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Flowering House Plants
These make a handsome accent mixed with other indoor plants and make great groupings for display.Easy to propagate from cuttings, this is a great and wonderful plant. With bright green leaves, simple flowers, and edible fruit, this is a no brainer to...
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Aroids of the imagination X - Beauty times three
It represents the most advanced version of the "three becoming one" growth habit shown most often by plants in the Aroidian genus Triklados. Of all the plants I've imagined, this particular one has the most beautiful inflorescence.
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Avocados - How to Grow Them
The flowers are nothing to look at individually but it is stunning to see a whole tree in bloom with long clusters hanging from the tree. This is just the basics of why grow, how and where to grow, taking care of, and the basics of Avocados trees.
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Introduction to the Medusoid Euphorbias
In Greek mythology Medusa was a beautiful sea nymph (one of the Gorgon Sisters) who had a ‘relationship' with Poesidon.Athena was pissed about it and turned her hair into snakes (and made her ugly, too, I gather).From then on all who looked upon her...
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Aroids of the imagination VII - Butterflies, Crimson Melons and Chains
But the most striking characteristic these leaflets have is that they flutter gently during the daytime, like a group of emerald butterflies! ThisOn Earth, rapid movement of leaflets is not unheard of.
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Aroids of the imagination XI - The Keeper of the Gate
Many more wonders remained for me to explore, so I took my leave of the Keeper of the Gate and proceeded to make a quick inventory of genera and species not yet described. In my imaginings about Aroidia the idea of technological advancement had not occurred...
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From Sugar Cane to Cane Sugar
When cooling there is a natural process of degassing which means thedissolved air and gasses raise up while the lime acts as precipitator and causes the small particles to sink at the bottom.Now we can climb up a metal ladder (watch your step) and go...
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Introduction to Ornamental Figs in Cultivation
(right) Leaves in full sun.fruits completely cover parts of branches in this species (right) Unusual variegated color form at nursery.a reminder that this species is NOT cold tolerant (Southern California,(left) Moreton Bay Fig cv.
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Aroids of the imagination V - Cryptic Flowers, Hidden Foliage
These hills are formed by the plants themselves as a result of the continual growth of new root mass along the upwardly creeping rhizomes. Spadices at female anthesis have very sticky droplets on the broad tips of each pistilloid; these often become densely...
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A large and colorful family, the Acanthaceae (Part II)
Ah well, let us go in the garden and see what we stumble on!Well, it's time to let you go back home with a handful of seeds and cuttings to see how green your thumbs are. As promised, we will meet quite a few more Acanthaceae members in the next future!
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Unusual and Bizarre Plants - Welwitschia mirabilis
Instead, they enlarge sideways and all apical growth is halted. The leaves sprawl on the sandy ground, becoming tattered at their ends as they are blown about by desert winds. This plant, however, is bizarre and strange all around, practically exuding...
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Introduction to Exotic Foliage Houseplants
Right photo shows immature leaf form on left and mature on right.Pothos varieties, and used as a planted groundcover indoors in mall under Schefflera (right) For more information on Caladiums, here'stop left Wings Missie, top middle KatG, top right vossner,...
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A large and colorful family, the Acanthaceae
This article is an introduction to an extended botanical family well worth meeting and growing As you now are aware of, this botanical family hosts some very different plants and though some may already be familiar with the keen gardener we will undoubtedly...
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Growing Staghorns: Platycerium Ferns
Start with some of the above species and once you get to be an expert you can start seeking out the rarer and unusual species. And holding so far; on right is a huge fern that would probably take a crane or some lever apparatus to hang as it weighs well...
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Azolla: A Genuine Super Plant
The appearance of azolla alone is fascinating. This ability stems from a symbiotic relationship azolla has with a blue-green algae species,. In China for example, it has been grown in rice paddies between seasons since ancient times.
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A large and colorful family, the Acanthaceae. (Part three)
And they are right! Those shrubs, sub-shrubs, climbers and other plants are usually quite decorative, easy to grow and to propagate so it would be a pity not to give them a try.And yes, this is already the end of this visit, I hope you liked it and will...
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A Winter Oasis for Your Houseplants
With scented geraniums and jasmine, upright lemongrass and cascades of Christmas cactus, small sweet bay and key lime trees vying for overhead space with dangling spider plants and tumbling pothos, bright-blooming amaryllis and African violets, my favorite...
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Eight Popular Greenhouse and Houseplants
There are so many wonderful flowers and colors now that you no longer need to look at the popular bedding plants for inspiration. Keep plants shaded and never let the greenhouse get below 45 degrees for a good show in the spring.
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Aroids of the imagination XII - Snake Tongues, Right-Handers and other Wonders
Specimens growing in more protected latitudes will retain the larger stalks and grow up to 50 feet tall.grows even taller, reaching close to 80 feet with its relatively slender trunk and durable cordate leaves.I've visualized many other species and genera...
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Tropicals That Will Bloom in Winter
When deciding which plants to take inside with you for the cold months, keep in mind that pelargoniums will do fairly well, as dry air doesn't bother them much.Wax begonias also don't require a huge amount of light or humidity.But I've discovered a few...
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Tropical Gardening: Tips For Gardening In The Tropics
The plants may simply require a little extra TLC (tender loving care) in areas outside tropical zones.Whether you live in a tropical climate (and many of us do not) or simply want to grow tropical-like plants, there are a few things you can do to help...
If you look at the end opposite the beard, you can see three small indentations.Those are a softer part of the seed shell, from which the coconut will sprout. But for right now I am going to cut a pineapple, slush some of it up with some freshly grated...
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Growing Orchids for their Foliage
In fact, there are quite a few that offer foliage interests, either by intricately marked leaves or unusual leaf forms. You will have to decide on that!The pictures portrayed in this article are a group effort to say the least! Thanks are extended to...
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Introduction to Puyas, terrestrial bromeliads with spectacular flowers
Most growers probably do not know what a Puya is... Nor will they ever care (unless they read this article).These are somewhat frost tolerant, heat-loving, drought tolerant terrestrial Central and South American bromeliads that love the arid sun and are...
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The Finicky Ficus Benjamina
Gases such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene are released from household items like synthetic carpeting, fabrics and laminated counters. This leaf shedding is not necessarily a sign that your ficus is sick or unhappy, but simply that it is...
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Gingers of Reunion Island
Gingers are a well-known genus amongst exotic plant lovers and they certainly are great plants either as individuals with stunning flowers or as mass planting to give a I hope you enjoyed this aromatic tour, wish I could hand out some crystallized ginger...
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Introduction to Bromeliads
Even books on bromeliads only scratch the surface of what's growing out there in the world.There are about 3,000 species of bromeliads (and more being discovered nearly every week, it seems.)This is one of the most colorful of all the plant families in...
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