauces and chutneys.
Santa Monica
Diseases that Kill Rosemary Plants
It requires little supplemental watering. This member of the mint family is reliably hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 10, but is grown as an annual in cooler climates.
Santa Monica
What Is Snipped Parsley?
If storing in the vegetable bin, dry the parsley with paper towels and store in a small paper bag or wrap it in dry paper towels and place it inside a perforated plastic bag to encourage airflow.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Cardamom From Grocery Store Cardamom Seeds
Hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 to 13, the herb can flourish as a shorter nonflowering houseplant too, but attempts to grow it from grocery store seeds are likely to fail.Each green cardamom pod usually contains 10 to...
Santa Monica
Can You Sprout Flax Seeds?
If you use these professional products, follow product instructions.Soak the cloth in water and then squeeze it out so that it is moist but not soaked. Many garden centers, nurseries and Internet retailers offer growing kits for sprouting seeds such as...
Santa Monica
Characteristics of Ginger
The leaves are green and ribbed in texture. The part of the plant above the ground is a foot long upright stem with long, narrow leaves. It has been used for thousands of years as a medicine for a multitude of ailments.
Santa Monica
How to Fix My Lavender Plant That Is Turning Gray From the Bottom
Set the plant aside in a shady location.Dig up the soil where the plant was growing to a depth of 18 inches and place it on a tarp. If the plant hasn't been severely damaged, it will rebound and begin to produce new growth, although a plant with rotten...
Santa Monica
How to Identify Camomile
German camomile leaves appear very thin and feathery and the stems are somewhat hairy. Identifying camomile can be challenging because there are two different varieties: English camomile is a perennial herb, while German camomile is an annual herb.
Santa Monica
How to Freeze Fresh Dill
Pick in the morning when it is at its freshest by clipping the sprigs of dill weed close to the main stem of the plant.Rinse the sprigs of dill under cold water to remove insects or garden soil.Grasp the dill sprigs with a set of tongs and dip them into...
Santa Monica
Herbs With Blue Flowers
Sage is a low-growing plant suitable for borders. Some herbs are perennials that return every year from existing growth, while some are annual and sprout from seed every year. The stems are covered with prickly hairs that make handling the plant difficult...
Santa Monica
How to Save a Dying Basil Plant in a Pot
Eliminating dead parts encourages energy to go to the undamaged parts of the plant.Water the soil around the plant until the top 1 inch of soil is wet, but not saturated. Turn the plant every day to ensure that all parts of the plant receive adequate...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Oak Trees From Cuttings
You can propagate the tree with seeds or cuttings.Oak trees are used for their shade and their lumber.Prepare a mixture with equal parts of peat and perlite in a small pot for planting the cuttings.
Santa Monica
Why Is My Rosemary Plant Turning Black?
The leaves will turn black or brown as they shed from the plant due to the lack of sunlight. Too much humidity can lead to mold growth. Fungal diseases and mold will continue to spread on the plant and insects can even transmit the diseases to other plants...
Santa Monica
How Long Does it Take to Grow Herbs?
Hardy in USDA zones 5 through 9, it produces seeds that germinate in 10 to 40 days at 68 degrees Fahrenheit. So don't throw away the seed pot of parsley (Petroselinum crispum) after a few weeks because parsley takes 14 to 60 days to germinate.
Santa Monica
Why Is My Dill Turning Yellow?
Excessive fertilizer causes yellow leaves or soft, mushy stems. Place dill in a sunny window with southern or western exposure or use a grow light.Dill prefers slightly infertile soil.
Santa Monica
Dill Seed Vs. Dill Weed
Dill seed has a more pungent flavor than the weed and finds use in pickling and as a seasoning. It's a fruit less than an inch long that separates into two halves, each containing one true seed.
Santa Monica