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How to Trim Indoor Palm Trees
Use caution when you trim a palm, though, or you can cause lasting damage to the palm tree--even kill it.Palm trees are delicate plants and should be trimmed with care.Prepare your palm tree by fertilizing it a week before you start the trimming process.
Santa Monica
What Are Non-Resinous Wood?
Nonresinous wood is also easier to turn into charcoal. Non-resinous wood also accepts varnishes, lacquer, shellac, stains and other finishes better than resinous wood. The wood from trees that are do not produce resin, called nonresinous wood, usually...
Santa Monica
Animals & Plants in the Regions of Georgia
Tracts of native forest still exist along the coast and in rural areas, and include stands of redgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), black tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica) and slash pine (Pinus elliottii) trees.
Santa Monica
Uses of Carnauba Wax
As a plant-based substance, it's safe for human consumption and is often used as an anti-caking agent or a coating and as an ingredient in some candies, mints, frosting and sauces--among other products.Carnauaba wax is also used in many other products,...
Santa Monica
Dominant Plants in a Tropical Rainforest
The hollow trunk of the strangler fig is an enticing environment for animals, including birds, reptiles and rodents. Rainforests have over 50 percent of the plants and animals found on the planet, amounting to around 30 million species.
Santa Monica
How to Dry Cattails
Animals eat the seeds and use the fluff for nesting material. To preserve cattails, dry them and protect them from shedding their fluff.Cut cattails in late summer before they begin to lose their fluff.
Santa Monica
Diseases of Pine Trees
As such, eliminating alternate hosts will diminish the fungi population.Pitch canker usually affects pines growing in a plantation though it can also be found in a landscape setting.
Santa Monica
Maryland Mushroom Species
The scientific name for the honey mushroom is Armillariella mellea.These mushrooms look like coral found on the ocean floor, and grow on logs that are well decayed. There are also poisonous mushrooms that are very similar in appearance.
Santa Monica
What Are Rainforest Decomposers?
The rainforest ecosystem relies on these organisms to break down waste materials into usable energy for other plants. Waste that would typically take one year to decompose in a regular forest would decompose within six weeks in the rainforest.Because...
Santa Monica
What Are Fern Adaptations?
Their structures are very different from other types of plants, placing them in a category that is all their own.Ferns have complex structures above ground and below.If the fronds of the fern are similar in structure and function to the leaves of other...
Santa Monica
What to Do to Stop Plants From Leaking Water on the Floor
When you water, the excess moisture drains into the pebbles. Set the flower pot inside, on top of the pebbles. The soil absorbs moisture through the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot.
Santa Monica
Moss Facts
Mosses arrived on earth before humans and even before dinosaurs. Some species of mosses quietly grew and divided during the Permian Period, around 300 million years ago, and more than 100 species were captured in fossils during the Paleogene and Neogene...
Santa Monica
Mushrooms That Grow in Cow Fields
These mushrooms appear as small brown toadstools, often in clusters or "fairy rings." Many species bruise or age to a bluish color. Agarics found in cattle fields and pastures include Agaricus campestris (meadow mushroom), Agaricus andrewii (false meadow...
Santa Monica
What Is the Effect of Acidic Vinegar Water on the Growth Rate of Plants?
The acidity of household vinegar, with about 5 percent acetic acid, is not strong to cause lasting damage to the soil, and the soil should return to normal pH levels after a few days.
Santa Monica
How to Know If a Mimosa Tree Is Dead
So how can you be sure that your Mimosa tree is dead?The mimosa is a beautiful but messy and short-lived tree.Check the mimosa tree for yellowing leaves. The earlier signs of a dying mimosa tree are leaves that are beginning to turn yellow.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Creeping Myrtle
Hold the mulch in place with gravel or rough-ground corn cobs and perforate it every 4 to 6 inches. It typically appears in wet spring weather when the temperature is between 50 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit and sometimes in wet autumn weather.
Santa Monica
Comparison of Ferns & Flowering Plants
Ferns produce spores that form a fingernail-sized, flat, heart-shaped leaf horizontally on the ground when germinated. Flowering plants do this with pollination and seed production.
Santa Monica
How to Harvest Wild Mushrooms in Kentucky
Experts include extension agents and naturalists. Kentucky holds a variety of edible mushrooms ranging from the medicinal Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) to culinary oyster mushrooms, morels, chanterelles, boletes and honey mushrooms.
Santa Monica
Flowers That Look Like Bells
These plants do well in cool, damp areas, such as the Pacific Northwest; they will not thrive in heat and humidity. Cathedral bells bloom all summer into fall.Canterbury bells might be pink, rose, lavender, white or blue.
Santa Monica
Flowers That Symbolize Grace
Oleanders symbolize beauty and grace. The bright blossoms waving on their stems on mossy meadow floors are a symbol of cheerful grace.The heavenly scented jasmine flower (Jasminum polyanthum) symbolizes elegance.
Santa Monica
Why Do Desert Plants Need Long Roots?
When these pores open, the plant looses water through evaporation. Although surviving in the desert is difficult for humans, desert plants have evolved so that they can survive in all but the driest conditions.
Santa Monica
Amazon Rainforest Plants
They use their pungent odor attract to insects, which in turn pollinate the plants. However, given the shape and structure of the flowers, only specialized birds and insects can reach their nectar and pollinate them.The Kapok tree is the Amazon's largest...
Santa Monica
How to Seal Concrete Planters So Plants Don\'t Die
Water once weekly with a solution of 1 tbsp. Hypertufa planters have high alkaline levels due to the use of Portland cement. Paint on a single coat and allow it to dry overnight then paint on a second coat and let dry completely.Fill the container with...
Santa Monica
How to Root A Christmas Cactus House Plant
Christmas Cacti are notoriously difficult to root. This article might help you in rooting pieces for new plants or just rooting another in the same pot with the parent plant.Sometimes a large Christmas cactus will start to fall apart.
Santa Monica
My Peace Lily Is Turning Brown on the Tips
Peace lilies don't require much, if any, fertilizing. Extended exposure to temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit result in plant damage including brown leaf tips. Fill a sterile spray bottle with clean water and spray the peace lilies' leaves several...
Santa Monica
How to Make a Green House From Old Windows
Building a greenhouse doesn't have to be an expensive proposition. If you have access to old windows and moderate do it yourself building and carpentry skills, you can create an attractive and efficient greenhouse to extend your growing season or grow...
Santa Monica
How to Get Tree Sap Off a Windshield
If you happen to get tree sap on your windshield, don't worry. You don't have to spend a great deal of money on expensive automotive cleaning products, as you can use a variety of products that you may already have right at home.Apply a cleaning product...
Santa Monica