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Parts of a Sunflower
The male,, are both present in disk flowers. This is the process of pollination that enables the flowers to produce seeds. The sturdy stalk provides the stability the large flower head needs to remain upright and a structure to house the leaves.
Santa Monica
Ticked Off - Part 1
Really bad flu that gave him a blinding headache, horrible muscle pains and chills. Don't do that! We animals need our Moms and Dad to take care of us and we don't want anything to happen to you.
Chainsaw Safety, Part I
Between fence line cleanup and firewood making, there is plenty of cutting to be done. Here are a few steps that I try to follow before I make my first cut: A smooth running machine is a safer machine.
Christmas Traditions - Part 1
Renew your friendship for Christmas! 5. Sinterklaas and his horse visit Dutch and Belgian children on Dec. Do you have Christmas traditions at your house? Make your own Christmas cards.
Garden Photography ~ part 1
Pictures are often used to sell or market products and are incorporated into menu designs to entice us to order particular foods.Garden photographs can teach us about nature. Develop the knack to recognize those trivial looking little details in all things...
El Segundo
Vital Signs - Part 2
Remember, learn to check your animal's vital signs while he's healthy so you know how to do it when he's sick. To open the eye, push the upper eyelid up with one thumb while the other thumb pulls the lower lid down.
Economical Horsekeeping - Part 1
By the same token, don't buy a young, untrained horse unless you're qualified to train him. Mom and Dad used to rescue horses, bring them back to health and adopt them out to new homes.
Christmas Traditions - Part 2
Use pine, nuts, fruit and maybe greeting cards to hang on your tree or mantel. They've been doing it since 1912, when Postmaster General Frank Hitchcock authorized local postmasters to allow postal employees and citizens to open and respond to letters...
Hutch\'s Arrival (Part 2)
She called him Meegosh. That's how friendships begin. They put splints on his legs and placed him in the crate with Hutch. He stayed in the incubator for a whole day, then he moved to the bottle baby crate in the living room where Uzzi and I lived when...
Garden Photography ~ part 2
His work has been used by the US Postal Service for an Ohio bicentennial Postage Stamp.Claire always uses her Canon 1DS, which is what she used for the Japanese garden shot, along with a 70-200mm telephoto lens.
El Segundo
Acacias: Part 3: Propagation
I planted one out this spring and the sapling on the right is one of the 6 in that pot and is now 1.65 metres tall on 1st January 2008. They are a silvery colour, but this is not apparent in the new seedlings.This same technique works with all Australian...
El Segundo
Farm Biodiversity, Part 3
Burly golden and black bumblebees buzzed the butterfly bush. I think our farm's diversity of arthropods has much to do with our organic farming practices (i.e. no chemical pesticides, herbicides) and the rich diversity of native/introduced plants growing...
Vital Signs - Part 1
If you know your animals' normal values, it's easier to know when something's wrong. These are easy to use because it takes less time to get an accurate reading and the thermometer beeps when it's done.
Staying Cool, Part 2
It's hot! Uzzi and I lie in the shade and watch our Mom and Dad do the chores; some days she looks pretty frazzled. Or repeatedly soak the back of your neck and your shirt with the hose while you water your animals; our Mom does that most every afternoon.
Edible Vegetable Parts: What Are Some Secondary Edible Parts Of Vegetables
Some of this is a direct result of throwing out food we have been conditioned to think is inedible. This practice is referred to as “stem to root” and has actually been a Western philosophy, but not recently.
The Parts of a Pear
Although the ovary wall is edible, its texture is a bit thick and dry. A pear's hypanthium contains numerous stone cells with thick walls. This part of the fruit is not edible.With many other fruits such as lemons and peaches, the edible portion is part...
Santa Monica
Bottle Baby Fever - Part 3
Gradual changes also avoid the complications of sudden changes in diet, some of which can be fatal. Another good choice is a human-infant bottle and nipple. Last week and the week before , I talked about some of the things Uzzi and I learned about raising...
Dish Flower Patterns: Part I
Floral patterns have been used to decorate just about everything and appear almost everywhere.They have been used so extensively, that we take them for granted even though we pass them by everyday.
El Segundo
The \
Today we will go for a second stroll in the same area and see what else we can discover. A previous article introduced the typical garrigue environment and plants as well as a water-color artist worth to meet.
El Segundo
Recipe: Thanksgiving Soup: Part II
If you want to use already-cooked, leftover vegetables, put those in the turkey broth after simmering and de-fatting, along with chopped, fresh herbs (the classic dill is good; thyme and parsley are, too) and the chopped pieces of meat you have reserved.
It\'s About Goats - Part 2
Unless we're really tame goats, don't look directly into our faces, especially our eyes. We won't, for example, drink water with poop in it or eat moldy or musty feed. We also have an acute sense of smell.
Parts of a Rice Plant
One panicle is usually about 4 to 10 inches long and can contain 75 to 150 or even more spikelets depending on the variety. As many as 50, but usually less than a dozen secondary tillers sprout from the lowest nodes on the primary tiller.
Santa Monica
Bottle Baby Fever - Part 1
She also uses small bungee cords to fasten bowls in two corners. Milo's coming here to star in the book. They're usually orphans, but some are triplets or quadruplets and their goat moms can only make milk for two.
Parts of a Daisy Flower
They produce pollen, which gets transferred to other flowers by pollinators and fertilizes the flowers so they can produce seeds. In other daisies, ray flowers do produce seeds.The single-seeded ovaries of daisies are called achenes.
Santa Monica
It\'s About Goats - Part 1
Some goats became military mascots, like William de Goat , Sergeant Bill and Nan . It recognizes eight breeds: Nubians, Alpines, Saanens, Sables, LaManchas , Oberhaslis , Toggenburgs and Nigerian Dwarfs .
Wool It Be - Part 2
Last week , I told you some of the cool things Uzzi and I learned about wool and sheep . Here are some more things to know. Woodrow Wilson revived the custom during World War I for two reasons: According the White House Historical Association, the flock,...
Female Parts of a Flower
The bloom is part of the flower with leaves and petals. The flower's female parts can be found in the bloom section of the plant. If the carpels are fused together then there is only one pistil.
Santa Monica