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Buyer\'s Guide To Small Farm Utility Vehicles
Horsepower Utility vehicle engines run the gamut from 8 horsepower to 18 horsepower. Of course, with six tires, you have a 50 percent higher chance of getting a flat tire, and two extra tires to replace when they go bald.
Tips on Buy Replacement Wheels for Small Farm Machines
If the axle on your yard cart is, say, 3/4 inches in diameter, the axle opening on the wheel needs to be precisely this size. There are other factors to consider as well, such as the type of tire (solid rubber or inflatable?) and whether the tires, if...
Plow Snow With Your Lawn Mower Or ATV/UTV
You can also attach weights directly to the wheels, as this can increase traction without weighing down on the entire machine. Snow Plow Vs. Snowblower If simply plowing the snow into a pile won't work, which could be the case if clearing a path to you...
A Beginning Farmer\'s Guide To Generators
Working in the dark is easy when you have outdoor lights and delivering water is simple when electricity pumps it to convenient locations and ensures we have a steady supply. Portable Generators As their name implies, portable generators are small and...
Can You Afford That Tool?
The Machinery Cost Calculator asks you to input many details about the equipment—interest rate, fuel cost, equipment age, hours of use, et cetera—and calculates ownership cost, fuel and lube, and repairs and maintenance, plus total costs per acre...
Methods & Tools To Remove Tree Stumps
These machines come in a wide variety of sizes and designs, with some being not much bigger than a hand-pushed mower and others being massive units capable of tackling huge stumps and penetrating deep into the ground.
Shipping Containers Recycled Into Mobile Farms
So far Freight Farms has sold 54 Leafy Green Machines, which cost $86,000 for this year's model, plus an additional $8,000 to $16,500 annually for growing supplies, electricity and water, ABC News reports.
7 Items You Need For An Oil Change
Various Tools & Wrenches It's always wise to have a few of your tools on hand, particularly if you're going to replace the oil filter. Fortunately, changing oil is a simple task as long as you have all of the necessary items and tools for the job.
Buy the Soil Tiller That\'s Right for Your Needs
Stronger engines are suitable for wider tillers that can cut through a lot of soil at once, and the added strength also comes in handy for conditions that are hard to work with, such as clay soils or sod.
Dryer Trouble-shooting: Keep It Simple
Let an electric appliance stop working, as our clothes dryer did recently, and you are quickly reminded how vital these machines are. Like so many things in life, when dealing with electric motors, stop, think and check for connections gone bad before...
Garden Visitor: The Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
Besides the ruby-throated hummingbird, other types of hummingbirds summering in the U.S. include the black-chinned hummingbird of the American Southwest and the rufous hummingbird, common in western states.
El Segundo
Grey Water: What is it and how to use it
Grey water is water from your sinks, showers, tubs, and washing machines. Greywater may contain traces of dirt, food, grease, hair, and certain household cleaning products. The toilet sewage would continue to drain into the sewer or septic system.
El Segundo
Napping in the Graveyard Moss
It is because of them I wake up some days wondering if all these lopsided memories contributed to the gray that is running rampant through my hair.We went to the cemetery quite often, about once or twice a month on sunshiny Saturdays, starting in early...
El Segundo
Let\'s Do Laundry!
(Oh, yeah!) I found many folding-station examples that placed the countertop directly atop the washer and dryer, but I didn't want that to eventually harm the appliances and I wanted the option of pulling the appliances out for maintenance, cleaning and...
Plant Roots Used to Treat Wastewater
“Just like in a wetland, the roots of these plants and associated bacteria clean the water as it flows under the basin surface and through the two columns.” Both culvert pipes are filled with alternating layers of porous rocks, composted cow manure,...
DIY Laundry Detergent
Laundry products can be a costly portion of your monthly grocery budget. You can also add 1/4 to 1/2 cup white vinegar to the rinse cycle to increase softness, remove odors and prevent build-up.
Use Your ATV/UTV for Hunting
Always wear a helmet and your seatbelt—these two small things may save your life. First and foremost should be your preference for solo or group hunting, which can determine if you would want an ATV or multi-passenger side-by-side.
Go Green to Get Green
Reward the Earth and your pocketbook by using the ecoATM Kiosk to get rid of old cell phones and other electronics. In June 2009, ecoATM installed the first Automated eCycling Station at a large consumer-electronics retailer, and in September 2009, ecoATM...
Block That Noise: Why Every Farmer Needs Earplugs or Earmuffs
If you value your hearing (and who doesn't?), you want to avoid working long hours while taking in the never-ending growl of powerful engines. Rather than use loud machines for hours on end, break up the periods of noise with breaks, and try to reduce...
How Does a Combine Harvester Work?
Next came threshing, when the cut stalks of grain were beaten to separate the grain from the chaff. These horse or steam powered machines were fed cut stalks of grain by hand, and automated the process of separating grain from chaff.
Santa Monica
5 Tools You Need For The Spring Thaw
However, when the ground gets soft and muddy, neither is ideal, as snow sleds won't slide easily and heavy machines can tear up the ground. Rubber Boots Perhaps nothing is more essential to have on hand during the spring thaw than rubber boots ! When...
Tater Totes: DIY fabric pots for potatoes & other plants
I add a little soil and manure to cover the seed potato, and then mulch (some may prefer more soil). I am now using a double thickness of the landscape fabric material to make them more durable (just in case I need to pick them up to run with again).Viewer...
El Segundo
10 Uses for an ATV or UTV on Your Farm
Using a specially designed attachment—essentially a large, side-mounted metal enclosure with user-controlled gates—some people literally “catch” young calves so that they can be temporarily separated from their mothers and cared for with less...
3 Reasons Everyone Needs A Ratchet-And-Socket Set
This makes them faster and easier to use than traditional wrenches, where you must either turn them in a continuous loop (not always possible when working in tight quarters) or remove them from the nut after every partial turn to adjust your position.
Can\'t Afford A Tractor? Use Your ATV/UTV To The Max
If you need two or more people to help run a fence line or maybe just to move cattle from lot to lot, you can get up to six friends into some UTVs and up to two individuals on the ATVs made for two-person riding, all while pulling that fencing trailer...
Chainsaw Safety, Part I
I usually start by checking fuel level, chain lubricant level and the air filter. Chainsaw safety has become more important than speed. Of course before starting the engine, I put on hearing protectors to retain what hearing I still have.
What You Need To Know Before Buying An Auger
But when the going gets tough and a lot of hard work needs to be done in a short amount of time, you need machines to get the job done. However, it's important to make sure that you purchase an auger that will fit your tractor; confirm that your tractor...