You should have a cord that is three times longer than the intended hanger. But if you are just a little bit handy, and have just a touch of your 'Inner Hippie' still lurking deep within your heart, beautiful creations are literally within your grasp.
Curled and curved stems lead to other graceful design possibilities, such as hearts.A "good luck" reputation combined with a hardy physiology bestowed popularity on this otherwise unremarkable tropical plant.3 - Happiness OR three levels of luck (happiness,...
I wound them in and out among the grapevines and pushed some up into the center of the cone and wired them in place as needed.Decorations included a dozen or so ready-made red velvet bows.
But when November rolls around, the days get shorter, the temperatures drop below 50degrees and I shiver. Christmas came and went, as did the arrival of 2010, and I greeted the new year with an extra long shiver from my nose to my toes.
He felt sure that my next phone upgrade should be to a "smart phone," a tool that could give me some of the functions of our computer and more. It would complement my Dave's Garden Journal, while letting me takes notes right in the yard or garden.
After that there were several different individuals, probably 3 or 4, frequenting both the feeders and the flowers. So next season I will buy one with the suction cups below the section with the feeding ports.
Settings are usually limited to on or off, which is really all you need for most applications. Which dehydrator is right for you? For me, a heavy duty household light timer works fine and saved me a few bucks over the built-in version.
We like to use local beef, grown without antibiotics or hormones, for a finished product that's probably leaner and more wholesome than most store-bought jerky. We've experimented with different recipes, sometimes using a different marinade for each tray...
I ended up making a card (shown above) to stick in the potting soil of each favor with a willow branch.On the outside of the card I stamped an organic looking wildflower image. Sometimes friends would sit at the wheel next to me and contribute a pot to...
Perennials selections might be daylilies, yarrow, coreopsis, iris, or sundrops. All the kits I've seen offer a choice of three colors (cultivars):(pink). These dipped gloves are surprisingly tough, durablecomfortable.
They store in cookie jars well when sealed in airtight baggies. All rights reserved., the free Encyclopedia; Biscotti. Mama's favorite way to enjoy anise biscotti is to dunk them in her coffee!
The essence of gratitude is expressed in a quote by Melodie Beattie frequently passed around via e-mail. If you've been gardening a few years, you probably have plenty and you got another one this year.
Cut away seeds and stems, saving some of the seedsPlace pepper pieces into a blender or food processor. Most hot pepper jelly recipes add vinegar, which can impart a vinegar flavor.
If the soil is clay or compacted the water tends to run off rather than to soak in.I've solved this problem by using a root feeder to water my shrubs. These have become more popular during recent years, and are more efficient than a conventional oven.
The French government offered a reward of 12,000 francs to anyone who could come up with a method to preserve food.Nicholas Appert, a candy maker had a theory that if food was sealed into an airtight container and sufficient heat was applied, foods should...
Without a little guidance from seasoned veterans, they often choose seeds and plants that are more challenging than their budding skills can handle. They may wither a bit, but if given a drink, they'll bounce right back with no ill effects.
We will be Discharge Printing a denim vest with botanical material. The vinegar neutralizes the bleach.Lay your item on one piece of your plastic and smooth out wrinkles. If you choose to do this, be careful not to spray the developing botanical print.
If you are making “seed cards” you might want to cut them into smaller pieces, perhaps the size of a playing card. The neighbor girls who helped me make paper today will insert their seed cards into Christmas cards for their teachers, along with a...
This will ensure that the bouquet is colorful and long-lasting.Butterflies love zinnias too. If you have your heart set on giant red flowers or the neon combination of purple and chartreuse, chances are, it is available.Zinnias are surprisingly drought-hardy...
With a toothpick, press a shallow line down the center of her back, between her wings.Ladybugs need spots, of course! Roll small balls of black clay and press them gently onto her back.
Set the vase on a bright cool windowsill or in the brightest indoor spot you have. In an open bowl you may add a bit more stone around them for stability until they root.Add water to the container until the base of the bulb is under water by about a half...
At the end of the 12-month program, each pair of partnered organizations will submit a single proposal for funding to implement a collaborative project. The success of the urban-farming movement can be attributed to organizations dedicated to fighting...
It takes sustained warm weather and a lot of sunshine for most flowers to produce nectar. This year's unseasonably warm winter weather could create a food shortage for honey bees. Because it is still winter, sudden drops in temperature can still happen,...
Is your home orchard or local market providing a bounty of fresh fruit this summer? The juice that drained out was a nice addition to a pitcher of lemonade! Each of the big (14 x 16 inch) screens of my dehydrator will hold 3-4 cups of drained fruit puree.Cover...
Get together with your gardening friends to organize who plants what so the hungry in your area get a nice selection of red, green, yellow and orange vegetables, or fresh salad ingredients.Because no two organizations are exactly alike, it would be a...
Over the course of several seasons, two or three fans will increase to a substantial clump and each fan is capable of producing flower stalks or scapes. Daylilies are some of the easiest plants to ship by mail because of their fleshy root system.
Though the amaranth plant is typically grown as a decorative flower in North America and Europe, it is, in fact, an excellent food crop that is grown in many parts of the world. The plant develops long flowers, which can be upright or trailing depending...