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Homegrown Oat Grains – Learn How To Grow Oats At Home For Food
The length of time for curing will vary depending upon the weather and may be several days to several weeks. Spread out a tarp or sheet and then either stomp the oats loose from the stalks (cover the oats first before tromping all over them) or use some...
Tips For Growing Amaranth For Food
It is more tolerant of drought than most other leafy vegetable and will tolerate a wider range of soils than other grain crops.The leaves on an amaranth plant can be used at any time.
What Is Khorasan Wheat: Where Does Khorasan Wheat Grow
Kamut, the ancient Egyptian word for ‘wheat,' is the registered trademark used in marketing products made with khorasan wheat. He and his agricultural scientist and biochemist son researched the grain.
What Is Wheat Rust: Learn About Rust Diseases Of Wheat
Wait at least three years before planting again in the same area. Small, round, yellow spots form first, and later pustules containing the spores appear on the plant. This begins with tilling under the remains of the previous year's crop and making sure...
What Is Quinoa: Learn About Quinoa Plant Benefits And Care
It was one of the few nutritionally complete crops that could survive the harsh mountain latitudes. Quinoa needs short days with cool night temperatures and daytime temperatures below 95 F.
Durum Wheat Information: Tips On Growing Durum Wheat At Home
What is durum wheat? Cover the seed by raking it to a depth of 1-1 ½ inches (2 ½ cm.) and tamp down the seeded area.Once the area is seeded, there really isn't all that much additional care when growing durum wheat.
January is National Oatmeal Month
Oats come in many forms: rolled (the oats are steamed, rolled, re-steamed, then roasted), steel-cut, also known as coarse-cut, pinhead, or Irish oats (whole grain cut into two or three pieces by steel), quick cooking (whole grain cut into small pieces...
El Segundo
Wheat - you can live without it!
Transfer the pans to wire racks to cool, then invert the pans onto the wire racks. Also less usual but edible and nutritious are wild rice, amaranth, millet, teff and sorghum.Maybe because they aren't "mainstream", these alternatives to wheat are frequently...
El Segundo
The International Year of Quinoa
Quinoa is such an exceptional source of affordable protein thatThe Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nationscelebrates quinoa as a high quality food for health and food securityis that it is easy to cook and tastes great as a stand-alone...
El Segundo
Love Lies Bleeding: A Memorable Name for a Striking Plant
February has arrived, and with it continual reminders that Valentine's Day is rapidly approaching. The photographers were listed as JMosberger, la fattina, and Sprayman, respectively.
El Segundo
--ancient food of Incan civilization is packed with protein and a delicious, modern choice
Just don't say "KWEEN-oh-ah," please.y the seeds of the flowers of a plant in the Chenopodiaceae family, closely related to spinach, lamb's quarters, beets, Swiss chard and goosefoot.
El Segundo
Quick Craft: Felted Wool Dryer Balls
Green up your laundry practices by replacing dryer sheets with these easy-to-make dryer balls. I like to use bergamot essential oil, but other scents you might find pleasing include lavender, rosemary and eucalyptus.
Make Your Own Lavender Dryer Sachets
So I started using dryer sachets, which make my brain even happier, because the clothes never have a "fake" scent. When I found out that a large percentage of commercial dryer sheets contain formaldehyde (along with a host of other toxic chemicals) I...
El Segundo
Can You Put Dryer Lint In Compost Piles: Learn About Composting Lint From Dryers
Each pile requires a large variety of materials, which are divided into two types:. Set a container in your laundry room for saving the lint, such as a milk jug with the top cut off or a plastic grocery bag hung on a hook.
Dryer Trouble-shooting: Keep It Simple
Both my dealer and I had made a complicated assumption but really the problem was quite simple and basic. He was at our house the next day, opened up the machine, looked for possible problems around the motor and drive unit, and found nothing.
Grain Feed Vs. Feed Made From Grain
A couple months ago, I went out of town and left my husband at home to care for the flock. The only way I could get them near it was to mix the scratch with it, and of course, they bamboozled me, eating mostly the scratch that lay between those cylindrical...
Bran: More Than Just \
But nothing beats that warm, nutty i¬avor that wheat bran imparts to baked goods or sprinkled over cereal or casserole. Yum!1/2 cup dried cranberries (or raisins if you prefer)Lightly grease baking sheets.
El Segundo
Growing Grain for Japan
This ensures a constant infusion of cash for the Japan relief effort, Caldwell says. At the end of each week, the co-op sends a check to the Red Cross. Meat producers are getting involved, as well.
Why Do Pollen Grains Have Spikes?
It can survive exposure to extreme heat and strong acids and bases. Each male flower produces thousands of grains to compensate for the fact that most fail to reach a female flower.Pollen grains are part of the male part of a plant.
Santa Monica
4 Grains You Can Feed Your Livestock
Barley Barley is fed whole or broken down by grinding or rolling. According to the USDA ERS, 94 percent of soybeans grown in the U.S. in 2014 were genetically modified, so if this is a concern to you, seek out non-GM or organic soybean meal.
How to grow: Amaranth (Grain) (Growing Guide)
When the weather is dry, bend over seed heads into a large bucket and clip them off. Troubleshooting Flea beetles often make small holes in leaves, while larger holes may be the work of night-flying beetles or Japanese beetles.
Enjoy the Taste of Eating Right
March brings us "National Nutrition Month", a time to celebrate healthy eating. For a tasty treat try a parfait with layers of milk soaked chia, pureed mango and your favorite yogurt.
El Segundo
Ergot Grain Fungus – Learn About Ergot Fungus Disease
Ergot fungus is a serious pathogen that can infect yourand other grasses and grains – learn how to identify this problem early in its lifecycle.Ergot is a fungus that has lived side by side with mankind for hundreds of years.
How To Garden In Drought
In New Hampshire, where I live, I've noticed that the winters are colder, the springs are drier and the summers are hotter. Native people that lived near rivers dug canals and trenches to divert the water to their gardens when they could, but more than...
Up to Scratch: A Guide to Specialty Grains for Chickens
Litt suggests a windowsill fodder system. With nutritional needs in mind, Litt and Harper educate people about the use and offering of scratches. The summer is a time to add alternatives that provide nutrition, such as calcium and protein.
What Is the Difference Between a Spore & a Pollen Grain?
Spores grow into reproductive organisms called gametophytes. Neither of these groups of plants produces flowers. Other plants that produce spores include the Lycophyta and Bryophyta or mosses.
Santa Monica
3 Gluten-Free Grains to Add to Your Kitchen and Garden
Begin with 1 cup of millet. Add a few tablespoons of warm farm-fresh milk, a drizzle of honey or maple syrup, and chopped nuts or fresh berries for a healthy breakfast. Let stand for 10 minutes before using.For a creamy porridge, bring 5 cups of water...