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Zoysia Grass Plugs: Directions For Planting Zoysia Plugs
Planting zoysia plugs after mid summer will not give the plugs enough time to establish themselves well enough to survive the winter. The zoysia grass plugs should planted in a checkerboard pattern as you continue on.After all the zoysia grass plugs are...
Centipede Grass Maintenance And Planting Tips
To make spreading the centipede grass seed easier, you may want to mix the seed with sand. Keep reading to learn more about how to plant centipede grass and caring for centipede grass.Centipede grass can be grown from centipede grass seed, sod or plugs.
No Fuss Lawns With Zoysia Grass
The most common problem encountered with zoysia is, which consists of layers of decomposed roots. Continual mowing is not a concern with this type of grass; however, when mowing zoysia grass, cut it at a shorter height, around one to two inches., it does...
Buffalo Grass Lawns: Information About The Care Of Buffalo Grass
Buffalo grass lawns are very adapted to low moisture areas. The grass spreads by stolons and was first used as a turf grass in the 1930s. The plant has a history of being expensive and hard to establish but planting buffalo grass from the newer cultivars...
Growing Bermuda Grass: Learn About The Care Of Bermuda Grass
Growing Bermuda grass is easy as long as you have the right conditions.– For those that have not planted Bermuda grass for turf or other practical uses, its presence can be that of a weed and is very hard to get rid of.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Managing Bermuda Grass: Learn How To Kill Bermuda Grass In Lawns
Keep the mowing height fairly high (3 to 3 ½ inches tall), irrigate to 6 inches twice per week and fertilize at the appropriate time and rate for your sod species.will help minimize Bermuda grass invasion.
Zoysia Diseases – Tips For Dealing With Zoysia Grass Problems
You can typically identify this zoysia disease by its distinct brown ring that encircles a green center. Although fungal spores of brown patch cannot be fully eliminated, keeping zoysia healthy will make it less susceptible to the disease.
Removing Zoysia Grass: How To Contain Zoysia Grass
While herbicide treatments usually begin in late summer, to achieve the best results, apply the herbicide while the grass is still green and actively growing.Also keep in mind that non-selective herbicides still have the potential to kill other plants...
Cows in Winter
The fences do not seem as high as they do in summer, and one heifer has decided that, if she can step over it, it isn't there. The front door is usually at least part way open except on the heavy weather days or in extreme cold.
El Segundo
What Is Blue Grama Grass: Information On Blue Grama Grass Care
It is a warm to temperate zone grass that requires sun and dry earth but tolerates a range of soil types, from rocky to sandy, with moderate to alkaline pH levels.About the only condition it cannot stand is boggy or overly wet sites.
Growing Fine Fescue: Learn About The Care And Uses For Fine Fescue
It is a standard turf grass that is bunching and perennial. Fine fescue for lawns germinates quickly and establishes readily. The grass stays green all year long in most regions and is drought tolerant.Fine fescues encompass at least 5 major species.
Learn More About Using St. Augustine Grass For Your Lawn
Also known as carpetgrass, St. Augustine creates a smooth even turf which is tolerant to extremely high temperatures and low moisture. Some of the most widely used include:Each selection is bred for reduced cold sensitivity, insect and disease resistance...
What Is Tall Fescue: Growing Tall Fescue Grass In The Lawn
Keep evenly moist for 14 to 21 days, at which point you should see your first seedlings. Tall fescue in lawns forms a nice dense grass that cannot be mowed below 1.5 inches. It works as a lawn in either sunny or partially shady areas.Tall fescue in lawns...
Red Fescue Planting: How To Grow Creeping Red Fescue Grass
However, if you receive more than 18 inches of rain, irrigation will not be needed. Because it grows well in sandy soil, it is also great for landscaping in tough spots. Once fall temperatures arrive and more moisture arrives, the grass will rebound.freestar.queue.push(function()...
What Is Poverty Grass: Learn About Danthonia Poverty Grass
It can thrive in full sun to partial shade, and will survive periods of drought.The plant has a central crown from which the blades grow. Sow at a rate of 3,000 per square foot. What is poverty grass?
Grow A Grass Houseplant – Growing Grass Indoors
These grass varieties need to thrive at more moderate temperatures, which isn't the case with most species of grass.Another problem with most varieties of grass is that they need more light to grow than they will find indoors.
Common Grass Houseplants: Varieties Of Indoor Grass Plants
Consider indoor stadiums and soccer fields and you will see that it is not only possible, but they flourish. Your kitty will love it. Trimmed types of indoor grass bring order and lushness to any container.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Japanese Sedge -- An Easy-Care Groundcover
The catalog read, "Carex morrowii 'Aurea-variegata' (Japanese sedge). It is time to dig and divide again. One-quart container. Since then, it has been divided again, so I now have an area large enough to make an impact in the backyard landscape and to...
El Segundo
Scouring Rush, a Remnant of Ages Past
A handy key can be found in the internet for those interested in identifying theGrow horsetail rush in full sun to part shade. Guidelines for its management and information on controlling the plant can be found on
El Segundo
Rattlesnake Quaking Grass Info: Care Of Ornamental Quaking Grass
Don't cut the plant down in autumn; the clumps of dry grass add texture and interest to theDig and divide rattlesnake grass in spring if the clump looks overgrown or if the grass dies down in the center.
Preventing Flopping Grass: Causes Of Ornamental Grasses Falling Over
One of the few problems you may have with an ornamental grass plant, however, is the stems falling over, otherwise known as lodging of ornamental grasses.Preventing flopping grass in the garden is easier once you understand why ornamental grass falls...
Propagating Decorative Grasses: How To Propagate Ornamental Grass
You may choose to store them but best germination is with fresh seed.Surface sow in good potting soil with just a dusting of sand on top. Some notes on how to propagate ornamental grass will get you on your way to more free plants and a tumult of waving...
What Is Adagio Grass: Tips For Growing Adagio Maiden Grass
This allows the silvery new growth to shine at its best.Adagio maiden grass requires little other special care. In late winter, gather all the foliage into a net of string, much like a ponytail, and neatly whack it off.
Dwarf Mondo Grass Propagation
‘Nana') is a Japanese plant that has charmed the gardens of the world. Use your hands to break the clump into smaller clumps or use a sharp, clean knife to cut the clump into smaller clumps.Plant the dwarf mondo grass clumps in the locations you would...
Fountain Grass Trimming – How To Treat Brown Tips On Fountain Grass
As a warm season grass, older fountain grass growth responds by dying back. Correct timing is the most important step in how to prune browning fountain grass. If water is still standing half an hour later, you will need to remove the plant and amend the...
Mondo Grass Care: How To Grow Mondo Grass In Your Garden
Once established, you can pretty much forget about the plant unless you want to go check out its seasonal beauty, or it is time to divide it.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Imagine great grassy tussocks...
What Is Bottlebrush Grass – How To Grow Bottlebrush Grass Plants
The seed head also resembles a bottle brush, hence the common name for this grass.The grass is green but turns brown as it matures, typically beginning in late summer. Bottlebrush grass in gardens and in native settings tends to grow in attractive clumps.