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Garden Hose Information: Learn About Using Hoses In The Garden
Sprinkler hoses are capped at one end and water is then forced out of little holes along the hose. Hoses are a tool and, as with any job, it is important to select the proper tool for the job.
Black Plastic and Hose Bibs
I'm building a new terrace and took the opportunity to run the water pipes under and through the new walls as I was building them. Many gardeners use instead the orange plastic Gardena-type pressure fittings that allow a hose to be “clipped” to a...
Soaker Hose Irrigation: How To Use Soaker Hoses In The Lawn And Garden
For a more sophisticated system, you may need couplers or valves to allow you to easily switch from area to area.Lay the hose between rows or weave the hose through plants in a flower bed.
Land Wanted: Is Leasing The Right Option For You?
“Clearly lay out mutual expectations and infrastructure needs, such as water and storage space, and be conscientious if you are working in a space that is also the landowners' home, as we were,” she advises.
Hydraulic Hoses: What You Need to Know
A new set of hydraulic cylinders for my ATV-mounted loader showed up on my doorstep today. Treat them with care and watch for rubbing or signs of abrasion. Even under low pressure it can cause problems, but under high pressure, it can cut like a knife,...
How I Use (A Lot Of) Hoses To Deliver Water To Pastures
Eventually, I settled on a completely different approach that doesn't involve jugs and wagons of any sort. They need it whether they're in their barn or roaming a large pasture, and it's the latter that presents an intriguing challenge: What is the best...
6 Garden Hacks That Reuse Nylon Stockings
When I'm ready to apply the resulting nutrient-rich, compost tea onto my plants, I simply lift out the compost-filled nylon and pour the tea into a watering can. Melon Supports Jessica Walliser One of my favorite uses for old nylons is as supports for...
10 Ingredients to Make Your Own Potting Soil
Select medium grade for seed-starting mixes and coarse grade for older, potted plants. Sterilization is also possible in an oven or microwave, but this method leaves the house smelling, well, earthy.
Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
Farmers are pleased with Senate's amendment to exempt farm trucks from bill S.1813, allowing flexibility with state-border regulations, and await House approval. The amendment, introduced by Sen.
Don\'t Say Nyet to Russian Sage
It is even technically edible, although we stress the word 'technically'. In fact, in my experience the only thing that will really rankle a Perovskia is over-watering, so be sure to give them a spot with well-drained, even rocky soil.
El Segundo
A July Almanac
Ask An Astronomer: What Are the “Dog Days of Summer?” Measuring 9.0 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, ruby is the second-hardest gemstone after the diamond. When you're a gardener, July means dealing with heat, humidity, weeds and bugs.
El Segundo
Different Types of Azaleas
According to the University of Minnesota, over 800 species belong to the azalea and rhododendron genus, making it the largest genera of woody plants. Bloom colors include white, pink, purple, red and orange.
Santa Monica
Spring Barley Salad
The toothsome texture of barley, quinoa and cracked wheat nicely set off tender new vegetables and can showcase any herbs or dressings. Later, at any time, you can toss in more additions (such as nuts, seeds or cheese) and freshen up the salad with a...
Carrot Apple Muffins
Beat in milk, egg, butter/oil and sweetener. As you're preparing for this week's Thanksgiving dinner, other meals may fall by the wayside, but they shouldn't—especially not breakfast.
Water Your Garden with Water Timers
For an urban farmer in an older part of town, corrosion in the pipes may cut that rate in half. You can be confident that the watering will stop while you're away. When you come home, move the garden hose to water another bed and set the timer again before...
DIY Hydroponic Grapes
Be sure the plant is secure in the perlite. This bin will be the nutrient reservoir.Place a piece of screen over the drain hole to prevent perlite from leaking out. The holes will allow both the cord from a submersible pump and a filler hose to pass out...
Santa Monica
Put Those Tools To Bed for Winter
Fertilizerneed attention before winter. The leaves have finished falling and I'm off to the garage to begin the task of preparing my garden tools for the upcoming winter.I divide this job into three parts, my power tools such as mowers, tillers and blowers,...
El Segundo
Irrigation Systems For Xeriscape Environments
This may mean changing heads to do a more efficient job.Bubblers are devices that emit higher flows of water in a circular pattern. They allow you to water plants separately with emitters, or water groups of plants with micro-spray stakes or tapes that...
Watering Wisely
I use a Mr.Landscaper system. The record drought has Lake Lanier the primary source of drinking water for Atlanta and DeKalb County in danger of going dry within a few short months if much needed rain doesn't arrive.Here in the metropolitan Detroit, Michigan...
El Segundo
Wandering Jew - The Shades Of Its Succulence
There are actually several plants known by this common name. They can survive on virtually no care if placed in the proper environment which isn't hard to do considering their flexibility.
El Segundo
The Good, Bad and Ugly of Winter Chicken Keeping
We've also had ice storms—last year's sealed all the doors my chicken coop with a thick layer of ice, and the one five years prior left us without power for 10 hours. In many parts of the country, winter is cold, blustery and frozen through for months...
Sprayer Selection
I like my Hudson sprayer for just that reason. Picking the right spray system for you requires that you first determine your sprayer needs. Fill it to its 5.3-gallon capacity, and you're carrying nearly 60 pounds.
How to Kill Tree Roots With Milk
Powdered milk will rot the stump and give you a lesson on growing fungus — an interesting byproduct of using milk to rot a stump.Powdered milk can help accelerate the tree stump rotting process.Drill as many 1-inch holes through the top of the tree...
Santa Monica
Safety Check: 4 Water Sources for Your Chickens
Sometimes I will clean my flocks' waterer, fill it up from the spigot, and put it back in the coop, only to find them all drinking out of a mud puddle. This will rinse out many contaminants that could have leached into the water left sitting in the hose.
Things You Use to Water Plants
In mosquito-prone areas, some gardeners cover the opening with a piece of window screen or a rock to prevent the mosquitoes from using the olla as a breeding ground.found at any garden center, home improvement store or discount store, including garden...
Santa Monica
Seed Starting 101: Planting Out - Tips for Transplanting Seedlings into Your Garden
Also, take a look at Paul Rodman's article, " If the plant looks rootbound, with roots circling around the rootball, just tickle the roots with your fingers a little to loosen them up.
El Segundo
Tips For Watering On A Hillside Garden
Therefore, controlling runoff is important whenever you are watering on a hillside garden. The biggest problem with irrigating a hill is having all the water run off before it has a chance to soak into the ground.