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Best Fragrant Roses

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Painting the Roses Red
Be sure that it will do well in your particular climate. I am going to go out on a limb and recommend 'Tradescant' (1993, Austin) as it was recommended to me and currently grows in my rose garden.
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Roses ~ In the Pink
This rose is described as having "perfect exhibition form."It is disease resistant, hardy to zone 5, mildly fragrant and has 35 petals packed into it's 1½" blooms. At some times it looks as if a yellow rose has had deep pink lipstick blotted on the edges...
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Orange You Lovely? Orange You Beautiful? A look at orange roses
Her love of her roses comes through in her photos. This is my brightest, 'orangest' orange rose. I had no idea there were so many wonderful roses in all shades of peach, apricot, melon and orange.
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Rose Rustling: Rounding Up Old Roses
Its blooms sometimes have lighter-colored edges, and it proves that own-root roses can be vigorous too, as it is crowding out that dark red grafted rose in front of it.Many old roses can have sentimental value too, as one of those my sister rooted still...
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The Yellow Rose of... Wheatfield
Contrary to what many folks think, mini roses are just as hardy as their bigger cousins, this one zone 6b-10b.Well, these are my favorite yellows, or at least the ones that will grow in my zone.
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Purple Roses Majesty
I will share with you here some of our purple roses.'Angel Face' (1969, Swim & Weeks)[l], floribunda. One of the parents of this rose is 'Angel Face' listed above and it has the strong, fruity fragrance of it's predecessor.
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Harvesting and Using Rose Hips for Tea
Since the early days of history, rose hips, in one form or another were used as laxatives, astringents, diuretics, nuitrients and love potions. You can purchase commercial tea bag sacks, but I figured coffee filters would do just as well.
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Skyscape Roses
It may take a few years before the rose is actually established enough to start scaling the tree. They may have interesting foliage or hips or fruits that prolong their seasonal interest.
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Love Across the Miles
People were standing on roofs praying to be rescued, stories of bodies floating in the water, thousands gathering in a football stadium praying and waiting for basic necessities, lives lost, homes washed away and all I could do is sit there and watch.
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Minnie and the Rose Cuttings
I use cut polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles to cover the cuttings after planting; they provide the role of a cloche, or small greenhouse, protecting them from freezing during our heavy winters.The best time for rose propagation in our temperate...
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Ralph Moore ~ Father of the Modern Miniature Rose
He has written rose books; "." He has also written poetry for 25 years. The book "Thoughts of Roses" is a collection of poems illustrated with pressed flower pictures. Mr. Moore has a memory from when he was younger than three years old of his mother's...
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I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
Just be sure to leave enough room.Here's the shape I settled on. You can see in the diagram at the right that the width of each plant is built into the plan. At least that is what I am going to recommend to you.
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Natural Security
It will also donate some rather lovely petals to your potpourri dish.Blackberry bushes will work nicely as well. You'll be glad you did.Plant Files on Daves Garden, Wikipedia public domain, Jeannette Adams
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All-America Rose Selections for 2008
They are located in all USDA climate zones.The plants in the test gardens are given the same care as they would receive in an average home garden.Only the roses that pass these rigid processes get the coveted AARS designation.vigor of the plant, fragrance,...
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A rose garden in Baleyssagues
Trees are also present with some huge linden trees, cedars, walnuts, apple trees, all hosts to numerous birds and squirrels. Therefore roses are intertwined with other plants such as lavender, irises, columbines, horsetails, fennels, rosemary, rose mallows...
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A Gift from the Heart, Across the Miles
I learned that it is a very special rose indeed, and it came to me from New Orleans by way of Arizona. Last January's ice storm had nearly demolished it.Its limbs were sparse, what was left of them, but I had been reluctant to cut it down.
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Dish Flower Patterns: Part I
One of the most popular patterns is Desert Rose created inby Frederick and Mary Grant in 1941 for the Gladding McBean pottery. Pictured are some other early decals of roses. A rugged wild plant, this rose grows wild on coastlines and sand dunes and is...
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Growing Rugosa Roses
Stir in sugar, spices and lemon juice and simmer for 5 minutes. They have the best winter hardiness, next to roses species that are indigenous to cold climates. Add one pound of sugar (about 3 1/2 cups) to one pound of pulp and simmer.
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Quest for the Black Rose
This may be attributed to the current trend toward black and white weddings. She has written a book titled "," which is available on her web site. I suppose it would be a novelty. There have been so many gorgeous roses and I want them all.
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Sean McCann: A Rosarian
He tells me bits and pieces of his life in Ireland, and I relate to him about my life in Texas.I have learned that family is very important to Sean. I asked if I could later have a picture taken with him, and he agreed.
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Helen Hayes: the woman and the rose
For those of us who enjoy an old movie, Helen Hayes is one of the stars which come to mind when we think of the black-and-white films made long ago. She also won a special career achievement award.
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My Favorite Climbing Rose, \
This location does get several hours of afternoon sun, but that's not the all day sun that most roses prefer. It thrives with minimal care from me beyond watering in dry summers. When I saw the first bloom forming on my new rose, I couldn't wait to shove...
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My Rose Article
So what, you ask, am I doing writing an article about roses? Those that we had moved didn't bloom that year, old roses bloom on second-year and older wood and we had cut them down rather drastically, but there were many many bushes that we hadn't touched...
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Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: The Alba Rose
Check outfor instructions. Gardeners in the southern part of its territory should plan for a larger shrub than northern gardeners. I take out a few of the oldest canes around the first week of February, but that's all the maintenance I do, other than...
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Mini Rose Rescue
Imagine a mini rose garden of your very own, full of tiny wonders, for less than the cost of one standard type rose.Many thanks to grampapa, heidi2005 and kennedyh for their wonderful photos.
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Growing Roses from A-Z (Part III)
Organic fertilizers take a little longer to break down in the soil and to be taken up by the plant than chemical fertilizers.I want to test in the coming season. By following these procedures I produce a pretty good rose garden.Here is a recipe for an...
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Wild Roses: The Native Roses and Naturalized Roses of North America
It occurs in 28 states and Canada. Native American Roses are wild flowering shrubs that provide full spectrum pollen for bees, nesting places for birds, and seclusion for small mammals.
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