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DIY Framed Chalkboard (+Bonus Spice Rack)
The board can be big or small—whatever fits your needs. Make sure to hang the finished board on a beam for extra stability. If the boards are too wide for your frame, determine the frame width you prefer (mine is 2 inches), and rip two of the boards...
Garden Pests 101: Get To Know the Aphid
The rear of the aphid's body has two distinctive pipe-like structures, known as cornicles, that are used to emit a defensive pheromone secretion that warns neighboring aphids of an impending predator threat.
Farm Storehouse: 8 Products to Help You & Your Operation
Coop Odor Eliminator Control ammonia odor and help dry out coops when chickens spend more time indoors with Chick Flic odor eliminator. Amberway Equine 2. So have a look at the things we found that can help your farm run better or keep you and your animals...
Learn To Love Knotweed
“Knotweed” is the nickname of several amazing plants in the Polygonaceae family, which also includes buckwheat , yellow dock and rhubarb , so it is not a stretch to find yet another very useful plant hiding under all the drama.
Up to (Electrical) Code
(In other words, don't call the inspector—follow up with your electrician to ensure the appropriate appointment has been set up.) On the other hand, if you're filing as a homeowner installation, all responsibility for meeting code falls on you.
Thoughts on Horns
And horned heads don't fit in milking stanchions very well. Aiah the calf has horns and so does Ludo the water buffalo. But there are good reasons to have horns too. Goats should never be pulled along by their horns because horns sometimes break off and...
Store in a cool, dark space, or freeze in airtight containers for six to eight months. Size: 18 to 60 inches Sunlight requirements: Full sun Water requirements: About 1 inch per week—herbs in containers need more moisture.
Healing Herb Plants – Tips On Growing A Medicinal Herb Garden
These ancient herb gardens ranged from simpleMost home gardeners don't have the room or the time to create and maintain a formal knot garden in their yard. You will find Rosemary in many hair and skin care products due to its regenerative effects on hair...
French Court to Monsanto: Guilty
This verdict may pave the way for other lawsuits against some of Monsanto's other herbicides and pesticides as well as those manufactured by other companies. Francois' lawyer, Maitre Francois Lafforge, says, “It is a historic decision in so far as it...
How To Dry Tomatoes And Tips For Storing Dried Tomatoes
The process will take 9 to 24 hours depending on the size of pieces.A dehydrator is one of the fastest and safest method of drying fruits and vegetables. The process can take up to 12 days.Use containers or bags that seal completely and do not allow moisture...
Gifts of Christmas Past
Looking around our wooded lot, we found an interesting piece of hickory. We drilled a large one in the center for our largest dowel and four others around the perimeter, including one in the “thumb”.
Friends Don\'t Let Friends Plant Thugs: Tips for avoiding aggressive plants
It's OK, you tell yourself. It grows on top of, or right through, every other plant nearby. It's fun, but use a bit of restraint. They can grow right into the root mass of neighboring plants.Seeds, scatter bombing your yard - Some plants make a million...
El Segundo
Tree Topping Information – Does Tree Topping Hurt Trees
The result is an unsightly tree with thin, upright branches called water sprouts at the top.Topping a tree seriously affects its health and value in the landscape. In addition, it reduces property values by 10 to 20 percent.
Information About the Tulsi Plant
It became known as "sacred" or "holy basil" after it was introduced to European Christians.There are three different strains of tulsi. Ocimum sanctum, know commonly as tulsi, is also known as "holy basil" or "sacred basil".
Santa Monica
What Are Medicinal Plants: Gardening With Medicinal Herb Plants
This super plant is a definite keeper when growing medicinal herbs.also has curative properties such as diuretic, to fight colic, promote milk production in new mothers, aid in digestive disorders, a curative for insomnia, and to treat coughs, flatulence,...
How to Grow Large Mung Bean Sprouts
The rack or bowls must hold jars at a slant to allow for water to drain and provide the seeds with adequate oxygen.Rinse the seeds twice daily by filling the jars with water, stirring the seeds to ensure uniform moisture, then draining the water into...
Santa Monica
In the garden feverfew serves as a natural insect repellent (including bees). Harvest flowers at full bloom. Feverfew (Chrysanthemum parthenium) is a member of the daisy family. With white petals and yellow button centers, feverfew's flowers look a bit...
Your First Blacksmith Project: Crafting Tongs
Now you can adjust the rivet tightness so that they open and close easily but don't wobble. These three lines are the three steps in forging a set of tong bits to hold flat metal. Materials You Need: 3/4-inch round or square steel for the tong bits (Approximately...
Rotate Your Pots
I keep them on the upper shelves all summer long, in the back row, so the sun won't burn them. They too stay on the bottom shelves all winter, receiving only a few drops of water, just enough to keep their tubers alive.
El Segundo
American Blackbelly Sheep
(A veterinarian should be consulted regarding parasite control.) Ewes lamb without assistance and do well on lower-quality forage. Primarily a meat sheep, American Blackbellies yield a very lean and mild carcass popular with ethnic and grassfed, all-natural...
Daylily Weed Control: Tips For Controlling Daylilies In The Garden
Many gardeners find their daylily is out of control and panic, but pulling them takes patience; these are not your typical landscape plants.Although orange daylilies are usually the problem plants, hybrid daylilies have the potential to run amok as well...
Growing Feverfew Herb In The Garden
Others say the scent is bitter. It re-seeds fairly easily, so you might find yourself giving away new plants within a couple of years. Spray water to keep the seeds moist as poured water may dislodge the seeds.
What Is A Rain Gauge: Garden Rain Gauge Info And Types Of Rain Gauges
Through trial and error, the next time you irrigate, the flow rate (gallon per minute) can be “reduced to ½ over 30 minutes. Ta-da! You are ready to record your local precipitation.The rain gauge is also a great tool to manage your irrigation.
Party Favors From the Heart: African Violets and Handmade Containers
It doesn't bother me though because if nothing else, I got everyone I know and love to try gardening at least once and had a wonderful experience doing so.seeds as a nice gesture. Each pot was no larger that 4" diameter.
El Segundo
First \'Maters
We turned into more avid cucumber fans a few years ago when my wife figured out we could make cold cucumber soup. In other work yesterday, I constructed the rack on which we'll grow the cucumbers.
Think Green When You Clean
Use these environmentally friendly tips to organize your urban farm and home. Clean Green Step 1: Sort Group like-items in each area of your urban farm and home. Once you go through your piles, create places to file or store what's important and to remove...
Yellow Evening Primrose Plant: Wildflower In The Garden
As the name suggests, the yellow evening primrose blooms at night. L) is a sweet little wildflower that does well in almost any part of the United States. The leaves are eaten like leaves and the roots are eaten likefreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...