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Propagating Bee Balm Plants: How To Propagate Bergamot Seeds, Cuttings And Divisions
Water well and place the cuttings in a plastic bag.Once the bee balm cuttings root, remove the bag and repot the cuttings in. When collecting bergamot seed, time the collection to the maturity of the flowers.
Ornamental Oreganos - For Butterflies, for Bees, for Beauty...But Not for You!
And there?s a pretty choice for so many climates! A beautiful addition to the herb or ornamental gardens and perfect for cutting. Ornamental oregano?s are long flowering, have interesting shaped leaves and some have colorful or textured foliage ?
El Segundo
Bee balm (Monarda)
Thank you all for your wonderful Plant Files contributions!! Although the scent is the same, the Earl Grey Tea flavouring comes from Citrus bergamia. I have red, white, pink and purple.
El Segundo
An Ode to Spring
My heart fills with such a joy that I could almost start running and playing like a kid in the park! I feel like I could fly with the birds and bees and butterflies, up in the blue sky.I remember one spring, when my son was five years old, and we were...
El Segundo
3 Ways To Harvest Honey
The bees are very efficient insects; they do not waste a drop. In fact, bee authorities, including the historic G. Drill holes in the bottom of one of the buckets. This way of harvesting honey is the easiest and quickest, as there's no uncapping of the...
Bee Diversity Equals Better Pollination
They performed a host of experiments to observe and compare bee movement, evaluate almond blossoms' pollen-tube growth (an indicator of successful pollination) and quantify fruit set.
The Anatomy Of A Honeybee
The bee's long and hollow tongue, called a proboscis, is used to take in nectar, water and honey, and it curls up and retracts when not in use. The Abdomen The abdomen is the part of the body that holds the wax and scent glands on workers, the stinger...
8 Reasons Honey Should Always Be In Your Pantry
But it's not just sugar, like refined cane sugar, and it's not packed with synthetics additives and possible carcinogens, like sugar substitutes. It's a great natural energy booster.
Yarrow: A Garden Spotlight Bees Will Love
From Across the Pond Another species of yarrow, A. Common yarrow is hardy from USDA zones 3 to 8 and blooms from late spring through late summer. The foliage is grey-green and slightly fuzzy.
Bee Spotlight: The Worker
Mortician bees are enlisted for the job. When the attendants are buzzing around their charge, it is very easy to spot the queen on a comb of brood. The easiest way to spot foragers is to watch the entrance to see the bees that return with full pollen...
4 Reasons We [Heart] Native Bees
If you aren't sure why you should help protect them , check out the reasons below. Did we mention how fabulous native bees are? It is stunning to find out how many bees are out there.” He describes a cranberry-farming friend who takes his beer outside...
How Honeybees Pollinate (And What They Do With Pollen)
While honey provides the carbohydrate source to honeybees, through the winter and all year round, pollen, which has more protein pound for pound than beef, provides the bulk of her nutrition.
Bees Forage For More Than Just Honey
For the beekeeper, it's the luck of the draw. Compared to their other needs, the colony's water requirements are relatively low. Honey's moisture content is intentionally rather low (18 percent) in order to prevent fermentation.
The Work Of The Winter Bee
There are no drones in this cluster—they were kicked out in the fall when the temperatures dropped. Check the hive's entrance, removing any dead bees, snow, or other debris from the hive and apiary.
Can You I.D. That Native Bee?
If you choose to purchase mason bees, be sure they were reared in your region of the country. Mason bees are also sold commercially as brood cells in paper tubes. Tags bumblebees , mason bees , native bees , squash bees , sweat bees
Where Do Bees Go In Winter?
The constant hum that fills the air on a bee farm has fallen silent for a few months. I'm sure she continued on in a circle around the pond and then headed home before she got too cold.
God Save the Queen Bee
And that's just the tip of the iceburg, so when you hear talk of the “disappearing bees,” it's not just senseless talk. Pesticide manufacturers don't want us to believe it, whether or not they believe it themselves.
6 Amazing Facts About Honeybee Communication
Homeward Bound The waggle dance isn't used solely for sharing the location of nectar sources: when honeybees cast a swarm from their mother hive, the swarm sends off scout bees in search of a new home.
21 Plants that Feed Spring-Feverish Bees
To ensure that the bees have plenty of food after a long winter's hibernation, gardeners need to focus on plants that provide either both pollen and nectar or specimens that provide both individually.
Win Over Native Bees with These 5 Hospitality Secrets
Even the forest can provide important resources. All the perils besieging this introduced pollinator are making it increasingly more difficult for farmers to maximize their lands. That's a lot of weight on those tiny shoulders.
5 Tips for the Lazy Beekeeper
A 10-frame deep box full of honey weighs 90 pounds, but a 10-frame medium box is 60 pounds and an eight-frame medium box is approximately 55 pounds. Other beekeepers are on-board with this idea, as Bush is quick to point out, including C.C. Miller, author...
22 Fruits, Flowers and Herbs to Attract More Bees to Your Farm
Other pollinators, such as the bumblebee, hoverfly and many varieties of wasp, also have difficulty finding forage and habitat when gardens are converted to lawns, and those lawns are managed with pesticides, weed-killers and other chemicals.
3 Queen Cells & Why You Need To Know Them
Usually, if you see a swarm cell, the bees are already making preparations to swarm, and removing them will not always keep them from swarming. Because of the nature of these cells, they are not perfect or ideal.
3 Amazing Facts About The Queen Bee & Her Mating Flight
The majority of queens only make this flight once; however, some have been known to go back out to a DCA to mate again. While a female worker honeybee dies upon stinging a potential threat (the stinger being torn from her abdomen as she flies away), the...
More Research Needed in Bee Health
Finding Answers Researchers have more work to do with these newly identified insights. “Last year there was no honey production in the Midwest,” Eiseles says. “Before all the mites, we didn't know what to do with our extra bees,” he said.
5 Honeybee Myths, Legends & Folklore
“You didn't tell the bees ,” he said. Keeping bees is a hobby that centers around the evolution of the self—you may read all the books ever written about keeping honeybees, and you will still always learn something new, see something incredible...
9 Hive Jobs of Honey Bees
Unlike a worker bee, which may live for three to six weeks during the summer or several months over the winter, a queen bee can live between two and five years. If you're ever stung walking up to a honey-bee hive, it's likely a guard giving you a warning.