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Miniature Container Gardens Provide Indoor-Outdoor Fun
The information contained here is not comprehensive, so you may need to do additional research for your projects.Learn the difference between dwarf, miniature, & bonsai. You can trim the long thick roots to a little less than the depth of your container...
El Segundo
For the Love of Luffa, or is it Loufah? 4 Dec 2008Du, Xu, Li, Zhao, Jerz, & Winterhalter. Luffa for Health. Leung's Chinese Herb News. There are so many uses for this sponge-filled novelty.
El Segundo
A Day at Dave\'s Garden
Came back inside and, ackk! coffee! Stupid. Waiting for the photos to load I began to look around me. I grew them myself last year. Figures, they're all sitting in the windows, smart cats.
El Segundo
V for Victory - Victory Garden That Is!
Growing up in a family that had members in every war from the War forto the Gulf Wars, I thought I knew everything there was to know about life during the trying times of war. These gardens also gave many a worried mother and father something to fill...
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Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part I
Many who live in condos, apartments or have home with small yards need someplace to grow things and the Goodwill Garden gives them a place to do this.For a small fee residents can rent a plot for their own personal gardens.
El Segundo
The Frugal Gardener: Money Saving Projects and Tips; How to Create a Small Water Garden
She said that it cuts down on muddy water. I purchased a packet of mosquito dunks and per the instructions, 1/4 of a dunk will protect my garden for a month. This little water garden is perfect for a patio or deck and since it isn't permanent, is a good...
El Segundo
Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part IV
Every inch of space is utilized...They have dammed up a ditch that carried rain water from the parking lot and created a rice paddy which is very productive. The reason being no one in this garden speaks English.
El Segundo
Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part III
This location is actually the second spot this garden has been located. I am proud to say that I was a part of organnizing this program which has become an overwhelming success. , Michigan has to be one of the leading cities in the U.S. in establishing...
El Segundo
Making a zen garden: Your garden is your spa
This step is very important. There is balance and harmony, though.This principle is simplicity. Finally you will need a small rake.This will take some thought. Will there be hills of grass left in the sand to simulate islands in the sea?
El Segundo
Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part II
The mansion is designated as a National Historic Landmark. It's not uncommon to see deer, fox and a myriad of wild birds. An area is set aside just for kids to grow tend and harvest vegetables just like the grownups.A garden like this is an excellent...
El Segundo
Container Gardening to The max
The photo of the planted tub to the left was generously donated by DG member Candyce. Eventually they broke down and rotted, but for a few seasons they wereWhat I'm trying to say is that there are no rules to container gardening.
El Segundo
Promises, Promises: My Gardening Resolutions
Some kind of weird tree is growing out of the pile now too. Yes, fellow gardeners, this year will be the year I get my act together. But that got old fast, and several died despite my pampering, so I became frustrated and started to ignore them.
El Segundo
The Frugal Gardener: Money Saving Projects and Tips; How to Make a Planter From an Old Chair
The rust was simply surface rust and only added to the effect.Cassidy places the terracotta pot in the resulting hole and it fits like a glove. (we just thought the sparks would look cool!)The rusty bottom didn't take long to remove and the ring it was...
El Segundo
Unorthodox Gardening Methods
I believe that the vine being exposed to a lot of sunlight helps to produce a lot of fruit. As the potatoes continue growing, continue adding soil-compost mix until you reach the top of the container.After about 10 weeks or until the plants flower and...
El Segundo
Missouri Botanical Garden: Garden Structure
It is a wonderful example of color that can be included in a garden with materials other than plants. We sat here for quite awhile. Imagine the lilting tune from the little boy. The stone draws your eye down the slope, tempting you to wander to the next...
El Segundo
Use cattle panels to build an arched trellis & hoop house
We are still working on block steps, retaining walls, and a small patio in front. It also helped to stiffen the trellis hoop.Here is the cattle panel arched trellis about the middle of June, 2010, with plants growing on the inside in beds, and on the...
El Segundo
Sun Clocks: Interesting TIME In Your Garden!
At the very least, they may be fun and educational projects that can be as simple, or elaborate, as a budget will allow, and space permits.The following web site information may help you understand some basic sundial terminology before getting started...
El Segundo
Garden Resolutions: Next Year I Shall...
I could buy a lot of plants for what the beetender's suit costs.Scrutinizing the first item on the list, I realize seeds can be untrustworthy. How long will it take them to germinate?
El Segundo
Garden Bling Bling - Garden Art
But how do we know when the art stops and the shock-your-family-get-you-in-a-nut-house art starts? Here we go! There are a few little tips to help you know when you have really crossed the line in the world of garden art.
El Segundo
Cantigny Gardens
The grounds are also the home of the official First Division Museum, and the lawn in front of the museum building is used to display over a dozen armored tanks from WWI and later periods.
El Segundo
Wit and Wisdom: Gardening Commentary Through the Ages
I enjoy hearing from my readers!All images are courtesy of Wikimedia unless otherwise indicated. I've arranged them in categories, with each category representing some basic aspect of gardening.Questions?
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A No-Wa-Wa Fountain for Your Garden
If you'd like to duplicate my terra cotta fountain, here are the items you'll need and where to find them:The terra cotta fountain I used is a fairly popular one, so you might find it at one of the larger garden centers or big-box stores.
El Segundo
Spring Poems
That doesn't stop the birds from singing and the grass from greening, or me from putting it all into words. Late in the season, I begin to feel a part of it all, down to the very small.: "March 1" "Equinox" "April Fool's Song" "Spring Ahead" "A thousand...
El Segundo
St. Fiacre, Patron Saint of Gardeners
And how did Fiacre become the patron saint of taxi cab drivers? Here Fiacre built an oratory in honor of the Virgin Mary and a hospice where he received strangers. Supposedly, the woman's jealousy caused Fiacre to implement a ban on women from his monastery.
El Segundo
Spring Cleaning in the Garden
Once the ground is dry enough that you don't leave sunken footprints everywhere you step. We have come to a kind of compromise. I leave about 5 inches as a reminder of where they are and as a bit of support for the new growth.(pictured right), among others.
El Segundo
Onions and Potatoes Grown in a Small Garden
This is our country's mainproblem: people don't work the land, mostly because they don't have the means to do it and they prefer to sell it or rent it to others. This way I avoided overwatering , which could make them go rotten.
El Segundo
Strawbale Gardening: Why and How
Once they get wet they become heavy and are hard to move. Here's how I do it:6: Sprinkle each bale with ½ cup of the fertilizer and water well into bales.: Cut back to ¼ cup fertilizer per bale per day and continue to water well.: No more fertilizer...
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