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Flaxseed Harvesting Time: Learn How To Harvest Flaxseed In Gardens
Stand outdoors on a breezy (but not windy) day and pour the contents from one bowl into another bowl while the breeze blows away the chaff. As a general rule, flaxseed is harvested when approximately 90 percent of the seedheads have turned tan or gold,...
Free-flowering Yellow Flax
Being such an amiable and free-flowering species, it bloomed its head off under my grow lights in the dead of winter, feeding my delusion that I had a green thumb. Yellow flax was one of the first houseplants I grew back in the dark ages when I was a...
El Segundo
New Zealand Flax Plant Information: Tips On New Zealand Flax Plant Care
Cultivars exhibit red, yellow, green, burgundy, purple, maroon and many more foliage colors. New Zealand flax plants offer architectural interest but are not winter hardy and should be brought indoors for winter in most climates.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Neem, An Indoor Gardeners Best Friend
The oil is produced from the seeds. It is also harmless to ladybugs. The critters were slinking around with their noses held high and their eyes all squinty.The new shoots and flowers are eaten as a vegetable in India and Neem twigs were one of the first...
El Segundo
Incredible Edible Flax
Most of the flaxseed sold in stores is of the brown variety. It's hard to pick up any health magazine today without seeing an article touting the many benefits of flax. Linen is an important component of the US paper money, making it last far longer than...
El Segundo
Summer Bites
A netted hat is the best preventative measure.On the positive sidewell, I looked and couldn't find any.That was summer? So summer is half way gone. This is one large, nasty, biting fly.
El Segundo
Can You Sprout Flax Seeds?
You must also be careful not to drown the seeds or wash them away with the water. You will know they are ready when you see the sprouts produce richly green leaves, at least three of them.
Santa Monica
Why Bees Require Supplemental Feeding
Entrance Feeder (aka Boardman) This feeder holds syrup in an inverted mason jar or plastic container, which sits rested on a wooden platform that slides into the entrance of the hive, where it allows access to the syrup.
Castor oil, anyone?
Actually I have a few well-loved, beautiful plants that contain toxins, but I have learned to be very careful over the years. Ricin irritates the intestines and causes, for lack of a more gentile term, rapid purging.
El Segundo
Making Olive Oil
When the oil pours out of the final filtering machine, it's magic. Moreno is responsible for the restoration on the antique wheel machinery and the public spokesman for the cooperative.
Almond Oil Information: Tips For Using Almond Oil
It is chock full of healthy fats that actually help to reduce cholesterol. Bitter almonds are usually not eaten since they contain hydrogen cyanide, a toxin. It is said to generally boost the immune system.
Prevent Piglet Anemia by Supplementing Iron
Because many farmers, small- and large-scale, opt for this setup, the piglets they raise don't have access to much-needed iron until they start to creep feed at more than a month old.
Diet Supplements May Boost Pig Immunity
“MOS actually reduces the inflammatory response in pigs with challenged immune systems. Tags livestock feed , manan oligosaccharides , MOS , pig diet , pig immunity , pigs , PRRSV
Calendula Oil Uses: Learn How To Make Calendula Oil
Its herbal uses include:skin care treatment (rosacea, eczema, dry skin, acne, etc.)helps alleviate muscle aches, hemorrhoids, ulcers, and menstrual crampsCalendula flowers can be used to make a natural make remover, hot oil hair treatments and insect...
What Is Canola Oil – Canola Oil Uses And Benefits
Historically, canola plants were used as forage for field raised poultry and swine.Both spring and fall types of canola are grown. While the petals fall from the blossoms, pods continue to fill out.
Olive Oil Information: Learn How To Use Olive Oil
“Italian” olive oil is often produced elsewhere and then processed and packaged in Italy which has no bearing on the quality of the oil.Olive oil has its own particular flavor depending upon the cultivar of olive used and where it is growing.
Uses of Chrysanthemum Oil
Because of this, chrysanthemum oil can be a component of all-natural antibacterial mouthwashes or used to combat mouth infections. Unfortunately, it can also kill insects that are beneficial to plants, so care should be used when spraying insect repelling...
Santa Monica
Should I Supplement Light In My Coop?
Here are five ways to provide extra light safely and respectfully: 1. But, should we do it? Seasonal breaks can actually improve a hen's long-term health and longevity, and they can keep her laying eggs well into her golden years.
Olives To Olive Oil
Polyphenols have antioxidant properties that make olive oil more stable. In the meantime, the playing field is anything but level for the domestic producer of true extra-virgin olive oil who must compete with low-cost imports that could never to be sold...
What Is Safflower Oil – Uses And Benefits Of Safflower Oil
In successive years, new varieties of safflower were developed that contained increased oil levels.Safflower does indeed have a flower, but it is cultivated for the oil that is pressed from the seeds of the plant.
What Are Essential Oils: Learn About Using Essential Oil From Plants
However, historians have found evidence that essential oils were used as far back as ancient Egypt and Pompeii. Almost every culture has a long history of using plant essential oils for health, beauty, or religious practices.
Rose Oil Uses: Learn How To Make Rose Oil At Home
The type of oil you use should be one that has the least aroma. Then, strain the oil into a clean container over a sieve or colander. Continue to shake the petals around each day, leaving the oil in the cool, dark area for four weeks.
Vegetable Oil In Compost Bins: Should You Compost Leftover Cooking Oil
Put it into a sealed plastic or metal container and dispose of it in the trash. You can compost leftover cooking oil IF it is in very small amounts and IF it is a vegetable oil such as corn oil, olive oil, sunflower oil or rapeseed oil.Adding too much...
White Oil Recipe: How To Make White Oil For An Insecticide
While there are a number of homemade recipes to choose from, this popular white oil recipe for do-it-yourselfers seems to be one of the easiest:1/4 cup dish soap (without bleach) or Murphy's oil soapMix the above ingredients in a jar, shaking well (should...
Castor Oil For Garden Use: Tips On Treating Pests With Castor Oil
It was once thought to be good for the digestive system and spoonfuls of the foul stuff were force fed into unwilling children's mouths. Treating pests with castor oil is a natural, non-toxic way to repel these unwanted digging animals in your garden...
Change Your Tractor\'s Oil Yourself
Get more tractor help with these articles: 5 Seasonal Tractor Maintenance Tasks 7 Daily Tractor Maintenance Tasks Can You Afford That Tool? No matter how you finally tighten the plug, I would insist on starting it—or any threaded fastener—by...
Neem Oil And Ladybugs: Is Neem Oil Harmful To Ladybugs In Gardens
Neem oil, when used properly, quickly does its work without leaving long lasting harmful effects on the environment – or our beneficial friends.Concentrated Neem oil should always be mixed with water exactly as the directions say..