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African Violet Plants – How To Grow African Violets
Water with lukewarm or tepid water that was allowed to stand for 48 hours. Some indoor gardeners shy away from growing the frilly and elegant African violet () because they are intimidated by African violet care.
Crown Rot On African Violets: Learn About African Violet Crown Rot Treatment
The watering needs of houseplants can be tricky, however, and inadequate watering can lead to serious problems. And even more unfortunate, the most obvious above ground sign of African violet crown rot is leaves that wither, turn yellow, and eventually...
Reasons African Violets Are Leggy: Fixing Leggy African Violets
As new growth grows from the top spending much of the plant's energy, the old leaves at the bottom of the plant die back. After time, this can leave you with long necked African violet plants.The leaves of African violets do not like to be wet.
African Violet Diseases: What Causes Ring Spot On African Violet
Whichever method you prefer, remember that these plants are also prone to root rot, so without special hardware, like fancy pots or wicking systems, you'll need to be careful to remove any standing water that comes in direct contact with the soil once...
Tips For Easy African Violet Propagation
There are several ways to accomplish propagating African violet plants: growing from seed, rooting African violets and by division.?” is a good question because most of the time rooting African violets is done from leaf cuttings.
Dividing An African Violet Plant – How To Separate African Violet Suckers
Are cheery little plants that don't appreciate a lot of fuss and muss. Remove the plastic cover for a short period after four weeks, then gradually increase the time every day until the pup is no longer protected by the greenhouse environment.
Trailing African Violets: Grooming, Pruning and Propagating
For a fuller effect, combine several rooted cuttings in a pot, unless growing for show.Trailers grown for show must be single plants with a minimum of three crowns. Growing into a dense tangle?
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Growing African Violets for Foliage: Variegated African Violet Plants
Ethyl Champion developed many varieties with this type of variegation, and her name is often associated with it. Other varieties are strikingly colored all over with bold splashes of white, cream, and even pink.
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Trailing African Violets: Flowing Foliage and Bountiful Blooms
However, you may be able to drill three equally spaced holes near the rim of a deep plant saucer and attach wires or cords for hanging. Most likely, you won't find a pre-made plastic hanging basket that's shallow enough to suit African violets.
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African Violets - You Can Grow Them!
Not really.There is a simple trick that I have seen used many times with great results. The plant will stay fresh and the leaves will stay green. Sounds complicated you say? This is the best and most fun part! You can have babies ready to go to new homes...
El Segundo
Running Out of Room for Houseplants? Try Miniature African Violets
You may find that it's easier to use the tip of a pencil rather than your finger to dislodge suckers. Repotting a mature plant isn't done to give it a bigger pot but simply to refresh the soil and to give the plant a boost.Miniature AVs like the same...
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Party Favors From the Heart: African Violets and Handmade Containers
I hear these miniature tomatoes can grow in a 4 inch pot! I would have a busy week, forget to the check the humidity in the terrarium and lose half of my leaves. This plan included throwing, trimming, cutting drainage holes and glazing all 150 vessels.Burning...
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African Violets with GIRL foliage, what sweethearts!
Another name for this type of foliage is simply "scalloped."The center of the leaf, where its base meets the stem, is usually light-colored and slightly cupped.Because this leaf shape is less flat than most, the leaves have a tendency to get twisted and...
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Watering African Violets 101: Different Strokes for Different Folks
After bottom watering, the mat will absorb extra water and make it available to the plants over the next several days. It's usually harmless, but if you don't like the way it looks you can add a control product likeExperiment with different watering styles...
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African Violets 101: Getting Started with Your New Plant
The best thing you can do for your new plant is to repot it right away into a lighter mix. Having a lot of extra potting mix around the root ball just makes “wet feet” more likely.
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Dividing African Violets
Ever since I got married, I've had African violets in my home. If I don't take care of that and neglect dividing my African violets in time, it may happen to lose some of the colors and this I don't like at all.
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Add a Little Leprechaun Magic to Your Houseplants: Celebrate St. Patrick\'s Day with a GREEN blooming African Violet
His ‘Irish Flirt' is a personal favorite, with its rose-like double blooms and bright green leaves. We might be familiar with pink, white, or even multicolor flowers with stripes, edges, or fantasy markings.Among all these more usual colors, a growing...
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Gesneriads: The Blooming-est Houseplants
Suffering under the delusion that all flowering plants needed lots of light, I frequently allowed the poor things to sunburn. I hate to admit that I wasn't originally very good at gesneriads--despite their reputation as some of the easiest plants on the...
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Hardy \'African Violets\' - Ramonda, Haberlea and Jankaea
Specialty alpine nurseries offer them and periodically you can find them in seed exchanges such as that offered to members of the North American Rock Garden Society. These hardy African violets are not easy to find.
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Aquarium to Terrarium
I have a 35 gallon and a 10 gallon tank finished, and two 5 gallon tanks waiting to be created.Have fun with this project, a terrarium will give you many years of joy with relatively low maintenance.Many thanks to plantladylin for the use of her photos.
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House Plants as Decor: From Jumbled to Just Right
Or even just need a few pointers, here are a few tips for making that Schefflera look like it was born to sit next to that couch: If you would describe yourself as ?decorating dumb?
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African Violets 101: Make More Plants by Propagating African Violets from Leaf Cuttings
From leaf cuttings is simple and rewarding. For starting leaves, I usually use one part soil-less mix to two parts additional perlite, plus a few. A light soil mix, extra humidity, and patience are the keys to success.
El Segundo
Growing Flame Violets: Information For Episcia Flame Violet Care
Avoid direct sunlight.can also be used. Episcia flame violet houseplants have attractive, velvety foliage and flowers similar to their cousin, the. ) is a great way to add color to an indoor space.
What Is A Persian Violet: Care Of Persian Violet Houseplants
Do not water the tuber until leaves appear next season. These easy to care for plants will reward you with beautiful blooms when given optimal conditions. Growing Persian violet indoors can add a splash of color and interest to the home.
What Is African Gardenia: Tips On Caring For African Gardenias
Pick its location wisely, as African gardenia produces a large taproot which makes relocating the plant difficult.African gardenia care should include feeding with liquid plant food at every watering from spring through late summer.Move plants indoors...
Varieties Of Violets: Different Types Of Violets
The many violet plant varieties guarantee there is a sweet little Viola perfect for almost any gardening need.True violets have been cultivated since at least 500 B.C. Their uses were more than ornamental, with flavoring and medicinal applications high...
Wild Violets Care – How To Grow Wild Violet Plants
Keep reading to learn more about wild violets care.) have heart-shaped leaves with purple-blue flowers. While they tolerate many soil types, wild violets prefer soil that is moist, yet well-draining, and rich in organic matter.When growing violets, other...