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Popular Wedding Favor Trees – Using Trees As Wedding Favors
Trees symbolize strength and hope, both being appropriate sentiments to honor a new marriage. For more information about green wedding favors, and especially about trees as wedding favors, read on.It's traditional for a newly married couple to offer a...
Plant Nursery Information – Tips For Selecting The Best Plant Nurseries
New and experienced gardeners rely upon a well-run and informative nursery for all their plant and landscaping needs. For both online and home-based businesses, it is crucial to know how to choose a reputable nursery for the best selection, knowledge...
How To Ship Plants: Tips And Guidelines For Shipping Live Plants By Mail
Boxes literally get kicked and thrown and dropped. If you are reusing a box that previously was used for shipping, make sure to remove or black out all old labels so that the package is not accidentally shipped to the wrong location.When and How to Ship...
Wedding Gift Trees: Can I Give A Tree As A Wedding Present
A quick search online will turn up a number of nurseries that ship trees around the country and that will even gift wrap them and include a special message.If you're worried that it might be rude to go off the registry for a gift, get something less expensive...
Understanding Nursery Containers – Common Pot Sizes Used In Nurseries
While one nursery may ship a large, lush plant in a #1 pot, another might only send a bare, twiggy-looking plant in the same size. As with the variations among sizes, these too may vary among different growers.
Wedding Gift Plants: Giving A Plant As A Wedding Present
Wedding gift plants don't have to be expensive, but can be a wonderfully personalized gift that will brighten a new home or garden for years to come.Any plant that is thoughtful and means something to you will be a welcome gift to the happy couple.
Bells-of-Ireland: A Lucky Charm for Your Garden
Small rounded and serrated leaves grow from the sides of the stalks, and a pair of small, sharp spines lies beneath every calyx. Under ideal conditions, the plant often self-sows. Despite its romantic-sounding common name, this summer-blooming annual...
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How peculiar: A green flower
Calla Lily ‘Green Goddess' is a vigorous plant that produces flowers with creamy white centers which fade to bright Kelly green. As with most Callas, this one needs consistent moisture and partial to full sun (2).I'll include Nepal Lily because of its...
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How peculiar: Green cultivars
It is a hardy in zones 9 and 10, but can function as a potted outdoor plant if it is not overwatered and is brought inside for winter. The rose was discovered as a mutation of a China rose prior to 1856 and little else is known about its beginnings.
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Green Grows the Garden
Both reach between 12 and 18 inches tall. At a height of around three feet,offers a sturdy background for shorter annuals. This long-cupped type is a mid-spring bloomer., a late season bloomer, is a short-cupped charmer with white petals surrounding a...
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Incredible Edible Flowers
Looking for something to spice up that romantic dinner for that special someone? Edible flowers have been used for hundreds of years as flavoring and garnishes. Tired of the same old meat and potatoes?
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Black-Eyed Susan and Other Rudbeckias
The vigorousor “golden glow” was so widely planted that it was sometimes affectionately called “the outhouse plant.”Rudbeckias demand full sun if they are to bloom well -- shade will cause them to produce smaller and fewer flowers.
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Birth Flowers
The flowers have specific meanings and some also represent something meaningful as gifts. They come in an assortment of colors from white to yellow to deep red. Larkspur in the garden makes an excellent background border plant since it grows up to four...
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Salvia Delights Gardeners and Wildlife
The vast majority are drought tolerant and do well in hot, dry conditions. In addition to attractive flowers, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other birds will frequent your garden if salvia is present.When exhibited as a culinary herb, it is exhibited...
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Fan Flower Plants: Growing And Caring For Fan Flowers
These are mostly herb and shrub plants native to Australia and New Guinea. Perennial plants benefit from fertilizer applied in spring just as new growth commences.Caring for fan flowers in northern climates may necessitate a later start outside.
Balloon Flowers – Tips For Care Of Platycodon Grandiflorus
) is one of those fun plants to grow in the garden with kids. Kids are fascinated by these plants and will typically pop them for sport by squeezing the sides, making them burst open with a soft, popping sound.
Knautia Care: Tips For Growing Knautia Plants In The Garden
From the time you take one home from the garden center in that 1-gallon sized pot until the time it looks like a strong plant can take some time, probably a one year growing cycle.
Pasque Flower Care: Learn About Pasque Flower Cultivation
Winter is the best time to take cuttings when foliage has died back and the plant is not actively growing. The late arriving foliage has fine white hairs sprinkled across the surface of each leaf, giving the impression of silvery tinges.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Glimpse into a Standard Flower Show
(winner of the Tricolor Award)This design includes two plants in containers (Schefflera and ivy) as wellClass 3: "Green, White, and Red Contest" - a design featuring the colors green and red.
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Celosia Plant Death: Reasons For Celosia Plants Dying
Thomas Jefferson once referred to celosia as “a flower like the prince's feather.” Also known as, the unique, brightly colored plumes of celosia fit in all types of gardens. When grown in the right conditions, celosia can be a long-blooming, low maintenance...
Growing Conditions For Scabiosa Flowers – How To Care For Scabiosa Pincushion Flower
Cuts should be made just above a leaf joint, or the stems can be cut back to the bottom leaves in fall.Perennial types can be propagated through both seed and. Unlike the annual type, their foliage remains green year round and will return each year.So...
Globe Gilia Plant: Tips For Growing Gilia Wildflowers
The nectar is easy to access in the loose balls of the blossoms.If you want to know how to grow blue gilia wildflowers, keep in mind how the process occurs in nature. Globe gilia plant communities often occur in areas with well-drained soil and full sun...
Care Of Sneezeweed: Tips For Growing Sneezeweed Wildflowers
Lift, divide and replant the clumps every three to five years in spring or fall to maintain good health. If you choose a taller type, cut it back to a height of about 8 inches in early summer, and again by about half right after the flowers bloom.
Browallia Planting Info: Tips For Growing Sapphire Flower Plant
Try growing sapphire flower where soil is moist, such as near a water feature or at the edge of a. The Bell Series are hanging or trailing plants, while the Starlight Series are compact plants.
Wishbone Flower Plant – Tips On How To Grow A Wishbone Flower
When looking for a long lasting and attention-grabbing addition to the part sun flowerbed, consider the wishbone flower plant., the wishbone flower, is a short ground-hugging beauty with profuse and delicate blooms.
Growing Monkey Flower Plant – How To Grow Monkey Flower
Remove the seed trays from the bag as soon as the seeds germinate.Space monkey flower plants according to the size of the plant. If you want to give it a try, plant it in a location that is shaded most of the afternoon.Monkey flower plant care is actually...
Blanket Flowers In Winter: Tips On Preparing Blanket Flower For Winter
Blanket flower is a short lived perennial that tends to reseed prolifically. You can also prepare the plant for better spring growth and appearance.If you choose to leave the plant alone and let ice and snow cover it, that is usually fine.