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Dear Sheila (2), Groundbreaking time in your new veggie garden
Thankfully, next year's list will be smaller. Come to think of it, if youand have never limed the lawn, you probably should, too.Gloves-- I like the new style, knit with rubber coated gripBagged compost or composted manure--one or two, 40-pound bags,...
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A Quick & Easy Harvest Apron
These aprons are long enough to turn up the bottom edge and attach buttons and buttonholes to form a big adjustable harvest pocket. Likewise, reinforcement is needed for any buttonholes in thin fabric to keep buttons from pulling off through the fabric.
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Miniature Container Gardens Provide Indoor-Outdoor Fun
Select a sturdy vessel big enough to hold the number of plants you will use, plus room for your mini landscape structures. This is useful for plants that have the same light requirements, but different water and soil conditions.
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For the Love of Luffa, or is it Loufah?
The large leaves are 3 to 5 lobed. It is sought after for its sedative, anti-inflammatory, analgestic, and detoxicant properties.These fascinating and useful luffa sponge gourds can be grown in zones where their full maturity can be reached in 120 to...
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A Day at Dave\'s Garden
Came back inside and, ackk! coffee! Stupid. I grew them myself last year. A fine morning it is too. Figures, they're all sitting in the windows, smart cats. Waiting for the photos to load I began to look around me.
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V for Victory - Victory Garden That Is!
I have been told that there was not a yard to be found inthat was not given, in part or full, to a victory garden. Our counterparts inand many other friendly nations also took part in the effort.
El Segundo
Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part I
Produce raised in the community garden is donated to area food pantries to help feed the disadvantaged. Many of these offenders have no previous gardening experience; so this becomes a learning experience for them also.You can tell the pride these folks...
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The Frugal Gardener: Money Saving Projects and Tips; How to Create a Small Water Garden
There's a little bit of algae starting to form, but nothing to be concerned with yet. I originally chose a spot under my crape myrtle tree, but research indicates containers need to be sited away from dropping debris.
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Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part IV
This community garden is located in Wayne, Michigan about 15 miles west of Detroit. In my many visits to this garden I don't think I've seen anyone younger than 70 years old in this garden, yet these are some of the most immaculate that I have ever seen,...
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Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part III
These will replace some of the many ash trees lost to the EAB. It's about 3 blocks from the giant Motor City casino. It stands in the middle of urban Detroit. This left behind many homes which fell into disrepair and eventually had to be torn down.
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Making a zen garden: Your garden is your spa
Even numbers go against principle of fukinsei. Think about the principles and the objects you use and you will have a true zen garden. This step is very important. You will need sand.
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Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part II
Her rose garden still stands on the mansion site.Local school groups from kindergarteners to high school seniors are almost daily visitors to the area.There is a large sugar bush on site where each spring sap is drawn for maple trees and cooked into maple...
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Container Gardening to The max
Eventually they broke down and rotted, but for a few seasons they wereWhat I'm trying to say is that there are no rules to container gardening. Hubby and I hauled it home. I knew perennials would not survive our harsh winters planted in there but annuals...
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Promises, Promises: My Gardening Resolutions
This has worked ok in the past, but since I'm growing more flowers from seed now (see #6 above), better organization is called for. Sometimes it seems easier to just buy new ones, you know?But, with the economy and environment being in such sorry states,...
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The Frugal Gardener: Money Saving Projects and Tips; How to Make a Planter From an Old Chair
A few of these keep just enough moisture near the roots during the blistering summer heat and the plants stay healthier.A bit more potting mix on top of the crystals, finish filling the container.
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Unorthodox Gardening Methods
For a large tote or my 20-gallon pot I plant 6 pieces of potatoes. Good drainage is critical for the cultivation of healthy potatoes so you'll want to cut or drill a series of large drainage holes in the bottom and bottom sides of your container.I grow...
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Missouri Botanical Garden: Garden Structure
Remember to use lighting in your home garden for evening enjoyment.I didn't think that this fence and archway could ever be improved, but the addition of the Chihuly glass takes it over the top!, as you come around a bend in the path.
El Segundo
Use cattle panels to build an arched trellis & hoop house
You will have to judge for yourself which will suit your needs and budget.The hillside was dug out about two feet deep at the high end to help level up the site.The angle iron rails were installed on either side of the dug out area and made level, parallel...
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Sun Clocks: Interesting TIME In Your Garden!
The more simplistic traditional sundials sold in garden centers do not tell time all that well (to me), but serve as a decorative reminder of a bygone era.I spent weeks searching through math-ladden web sites looking for a simple design, custom template,...
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Garden Resolutions: Next Year I Shall...
If you work 70 hours a week, have six children, own a lot or acreage with heavy clay soil, and have never used a shovel before, do not put "Plant 10,000 summer bulbs" on your list.Rule firmly in mind, I'm ready to begin now.
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Garden Bling Bling - Garden Art
Do you have more plants or more garden art? The real key here is to leave at least a few good sized areas for grass to grow without anything else.This helps you and it keeps the local neighbors from giving you the stare.When you start to remodel, or are...
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Cantigny Gardens
Cantigny is not a botanical garden. Benches invite visitors to relax and enjoy the displays. Its beds hold over a thousandbushes of 55 varieties, grouped according to their flowering habit — Floribunda, Hybrid Tea, etc.
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Wit and Wisdom: Gardening Commentary Through the Ages
They are also often used to support, oppose or present an entirely different view of a situation in a humorous light or pridefully used in an attempt to bolster one's credentials as to being knowledgeable."--Yahoo AnswersI'd like to share with you some...
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A No-Wa-Wa Fountain for Your Garden
Please scroll down to the form below. The term "no-wa-wa", perhaps a tad cutesy, originated several decades ago in a contest by Steve Gander, a local Iowa boy, who grew up to become one of the top rodeo event promoters in the U.S.
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Spring Poems
Spring can start slow here, snow lingers and the wind blows chill sometimes well into May. Late in the season, I begin to feel a part of it all, down to the very small.: "March 1" "Equinox" "April Fool's Song" "Spring Ahead" "A thousand little spiders"...
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St. Fiacre, Patron Saint of Gardeners
He himself retreated to a solitary cell, living a life of prayer and manual labor in his garden.The legend upon which Fiacre's sainthood rests is this: Fiacre asked the local bishop, Bishop Faro, for more ground on which to plant food and herbs.
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Spring Cleaning in the Garden
Take your time, stop occasionally and breathe in the fresh clean air, enjoy the feeling of the sun's warmth on your face. I'll park my wheelbarrow and give them a really good looking over.
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