This can be accomplished in a couple of ways. If your cords are bigger than your bead, or, if you're like me and forgot to get beads the proper size, you can just take a bit of cord and make another Hangman Knot right there in the middle.
"City" water has chlorine. One website I came across specified that it will not ship in chilly months of year. Leaves are a medium green (possibly with white stripe) and roots are white or orange.
What could I use to make a grapevine Christmas tree? Before I had my own grapevine, though, I found all I needed on vacant lots in my neighborhood or growing up trees or on fences in the country.
Even if the upper parts of the canes will freeze, I will trim them back again in spring. I either throw them to the garbage can, or leave them in my garden, in a placewhere they don't disturb my activity.
I was warm from my nose to my toes for the first time in months, and I had only been reading for just a few minutes. Suddenly I remembered buckwheat pancakes were made from buckwheat flour, and with that thought, I finally knew what my cozies were made...
A note for when I applied fertlizer, and a reminder to apply more in two weeks? Davison from the University of North Alabama, was online and in my hand. Lt's taking my gardening proficiency to the next level.
The birds started to eat them too, but since they were so many and much bigger than the cherries, only part of the fruits got eaten. Each of the young shoots get cut 1/3 from the tip.
Of course, this was totally ignoring the territory issue that I planned for with the other feeder. They came to the feeders at various times of day, but 7 p.m. was regular enough that you could almost set the clock by it.
As a senior, I didn't have much extra time, but I did have a bee in my bonnet about this new project. That's when I knew I made the right decision in tackling this project.After each pot was fired once, glazing became a mindless, relaxing activity.
Perennials selections might be daylilies, yarrow, coreopsis, iris, or sundrops. Annual flower seed choices include black-eyed Susan, marigold, nasturtium, pansies or sunflowers. Some even zip on or off at the knee for personal temperature control.
Once rooted, it should not be relocated. Mama's favorite way to enjoy anise biscotti is to dunk them in her coffee! Our family's favorite recipe for Sicilian anise toast cookies, Biscotti all'Anice, uses fresh fennel or anise seeds from our garden, which...
Non-gardeners don't know that apples aren't herbs or that the scent of harvest is dependent upon what you're harvesting. We don't get the outdoor type that adds whimsy to our gardens.
They are generally very inexpensive and often a friend or neighbor will simply hand you a few 'chicks' if asked. The 'mother' plant with the smaller babies surrounding it is how the common name 'hens and chickens' came about and the various sizes of the...
I speak from personal experience.I test my garment with a drop of bleach in a hidden area before I get started. Don't be alarmed if an orange color comes out in the water. We will be Discharge Printing a denim vest with botanical material.
I made my own deckles out of 1- by 2-inch wood. (My windows needed cleaning anyway!)You may hasten the drying by changing the absorbent toweling after the new sheets have dried some and are firmer.
Many new gardeners are starting to plan their first adventure into our crazy, wonderful world. The first group that was planted in mid-April usually looks great until sometime in August, but the new plants are ready to bloom by then.New gardeners should...
You could also condition the clay by running it through a pasta machine (clean it carefully afterward, or use a garage sale find just for this purpose). Then scrunch up another piece of aluminum foil so it's about like the rim of your pot, put it on the...
When you see that classic cliche,"just add water," you're inclined to think there's a catch. Give them a full sun location and fertile soil, and cross your fingers, and you just may see more paperwhite blooms in future years from those bulbs.
Collecting daylilies is extremely addictive and like the proverbial potato chip, you can't stop with just one! Daylilies are some of the easiest perennials that a gardener can grow.
I was amazed at how different each of the cats was that I had met; each had its own unique personality, likes and dislikes. I went down the roster, taking turns in various condos with an assortment of cats.
The term “pinching” comes from the fact that gardeners actually use their fingers (and fingernails if they have them) to pinch off the tender, new growth at the end of the stem.
For tips on cutting back boysenberries, read on.Boysenberries resulted from a cross between the European raspberry, the blackberry and theby Napa farmer Rudolf Boysen during the 1920s.
I wanted a multi-purpose apron to protect my clothes while working in the yard and garden that I could also pull up to use as a harvest apron with little effort. Here is my quick fix so you can make one for yourself!
The exact timing is not as important as just making sure that you prune fountain grass back before it starts actively growing.You want to avoid doing fountain grass pruning in the fall, as the plant has not yet died back all the way.
There is also a brief section on plants good for bugs but not necessarily good for gardens, such as poison hemlock, which is extremely toxic to both humans and livestock but holds habitat for soldier bugs, rove beetles, ladybugs and syrphid flies, just...
Therefore, pruning basil leaves with care is a necessity.You don't need to prune basil plants when they are still small; wait until the herb is about 6 inches tall before trimming basil leaves.
You can let the growth go unchecked, but this provides a plant that is difficult to harvest and has diminished exposure to sun for flower and fruit development.Early training of the vine with soft ties will allow it to produce vigorous growth.