Stakes go at either end of the row of peas, with the third stake in the middle. It's so sad.)Now, we'll use those newspapers you saved as a mulch base layer. Tools need to go under roof.
Altering a pre-made apron is a quick and easy craft with very little sewing and would be a great project for kids with a little help from an adult.I spent some time experimenting with an apron for myself and a few as gifts for friends.
Gather your tiny plants and accessories to create the scene or theme you want in your miniature. Critters just do not play well with miniature gardens!Most of my indoor plants do well in the dappled shade of my back yard during the summer months, so I...
The luffa sponges will last a long time if allowed to completely dry out between uses.Of the many practical uses for the sponge, creating luffa soap is one of my favorites. 2005.Joshi BK, HB KC, RK Tiwari, M Ghale, BR Sthapit & MP Upadhyay.
Temperatures are in the negatives. A trial two-month subscription, if you are still unsure after our tour, is only the price of a cup or two of coffee.Yawn! Good morning. There is plenty to keep us busy and you may just find something you've been missing!
The idea was simple.Every person would plant all they could in order to take the pressure off the national food supply. Until that time, he still planted it to remember those who never came home and honor the bravery of those who did.The war department...
They weed, water and generally tend to the garden during the growing season. Many who live in condos, apartments or have home with small yards need someplace to grow things and the Goodwill Garden gives them a place to do this.For a small fee residents...
Besides, I think a water lily would really be attractive.Total cost was quite frugal. Be sure to check the curing time on whatever brand of sealer you use.Of course, if you have a liner or water-tight contaner, that isn't necessary.
It is part of a Korean Senior Citizen apartment complex. In my many visits to this garden I don't think I've seen anyone younger than 70 years old in this garden, yet these are some of the most immaculate that I have ever seen, not a weed in site.
This left many vacant lots throughout the city which became littered and weed choked.The auto industry had been hit hard and unemployment began to climb. It's about 3 blocks from the giant Motor City casino.
Five and seven are also asymmetrical numbers that would be pleasant. Upright and tall rocks represent heaven, flat rocks represent earth, and diagonal rocks represent humans. You want to be able to carve ripples, waves and patterns.Now that the sand is...
The garden is used by students for research as well as local residents to grow organic vegetables and flowers.Welcome to the Uof M Dearborn Organic Community Garden.Recycled good are used throughout the garden as witnessed by sunflowers in clay drain...
We placed it in the garden and decided to stop for a well-deserved coffee break. It was up on some rocks so it wasn't half rotted like old logs can be. Half barrels, window boxes, etc.
I will not mourn the loss of the three Indian Hawthorn bushes that were moved to the side yard.My landscaper warned me these lovely shrubs may not make the trip from the front yard to the side, and he was right.
The most expensive item in the whole project was the bag of potting mix. She uses 5 or 6 for strength. This attractive little planter was created from a $1 chair, some pass along plants and an old terracotta flowerpot.
Made with the same toughness of the larger spades, the border spade is great for working in beds, tight spaces and planting smaller shrubs. Most of today's better tool makers use hardwood from FSC Certified forests.With all that said, let's have a closer...
Feel free to experiment with different containers, different seed potatoes and watering methods.This is also a fun project for kids. I believe that the vine being exposed to a lot of sunlight helps to produce a lot of fruit.
During my visit today with my good friend Beth, I decided to focus on garden structures and art. Adding small surprises, a decorative fence or even a large stone will give your garden personality!No visit to the Missouri Botanical Garden is complete without...
We dumped a ton of river rock for a path in the middle of the inside and installed a watering system for the soaker hoses.(Click to view a larger image that can be printed.)* 10 each, ½" diameter x 18" long rebar (bent with a 2" L-shape on one end)*...
Having the various clock components pre-made could shorten the construction time on project day, and help to work out any bugs beforehand. Determine a sun clock design that best suits your needs, or the area you have to work with, and the size clock your...
Seeds are cheaper, right? I'll buy one of those special white bee suits with the netting if I have to. Then there were those with prettypackages grabbed in singles or twos every time I went to a store.
OK, so we all have a little garden art here and there. If you keep the bulk of your garden art in the flower beds, you are most likely okay.If you still have more plants than art, see above.
Armored tanks and rose gardens may strike you as an odd combination if you have never visited Cantigny Gardens in Wheaton, Illinois, which combines a military museum with well-tended lawns and flower beds that supply the visitor with hours of pleasure.
I've arranged them in categories, with each category representing some basic aspect of gardening.Questions? By necessity, by proclivity, and by delight, we all quote.--Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
If you'd like to order one, here are some current suppliers:These items are available at home improvement stores and hardware stores. Please scroll down to the form below. If you'd like to duplicate my terra cotta fountain, here are the items you'll need...
Spring can start slow here, snow lingers and the wind blows chill sometimes well into May. That doesn't stop the birds from singing and the grass from greening, or me from putting it all into words.
If you see a statue of a saint in a garden, more than likely it's St. Francis with bird on his shoulder. St. Francis may have protected the birds and animals of the garden, but the actual patron saint of gardening is an Irish monk named St. Fiacre, whose...