If you choose to make culinary use of the leaves, expect it to taste a bit stronger than oregano. In my garden, cold weather has never killed Mexican oregano to the ground. In cooler climates where it gets killed to the ground in winter, it performs more...
Every morning during summer, pinkish buds open to expose white flowers along tall, wiry stems that wave in the breeze or dip and dive with the weight of bumblebees as they gather pollen or nectar from the flowers.
With all these selections nobody need go without fireworks for the Fourth of July or any other day of the year. Fireworks are plentiful this time of year, but not only in the night sky.
For one thing, it is not necessarily purple. Echinacea's long, thick tap root sometimes makes division tricky, but it grows deeply, and the plants are quite drought tolerant once established.
After it was established I planted it in the landscape in a sunny area with particularly poor soil where it continues to thrive.Gopher apple is an important plant in the ecosystems of the coastal plain.
Advanced gardeners and those who have been seriously bitten by the daylily bug can feed their addiction for the newest introductions, which sometimes top $300 (USD) for a double fan.
The plant's common name, pink turtlehead, is a reference to the showy pink flowers whose open “mouths” invite bees to enter. Article, I discussed four popular fall-blooming perennials, the aster, boltonia, Japanese anemone and helenium.
The leaves stay evergreen in the growing area and it loves to have moist, but not wet, soil. They are stunning in the garden and very carefree. Thank you to htop for the image.This is a wonderful and bold plant for the garden.
But if bold isn't your style you can still grow kniphofias, creams, greens and corals would fit into a calmer scheme.I hope this article encourages you to try these wonderful perennials.
Leave the pot in the sink to drain before replacing it in its permanent location. If it is dry at the bottom, soak each plant until the ground is damp 4 inches deep.Allow sedums to dry out between waterings.
Zones 3-8.DGMember photos by Aphthona, ngam, bigcityal, mystic, poppysue, mgarr, daryl, Kruch72, galanthophile Helenium is easy to grow in a sunny spot and not fussy about soil. Pinching the tips of stems back in spring or early summer will help encourage...
This is one of those "first year sleep, second year creep, third year leap" perennials and it's obvious why it was chosen as the 2010 Perennial of the Year. Baptisia dies back to the ground in winter, but you'll get plenty of showiness from bloom time...
If you're fond of growing tuberous begonias, enjoying them in the gardens of others, or just viewing their photos, you can thank Begonia boliviensis and two Nineteenth Century plant explorers.
They might not bloom the way they used to, but they bloom. The room we have to add new plants grows smaller and smaller each passing year. It is pleasing to know that the flower you are looking at could be seen by others the world over.Like I said before,...
Recent breeding efforts with the native Heuchera villosa species have resulted in amazing new selections and are now offering an opportunity for you to add "sizzling" color to your gardens this year! Dramatic foliage colors, late summer blooming for the...
That's the kind of gardener I am. I took her for a short tour, trying to focus on the Hardy Hibiscus scattered all around. They are surprisingly fast growers once they start. As they get older and bushier they might require staking.
Palmatiloba, P. For the back of the border, they are second to none! As long as they have steady access to soil moisture, Ligularia will provide you with the ultimate plant for Big, Bold and Beautiful!
Like a fine wine, they improve with age. The Astra series include ‘Astra Blue', ‘Astra Pink', ‘Astra White', ‘Astra White Double', ‘Astra Lavender Double' and ‘Astra Blue Double'.
Thin, opposite, finely-toothed, lance-shaped, dark green leaves are up to 5 inches long.Look for cultivars ‘Flower Power' (white speckled with light pink), ‘Natascha' (pink and white bicolor), ‘Rosalind' (dark pink), ‘Alpha' (medium pink), and...
During the winter the plants may look a bit tattered, but if trimmed in early spring, new foliage emerges and renews the planting. Never jarring or obtrusive in the landscape, the sedge is a foil for the brightly colored caladiums that join the grouping...
Habitat varies considerably from high alpine regions of the Rockies, Alps and Himalayas, to moist woodlands and streamsides and even along sandy beaches extending well into the Arctic.
Even dried flower heads are attractive and can be used in dried arrangements.The thing is to not let the confusing nomenclature keep you from growing these beautiful plants. Standing up on tall scapes and announcing their presence in no uncertain terms,...
The speedwells exhibit considerable variation in size and form, from low and creeping to tall and narrow. Spicata are 'Foxy Lady', 'Royal Candles', 'Red Fox' and 'White Icicles'Often considered as hybrids are the cultivars 'Sunny Border Blue', 'Pink Damask'...
Was I ever wrong!From spring all the way through to the killing winter frost, I would battle the grass growing up through a foot of soil and newspaper! I ended up tearing out the flowerbed and digging out the grass – the hard work I was trying to avoid...
Applying a low-nitrogen, high-phosphorus fertilizer in the spring can help improve water retention and soil texture. Once the seedlings germinate, which typically occurs within three weeks, remove the carton from the plastic bag and place the carton in...
[1].Atlanta by Ida Mae Gatlin and passed on to her daughter and then to Jimmy and Becky Later he crossed that with a wild daisy-like Northern California flower to make a double/triple fringe-petalled variety he named ‘Marconi' and a triple-quadruple...
Let me introduce you to this tried and true ornamental! With the recent surge of new cultivars this plant will be with us for many years to come. Imagine a purple-leaved 'Black Beauty' with white or pink-edged leavesa the stuff of dreams!I would...