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The Fiendish Four-Lined Plant Bug
The four-lined plant bug (Poecilocapsus lineatus) is especially fond of members of the mint family, and shows up most heavily on my lemon balm and spearmint plants. The other two photos are my own.
El Segundo
Four Tomato Plant Pests
Tags garden , pest , pests , tomato , tomatoes Excerpt from the Popular Farming Series magabook Organic Farm & Garden with permission from its publisher, BowTie magazines, a division of BowTie Inc.
Focus on the Four O\'Clock
New plants grow quickly from seed.In northern zones, tubers should be dug and stored for winter just like any other bulbs and tubers in northern gardens.Marvel of Peru likes loamy but well drained garden soil.
El Segundo
Four Thieves and their herbs...
They gave up the recipe! The tale continues to say that many others used the herbal vinegar and survived.The recipe ingredients vary from tale to tale, but with today's science we know that most of the herbs reportedly used are antifungal and antiseptic.
El Segundo
Flowers That Are Four Letters
Some species of lilies are harvested for their edible bulbs. Most of the approximately 110 lily species are native to the the milder climates in the Northern Hemisphere. These popular flowers come in a wide range of colors, including whites, reds, oranges,...
Santa Monica
Four-Season Foraging For Chickens
As with other chicken supplements, sprinkle sprouts for active foraging. The temperature inside the frame will stay warm enough to grow grazing greens for the flock through the winter.
What Causes Four Leaf Clovers And How To Find A Four Leaf Clover
My secret to success, and apparently others too as I found in my research, is not to look for them at all. Simply put, in an area roughly 13 square feet, you should find at least one four-leaf clover.Like I keep saying, it's not as difficult as one might...
My Lucky Four-leaf Clover Patch
The gene doesn't work well(meaning, it has a mutation) and it doesn't controll anymore the mechanism of leaf growing, so it just gets out of controll, producing more leaflets.Some scientists say that it takes only for a young leaf to be physically damaged...
El Segundo
Four Main Parts of a Plant
The flower is the part of the plant that produces seeds. The stem is one of the hardest working parts of the plant.The leaves are the essential food producers for the entire plant.
Santa Monica
Chicken Ownership 101: Four Regulations to Consider
In Lincoln, Nebraska , and Columbia, South Carolina , roosters are considered public nuisances, and their keeping in prohibited. Required Permits Shutterstock Gone are the days when you could simply come home with a trio of hens and a bag of feed.
Four-letter Words that Make You Question Homesteading
Beautiful, messy, unpredictable, life! One day in the not so distant future, the sun will bathe you in her warmth, the earth will bless you with her bounty, and the life you feed and protect today will return the favor for your family.
Heritage Turkeys Raised in Kentucky
Williams' call was the start of yet another business venture–providing food to local chefs. Where Wheeler gets the energy to do what she does cannot easily be explained. In the spring of 2006, Wheeler raised 25 turkeys for Williams, most of which he...
Year Round Garden Planner: How To Create A Four Season Garden
These are a great alternative for those living in cooler climates.are also an excellent way to add color to your garden all year long.Containers offer a flexible solution for using annuals or can be a great home for attractive evergreen or perennial
Go Small With Miniature Livestock
So the next time you add new animals to your farm, think small! There are scores of miniature livestock breeds for you to choose from. And if you like small equines try Miniature donkeys , Miniature mules or Miniature horses .
How to grow: Plant Bug (Growing Guide)
Tarnished plant bugs can become a problem when they move into the garden from nearby fields. When four-lined plant bugs feed on leaves, they leave numerous small circular spots on tender new growth of herbs and flowers.
Best Market Lamb? USDA Says Suffolks
The Texel can produce heavily muscled lambs ready for market at younger ages. When examined for feed efficiency, Suffolks also scored better than other breeds. After weaning, lambs were fed a high-energy diet and weighed weekly.
New Hens on the Way!
We lost a few to old age and predators over the past few years, and our existing flock is down to only four hens. The garden is suffering from the dryness and certainly hasn't performed it's best, but the cukes are starting to come in now, and soon I'll...
3 Ways to Start the Spring Garden with Cold Frames
Some cold-loving vegetables that can be direct sown include: beets broccoli Brussels sprouts carrots kale kohlrabi lettuce peas radishes spinach turnips The cold frame will be the permanent home of the crops you plant inside, so choose seeds and placement...
Beginning Farming Class Set
The series will conclude with practical consulting sessions based on your needs and interests. Where: Tully Town Hall, 5833 Meeting House Rd., Tully, N.Y. When: 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Saturdays, March 1 through March 22 Cost: $25/person for all 4 sessions;...
Teeny Tiny Horses
Slick's dad, Bubba (Ridgerunner's Moonlight Bay) is only 26 inches tall! That's how big Slick will be when he's all grown up (he's destined to be a Ridgerunner breeding stallion too).
Common Garden Weeds
Because Japanese Honeysuckle reproduces via seeds, roots and runners, you should hand pull the honeysuckle before it can produce seed, removing as much root material as possible. While some weeds in the garden are merely unsightly, plenty of others are...
One Perfect Apple
Rather than growing as a single, straight spire—as traditional columnar apples do—these trees will grow three tall, straight, narrow spires out of the same trunk, and each spire will bear a different variety.
Our Garden-Grown Thanksgiving Potatoes
When the potatoes are ready to be dug a few weeks after the plants die back completely, I merely have to sink a digging fork into the soil to pry out the tubers. I make my Nana's Pennsylvania Dutch potato filling and use about 10 pounds of taters so we...
Dorking Chickens
Standard Dorking cocks weigh about 9 pounds and hens weigh 7 pounds. They are sweet, gentle chickens that bear confinement well, but they're also outstanding foragers that don't wander far when allowed to free-range.
Your Beehive Selection Guide
Opening the hive only disturbs the bees on the single frame where the hive is opened. Honeybees can live comfortably in most any hive, but if the hive is not easy and convenient for you to work with and doesn't meet your beekeeping goals, you will have...
8 Recipes that Beat the Heat
Believe it or not, adding some heat to your next dish will help cool you down! Spices like ginger, chilies, cayenne pepper and black pepper might make your mouth a little fiery, but they'll help cool your body's internal flame.
Drought Management of Livestock
Also consider turning failed crops into feed. If you're unable to meet the feed and water requirements of your animals, it might be necessary to reduce the size of your herd through culling, selling or early weaning.