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How to Ship a Cactus
Hold the cactus over the pot and shake it to remove excess soil from around the roots.Layer three or four paper towels together and dip them in water to dampen them. Write your name and mailing address in the top left corner of the box.
Santa Monica
Essential Oil for Roly Poly Pests
They can be trapped using rocks under which the soil is moist, and from there, handpicked and removed. For best results, use therapeutic grade oils only.Coconut oil can be used as well on roly-polies.
Santa Monica
How to Kill Aphids Off a Hibiscus Tree Naturally
The lady beetles feed on the aphids for a period of a few days, but will eventually disperse around your garden area.Make a homemade aphid trap by mixing a cup each of sugar, water and vinegar in an empty gallon-sized water jug.
Santa Monica
Castor Bean Plant Laws
Anyone possessing the plant or seeds will receive a notice and must remove the plant, seeds and beans from his property within 48 hours. Additionally, gardeners with children or pets must be extremely careful as the plant's seeds present a danger to people...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Salvia Divinorum
If you have multiple cuttings, put them in different containers. Most any general kind of fertilizer is fine, but make sure you don't overfeed your Salvia.You should transplant your Salvia into a larger pot of soil every few months because it will most...
Santa Monica
What Liquids Do Plants Grow Best In?
Plants need liquid to absorb nutrients from the soils. However, gardeners and plant enthusiasts may wish to experiment and see just what kind of liquid works best. It also will clump in the soil and promote bacterial and fungal growth, both of which are...
Santa Monica
Once Corn Tassles, How Long Until the Cobs Are Ripe?
As the starch levels increase within each corn kernel, a dent will appear on the top of each kernel. This stage begins around 12 days after pollination has occured.Milking is the stage when the corn ears are ready to be harvested.
Santa Monica
How Large Will a Bromeliad Grow?
Dyckia maritima reaches 6 1/2 feet. These plants offer gardeners a wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors to work with. Cryptanthus bahianus or fosterianus both spread to approximately 2 feet wide.Bromeliad growers who require small bromeliads confine...
Santa Monica
Caterpillars Are Eating My Desert Roses
Plants became known as desert roses is anybody's guess, because they are far as plants get from the ornamental roses (Rosa spp.) found inU.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones2 through 11.
Santa Monica
How Are Conifers & Ferns Different?
The groups have different life cycles. Despite their similarities, however, conifers and ferns also exhibit a number of differences.Conifers are gymnosperms or "naked seed plants" in the phylum Coniferophyta.
Santa Monica
Divisions of the Plant Kingdom
These plant reproduce by using spores, and never grow flowers. Unlike the Coniferophyta, the seeds are enclosed within the plant's ovary (part of plant that specializes in seed production).
Santa Monica
How to Prune a Tropical Ginger Plant
Use pruning shears to cut the stem off near the base of the plant. Ginger plants do not require a lot of pruning like other plants do, however, they benefit from occasional light pruning.Examine the ginger plant blossoms and locate the ones that have...
Santa Monica
Does Bleach Affect Plant Growth?
While chlorine in small doses is harmless or even beneficial to plants, concentrated chlorine such as bleach will destroy a plant and the network of life that plant depends on to obtain nutrients and thrive.Plants depend on multitudes of fungus and bacteria...
Santa Monica
How to Care for Lichens
Lichens take years to grow and are very fragile, and they suffer from mishandling during collection. Lichens are a combination of two plants, an alga and a fungus. These plants combine and form a symbiotic relationship, with each plant benefiting from...
Santa Monica
How to Kill a Banana Tree Root
It's best to retain one active plant, a second one that is half grown and a smaller, growing sucker. The shallow but extensive root system and these spreading shoots can cause crowding and competition.
Santa Monica
Method of Gas Exchange in a Fungus
Yeast, for instance, conducts respiration based on the presence of oxygen. When a fungus produces mushrooms or other growths, they exchange gas with the atmosphere just as plants do.Some types of fungus grow in very specific relationships with only life...
Santa Monica
How to Cook With the Aloe Vera Plant
It is popular in Asian, Latin American and other cuisines. Even though the skin should not be eaten, remove any loose dirt from the skin so that it doesn't get onto the plant's flesh when the leaves are sliced open.Drain each leaf.
Santa Monica
Deadly Poisonous Plants of South Carolina
If this plant is ingested it can cause nausea, shortness of breath, salivation, diarrhea and vomiting. It can also cause other symptoms, including vomiting, respiratory failure, diarrhea, dizziness, slow pulse and collapse.The Star of Bethlehem, also...
Santa Monica
How to Make a Rooting Hormone
Although the willow water contains a naturally occurring pathogen inhibitor that helps safeguard against fungal, bacterial and viral diseases, sanitize your pruning tools before making any cuts.
Santa Monica
Sundew Adaptations
Neither trapped any pollinator and flowers shortened by researchers attracted fewer pollinators than the long ones.Sundews grow in tropical and moderate habitats across the globe, according to the Botanical Society of America.
Santa Monica
How to Use Root Stimulator When Planting
Often debated by the gardening community, root stimulators claim to have essential nutrients that support the growth of existing plant roots, and stimulate the growth of new roots.
Santa Monica
Plant Pigments Found in Spinach
Spinach pigments serve a variety of functions for both the plant and those who consume spinach.Spinach leaves contain chlorophyll, carotenoids and other pigments.Chlorophyll is the green pigment in most plants that is associated with photosynthesis.
Santa Monica
How to Remove Salt From Sunflower Seeds
Several soakings and rinsings will remove most of the salt from the seeds, but avoid this method and purchase unsalted sunflower seeds if you are on a no-sodium diet.Submerge the sunflower seeds in a bowl of water for five minutes.Pour the water and seeds...
Santa Monica
Wavelengths of Light That Are Most Effective for Photosynthesis
It reflects green light, so that the plants that contain it appear green. Compared to other pigments, chlorophyll a exists most abundantly in plants.Chlorophyll b, which is similar in structure to chlorophyll a, exists in green algae and plants.
Santa Monica
Facts on Water Lilies
At night, they gently close. Elegant water lilies are the glorious floral topping to classic frog-laden lily pads.Cold hardiness isn't the only difference between the two main categories of water lilies.
Santa Monica
Companion Plants to Dianthus
Place low-growing varieties of dianthus around the outer edge of the boxwood shrubs. That variety will look better grown among taller varieties of dianthus.Low-growing dianthus looks good under or right in front of shrubs.
Santa Monica
How to Get Rid of White Powder Mold on Plants With a Vinegar Mix
If left untreated it easily spreads to become a thin, white powdery coating on the entire plant. Vinegar is a contact fungicide that is effective only when fungi spores are sprayed directly.Repeat the application weekly until the powdery mold is gone.
Santa Monica