Some people choose to start by seed; however, most prefer to, all of which can be acquired at most nurseries or garden centers. The most common problem encountered with zoysia is, which consists of layers of decomposed roots.
It is the only native grass that is also useful as a lawn grass. Buffalo grass lawns are warm season turf which are drought tolerant with better cold resistance than other. Seeded lawns will have both male and female plants.Broadcast seed at the rate...
Once the grass is established, the watering frequency can be decreased, but the amount of water per watering session increased. The grass will need one inch per week if there is not significant rainfall.As soon as the grass reaches 2 inches, it can be...
Ensure that you get all the rhizomes and stolons, and do it before the plant sets seed. The plant's vigor and tolerance of heat, drought and heavy foot traffic make it an ideal choice to colonize difficult to maintain, low nutrient areas.It also makes...
However, zoysia grass problems do pop up on occasion – most often from zoysia diseases like brown patch.Although relatively free from most pests and diseases, zoysia grass isn't without its faults.
Treated areas will eventually turn brown and provided no more zoysia has popped up, it is generally safe to reseed the area within a couple weeks.For those looking for a non-chemical form of removal, the only option is to remove the grass altogether with...
It is a warm to temperate zone grass that requires sun and dry earth but tolerates a range of soil types, from rocky to sandy, with moderate to alkaline pH levels.About the only condition it cannot stand is boggy or overly wet sites.
Its only major drawback is that it doesn't perform well in high traffic areas. It may go dormant in periods of summer with temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 C.) but will reanimate when cooler conditions arrive.Growing fine fescue requires soil...
Also known as carpetgrass, St. Augustine creates a smooth even turf which is tolerant to extremely high temperatures and low moisture. It retains its color longer than other warm season grasses when exposed to cool temperatures and requires infrequent...
The grass is a perennial bunch grass which establishes quickly and is low maintenance in appropriate locations. White grubs are particularly a problem and should be controlled.Older lawns may develop empty patches and it may become necessary to sow seed...
In places where temperatures are high and there is a great deal of humidity, grass may turn brown and go dormant. While there are a number of these grasses available, one of the lesser known types – creeping red fescue – is becoming more popular.
Flower spikes will form if the plant is left uncut.United States Department of Agriculture ranges of 3 to 11freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });The poverty grass does not grow well when confronted with other...
Can grass grow indoors? The care for indoor-quality grass seeds is minimal. Wet the soil with a sprayer before you lay down the seed and then check the soil for dampness for the first week.
Consider indoor stadiums and soccer fields and you will see that it is not only possible, but they flourish. Turf grass may be germinated from seed in flats or directly into containers.
How many of us have placed an order for a plant we just had to have only to find that it did not flourish in our gardens? Nothing ventured, nothing gained, I always say. Cultivars of many of the species increase the number of selections exponentially.
Once it becomes established it is almost impossible to eradicate. Spores are produced in sharp-pointed cones (strobili) about one-inch long on the tips of fertile stems.The giant equisetums went the way of the dinosaurs but can be found in fossil records,...
Once established, the plant self-seeds readily.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });, it performs best and produces more blooms in full sunlight.Rattlesnake grass needs rich, moist soil.
Avoid any more fertilizer for the rest of the year.Another reason your ornamental grass may flop over is that it has grown too big. These plants benefit from being divided every three or four years.
Produce not only graceful beauty but a symphony of soothing sound. This is where all my ornamental grasses reside and provide an effective border andfreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Every few years, the...
The clumping form produces a fountain of leaves topped from summer to winter with the attractive plumes. This allows the silvery new growth to shine at its best.Adagio maiden grass requires little other special care.
Use your hands to break the clump into smaller clumps or use a sharp, clean knife to cut the clump into smaller clumps.Plant the dwarf mondo grass clumps in the locations you would like them to grow in.
They are easy to grow and generally unfussy about their site, but occasional brown tips on fountain grass can be a clue to incorrect site conditions, cultural care or simply a natural part of the plant's physiology.
Mondo grass spreads by stolons, or underground stems, and can slowly form dense colonies. It is not a true grass but does have strappy leaves and a clumping habit. Keep soil moderately moist during establishment.If you are growing mondo grass as a lawn,...
It grows to a height of between two to five feet (0.5 to 1.5 meters). Are popular in gardening and landscaping because they are easy to grow and provide a unique look you can't achieve with flowers and annuals.
Zebra ornamental plants have long arching leaves with appealing stripes across the width, like dappled foliage in the sun. The plant is perennial but the foliage dies off in cold weather, leaving an architecturally interesting skeleton.
You'll need to wear leather gloves, long pants and a long sleeve shirt to avoid getting cut.Pampas grass pruning is much easier when you have proper tools for the job. Hedge pruners and electric shear aren't up to the task.
Near the end of the season, you may find your fountain grass turning white, bleached and unappealing. The sway of gently arching foliage and swish that follows as they rustle in the wind are treats for the eye and the provision of the elegant, with a...