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Tater Totes: DIY fabric pots for potatoes & other plants
I am now using a double thickness of the landscape fabric material to make them more durable (just in case I need to pick them up to run with again).Viewer comments offered excellent ideas for reusing fabric feed sacks, recycled shopping bags, burlap...
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Dear Sheila (2), Groundbreaking time in your new veggie garden
Hand digging, even the scruffiest of barely tended lawn grass, is something of a workout. More informational links are highlighted in the text.Dear Sheila (1), You have to "pick" seeds before you can pick vegetableson learning planting tchniques by planting...
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A Quick & Easy Harvest Apron
How many shirts or skirts have you ruined by pulling them up and filling with nuts, herbs, fruits, and vegetables? Use your imagination to create your own unique harvest aprons, using what you have on hand.
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Miniature Container Gardens Provide Indoor-Outdoor Fun
I learned the hard way that they will perform better if allowed to sit in a sheltered area outside for a day or two before being introduced into the house or the yard.Prepackaged cactus soil is great for succulent gardens and with a little added peat...
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For the Love of Luffa, or is it Loufah?
Luffa is a genus of the Cucurbitaceae family, and include many cultivated and wild varieties. Luffa likes mulch to retard weeds and to retain soil moisture. 4 Dec 2008Du, Xu, Li, Zhao,...
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A Day at Dave\'s Garden
Putting up your own vegetables and fruits is a good step towardWhat a day it has been!! My tummy is full and the critters are all snoozing in front of thebook, curl up in front of the tv and see if there is a movieI hope you've enjoyed this trip through...
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V for Victory - Victory Garden That Is!
Victory gardens---an idea that was lost to me. In the last few years people around the nation have started to care more about what they eat and less about buying foods for quick consumption.
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Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part I
At the beginning of the growing season the plots are roto-tilled and turned over to the residents. Community barbeques are not an uncommon event in the garden.By the way the Goodwill Garden is organic, Integrated Pest Management is practiced.
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The Frugal Gardener: Money Saving Projects and Tips; How to Create a Small Water Garden
Any large decorative container is perfect for a water garden; you can even purchase a liner for half whiskey barrel. I purchased a packet of mosquito dunks and per the instructions, 1/4 of a dunk will protect my garden for a month.
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Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part IV
I estimate the garden is about 2 acres in size are divided in plots that are about 20X10 feet in size. I stop and visit this garden several time a season we communicate with a wave and a smile.
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Grow The Most Delicious Watermelons Ever!
Watermelons are prone to powdery mildew , anthracnose, Alternaria blight. Feed & Water The Plants Watermelons love hot weather, but they do not love drought. Space vines 3 to 4 feet apart, and keep 5 feet between rows.
Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part III
These will replace some of the many ash trees lost to the EAB. Founded by 3 Dominican Nuns to teach low income inner city families to grow their own food. The garden has two sections, one to provide members their own produce and a “community” section...
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Making a zen garden: Your garden is your spa
Then there is the material you are going to use for the frame to keep your sand in. There is balance and harmony, though.This principle is simplicity. Think about the principles and the objects you use and you will have a true zen garden.
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Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part II
The second garden in my series on community gardens has a lot of historical significance behind it. The work sessions are capped off with a pot luck picnic and socializing.Common areas are maintained by all the gardeners once a monthA gazebo provides...
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Container Gardening to The max
Sure, the neighbors might shoot you a few strange looks, but who cares? You may be surprised at the beauty you can create. Later I wandered out to take another look at it and discovered Mom had taken advantage of the hollowness and planted a few plants.
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Promises, Promises: My Gardening Resolutions
I never fertilize them. Yes, fellow gardeners, this year will be the year I get my act together. So far, I've just ignored it.10. As a result...well, they look pretty bad, and they certainly haven't flowered for awhile.When I had 15 or so, I'd dutifully...
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The Frugal Gardener: Money Saving Projects and Tips; How to Make a Planter From an Old Chair
Here at Dave's Garden, we have thefor members to show off their frugal finds. When the young plants are established, it will be moved to a sunnier area and its permenant home.Two weeks later, the young plants are established, actively growing and ready...
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Unorthodox Gardening Methods
A soaker or misting hose is ideal for new seedlings.You may also place your pallet into a vertical position to save space and grow your plants vertically.Those of us who have limited growing space need to take advantage of the space we do have.
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Missouri Botanical Garden: Garden Structure
The stone draws your eye down the slope, tempting you to wander to the next path.It makes me happy to see that I'm not the only one.As you can see from this small tour, there is more to a garden than the plants.
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Use cattle panels to build an arched trellis & hoop house
Method with a strong trellis for my tomatoes. The basics of the structure are that the cattle panels are rigid, strong, but flex just enough to lend themselves to be used in this fashion.
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Sun Clocks: Interesting TIME In Your Garden!
The components can be set flush with the ground for easy yard maintenance, or created with small structures and plantings, or embedded in sand and stone-filled beds. We admire the beautifully ornate sundials in elaborate formal gardens, but it is not...
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Garden Resolutions: Next Year I Shall...
Next year, I won't let them stop me. Well…..The painful fact is that I bought seeds last year. Maybe I won't have to endure their pitying, knowing smiles. Then there were those with prettypackages grabbed in singles or twos every time I went to a store.
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Garden Bling Bling - Garden Art
OK, so we all have a little garden art here and there. If this is an issue for you, then you might want to add a sign to your yard stating that the figures are not for sale.If you have a storage unit just for your out-of-season garden art, then you just...
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Cantigny Gardens
Armored tanks and rose gardens may strike you as an odd combination if you have never visited Cantigny Gardens in Wheaton, Illinois, which combines a military museum with well-tended lawns and flower beds that supply the visitor with hours of pleasure.
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Wit and Wisdom: Gardening Commentary Through the Ages
You can access additional quotes Why are quotations so popular? "They often convey an important, witty idea or thought relevant to a conversation or topic in succinct, possibly memorable or historic words, often honoring a tradition, well-proven fact...
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A No-Wa-Wa Fountain for Your Garden
What is a "no-wa-wa" fountain? Please scroll down to the form below. Here are some online sources:Before purchasing, be sure you know the depth of the available at paint-, hardware-, and home improvement stores.I've borrowed Steve's term, somewhat...
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Spring Poems
Spring can start slow here, snow lingers and the wind blows chill sometimes well into May. That doesn't stop the birds from singing and the grass from greening, or me from putting it all into words.
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