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Dear Sheila (2), Groundbreaking time in your new veggie garden
The list above might total to $60 or thereabouts. Time to stretch our backs, brush off our knees and contemplate your new garden, empty of greenery but full of hope!Note that fertilizer and lime recommendations will vary with regions and soils.
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A Quick & Easy Harvest Apron
A slit cut through all the layers to form the buttonhole will have a tough time ripping any further. Use your imagination to create your own unique harvest aprons, using what you have on hand.
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Miniature Container Gardens Provide Indoor-Outdoor Fun
The miniature garden hobby is a rapidly growing subculture among garden enthusiasts. I find baby toads in everything and have had several surprise--up close and personal--meetings.
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For the Love of Luffa, or is it Loufah?
The large leaves are 3 to 5 lobed. Antioxidant Constituents in the Fruits of Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem.American Chemical Society: J. Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is prolific in full sun and will tolerate a little shade.The seeds are easily sprouted...
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A Day at Dave\'s Garden
Theall needed a drink, but the plumber had the water turned off. If you've been wondering what's so great about being a subscriber at Dave's Garden, or thought, "why bother subscribing?", join me as I wander around for a day.
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V for Victory - Victory Garden That Is!
They passed out booklets on how to plant the garden, care for the garden, and how to cook and use the fruits of their labor.. In the last few years people around the nation have started to care more about what they eat and less about buying foods for...
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Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part I
Located in a large city park, this garden has evolved into a huge success in just a few short years. Many who live in condos, apartments or have home with small yards need someplace to grow things and the Goodwill Garden gives them a place to do this.For...
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The Frugal Gardener: Money Saving Projects and Tips; How to Create a Small Water Garden
I knew it was waterproof and could even be painted over. I estimated that it held about 20 gallons of water. There's a little bit of algae starting to form, but nothing to be concerned with yet.
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Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part IV
I guess gardening is a universal language. Each resident has his or her own plot/These gardeners are very ingenious; they are able to garden about 10 months of the year by using homemade hoop houses and cold frames.
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Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part III
The old Michigan Central train station can be seen from the garden.Very little is thrown away, cut logs are used to borderThese 5 city lots produce organic vegetables, berries, honey and a tree nursery to provide shade trees for members.
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Making a zen garden: Your garden is your spa
Whatever you have that will hold sand in your space will work. Of course there could be pages written on what zen is, but I'll just stick to the gardening aspect.. Patina on a lantern or moss on a rock and weathered wood are examples of koko.
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Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part II
There are 2 tool sheds located on site for tools and other equipment. The work sessions are capped off with a pot luck picnic and socializing.Common areas are maintained by all the gardeners once a monthA gazebo provides a break area and location for...
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Container Gardening to The max
Another excellent example of what can be done with a little imagination and a few plants.Every gardener has an old wheel barrow hanging around. Don't stop there, anything that can hold soil can be a planter.
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Promises, Promises: My Gardening Resolutions
Eek.However, I predict this will be an easy resolution to fulfill, because I was extremely pleased with the results of the few flowers I started from seed this past year.Part of my success should be attributed to my finding a great source for healthy,...
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The Frugal Gardener: Money Saving Projects and Tips; How to Make a Planter From an Old Chair
Everyone loves unique planters, but the pricey offerings at most nurseries and garden centers leave precious little money for plants. Frugal Gardeners are found world-wide and we constantly search for money-saving ways to stretch our garden budget.
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Unorthodox Gardening Methods
This is a perfect project for young kids, especially when if child can get their own pallet!To find free pallets, call your local garden supply store or any store that carries large equipment.
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Missouri Botanical Garden: Garden Structure
Remember to use lighting in your home garden for evening enjoyment.I didn't think that this fence and archway could ever be improved, but the addition of the Chihuly glass takes it over the top!, as you come around a bend in the path.
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Use cattle panels to build an arched trellis & hoop house
The basics of the structure are that the cattle panels are rigid, strong, but flex just enough to lend themselves to be used in this fashion. It was a great success despite the late tomato blight, so this year I wanted a more structurally sound arched...
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Sun Clocks: Interesting TIME In Your Garden!
Having the various clock components pre-made could shorten the construction time on project day, and help to work out any bugs beforehand. I am sure you can think of countless ideas for your sun clock, or sundial!All photos in the Public Domain, and Attribute...
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Garden Resolutions: Next Year I Shall...
If you work 70 hours a week, have six children, own a lot or acreage with heavy clay soil, and have never used a shovel before, do not put "Plant 10,000 summer bulbs" on your list.Rule firmly in mind, I'm ready to begin now.
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Garden Bling Bling - Garden Art
Likewise, if you are in the area and people stop, thinking you have a yard art store, you have way too much garden art. OK, so we all have a little garden art here and there. Family and friends look at most gardeners with their garden art and always tend...
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Cantigny Gardens
Water flows from a fountain in the garden's center, and benches sit in the shade beneath the 130 foot pergola, which is not, surprisingly, covered in climbing roses. Armored tanks and rose gardens may strike you as an odd combination if you have never...
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Wit and Wisdom: Gardening Commentary Through the Ages
Why are quotations so popular? I enjoy hearing from my readers!All images are courtesy of Wikimedia unless otherwise indicated. You can access additional quotes Please scroll down to the form below.
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A No-Wa-Wa Fountain for Your Garden
If you'd like to order one, here are some current suppliers:These items are available at home improvement stores and hardware stores. Please scroll down to the form below. Pea gravel is also available at garden centers.New or used pedestal birdbath with...
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Spring Poems
Late in the season, I begin to feel a part of it all, down to the very small.: "March 1" "Equinox" "April Fool's Song" "Spring Ahead" "A thousand little spiders" "The peepers sing" "May Breeze" "Ephemera"
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St. Fiacre, Patron Saint of Gardeners
Fiacre's feast day is a matter of debate. Faro told him he could have as much land as he could entrench in one day. During the Dark Ages, monasteries were repositories of learning, and it is here that Fiacre became a skillful user of healing herbs.
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Spring Cleaning in the Garden
They will help keep the soil moist in dry weather. There will be a few rotten leaves to remove. There is nothing as barren-looking, in my eyes, as a spring garden that has been raked cleaner than a vaccuumed carpet.
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