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No Fuss Lawns With Zoysia Grass
Sloped areas may need to be secured with stakes to prevent the sod from shifting out of place before the roots have had adequate time to take hold.An alternative to laying sod is the method of laying strips.
Buffalo Grass Lawns: Information About The Care Of Buffalo Grass
With a few buffalo grass planting tips, you will be on your way to an adaptive and flexible lawn.Buffalo grass is native to North America. Its busiest growing period is between May and September.The plant forms a fine turf with bluish green color 8 to...
Growing Bermuda Grass: Learn About The Care Of Bermuda Grass
In warmer tropical areas, Bermuda grass will remain green all year long. This grass sprouts quickly and is very hard to get rid of once it starts growing.Start by raking the area to be seeded until it is as smooth as possible.
Managing Bermuda Grass: Learn How To Kill Bermuda Grass In Lawns
Useinstalled 6 inches into soil to prevent the grass from spreading into and competing with your shrubs and flowers.Vigilance is required to get rid of Bermuda grass but not plants in highly established gardens.Effective management of the grass in established...
Zoysia Diseases – Tips For Dealing With Zoysia Grass Problems
It is usually caused from overly dry conditions and lack of proper fertilizer. This zoysia disease presents itself as an orange, powdery-like substance on zoysia grass. It also helps to limit the amount of fertilizer used on zoysia grass.If you find sections...
Removing Zoysia Grass: How To Contain Zoysia Grass
One of the best ways to keep zoysia out of neighboring lawns or garden beds is to establish good borders. With its quick-spreading growth habit, zoysia grass can oftentimes invade and choke out neighboring yards and gardens.
What Is Blue Grama Grass: Information On Blue Grama Grass Care
Are becoming more popular in garden and home landscape use due to their low maintenance and ease of care. It is a low growing grass that spreads from rhizomes and spreads slowly. Keep the bed moist in spring, but not soggy, until germination which generally...
Growing Fine Fescue: Learn About The Care And Uses For Fine Fescue
The shade tolerance of the plant is attractive to gardeners with numerous trees, and in low light, the turf is still vigorous and thick. What is fine fescue? Fine fescue for lawns germinates quickly and establishes readily.
Learn More About Using St. Augustine Grass For Your Lawn
St. Augustine grass is a salt tolerant turf suited for subtropical, humid areas. It retains its color longer than other warm season grasses when exposed to cool temperatures and requires infrequent mowing.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
What Is Tall Fescue: Growing Tall Fescue Grass In The Lawn
The grass is a perennial bunch grass which establishes quickly and is low maintenance in appropriate locations. Tall fescue is a cool season turf grass. White grubs are particularly a problem and should be controlled.Older lawns may develop empty patches...
Red Fescue Planting: How To Grow Creeping Red Fescue Grass
However, once it is established, it has a very deep root system and is very resistant to wear and drought. In places where temperatures are high and there is a great deal of humidity, grass may turn brown and go dormant.
What Is Poverty Grass: Learn About Danthonia Poverty Grass
The leaves can get 5 inches long if left untrimmed. The plant isn't invasive and does not spread from stolens or rhizomes. It can thrive in full sun to partial shade, and will survive periods of drought.The plant has a central crown from which the blades...
Grow A Grass Houseplant – Growing Grass Indoors
The general rule for wheatgrass indoors is that it will grow anywhere you have other houseplants. Wet the soil with a sprayer before you lay down the seed and then check the soil for dampness for the first week.
Common Grass Houseplants: Varieties Of Indoor Grass Plants
Grass is one of those plants that makes you think of summer lawn games, cool blades against your cheek as you nap in dappled light and the brush of finely textured foliage kissing your instep as you saunter about the yard.
Japanese Sedge -- An Easy-Care Groundcover
Planted in enriched soil and watered regularly, it slowly grew into a clump big enough to dig and divide into three plants. During the winter the plants may look a bit tattered, but if trimmed in early spring, new foliage emerges and renews the planting.
El Segundo
Scouring Rush, a Remnant of Ages Past
Gardeners are urged to grow this very aggressive plant in containers to restrain its creeping rhizomes. Spores are produced in sharp-pointed cones (strobili) about one-inch long on the tips of fertile stems.The giant equisetums went the way of the dinosaurs...
El Segundo
Rattlesnake Quaking Grass Info: Care Of Ornamental Quaking Grass
Tiny blooms shaped like rattlesnake rattles dangle from slender, graceful stems rising above the grass, providing color and movement as they shimmer and rattle in the breeze — and gives rise to its common names.
Preventing Flopping Grass: Causes Of Ornamental Grasses Falling Over
Whether you want to make a subtle statement or a big impact,can be just the right design detail for your landscaping. Wrap a strand of garden twine that matches the grass around the entire clump, about halfway up the stalks.
Propagating Decorative Grasses: How To Propagate Ornamental Grass
Take the whole stem and allow the flower stalk to dry in a cool, dry place. Watch carefully for stress from sun, insects and diseases, like fungal issues. Many perennial plants benefit from division.You simply dig up the plant when it is going dormant...
What Is Adagio Grass: Tips For Growing Adagio Maiden Grass
Almost any soil from moist clay to dry, sandy compositions are acceptable. Growing Adagio maiden grass provides winter interest as well as drought resistance and erosion control. The foliage is also a standout.
Dwarf Mondo Grass Propagation
This is where dwarf mondo grass propagation comes in handy.There are two propagation methods available for dwarf mondo grass. ‘Nana') is a Japanese plant that has charmed the gardens of the world.
Fountain Grass Trimming – How To Treat Brown Tips On Fountain Grass
This is normal and allows for new growth to have sufficient space, air and light in helpful and visually appealing to remove the dying grass at the end of the season or just as the new season begins.Other browning fountain grass causes may be...
Mondo Grass Care: How To Grow Mondo Grass In Your Garden
The components of the name are derived from the Latin words for snake and beard, a reference to the spiky flowers.As a lawn substitute in shady to partially sunny locations, it is a great sod alternative that never needs mowing.
What Is Bottlebrush Grass – How To Grow Bottlebrush Grass Plants
The species name,, comes from the Greek word for hedgehog and describes the bristly seed head. Soil for this grass is ideally sandy and loamy, but it should do well in most soil conditions.
Zebra Grass Planting: How To Care For Zebra Grass
The plant is perennial but the foliage dies off in cold weather, leaving an architecturally interesting skeleton. The plants work well in containers but will need more water than those in the garden bed.Fertilize in spring with a good organic plant food.
Pruning Pampas Grass: When And How To Prune Pampas Grass Plants
Few plants make as bold a statement in the landscape as. Hedge pruners and electric shear aren't up to the task. Remove these clumps when you do your annual pruning to prevent overcrowding and to preserve the shape of the clump.
Fountain Grass Turning White: My Fountain Grass Is Bleaching Out
The bleaching is a natural part of the plant's life cycle.Fountain grasses are perennial plants that form dense clumps of airy foliage. Rest your mind, the plant is doing quite fine.