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Get That Lawn Mower Ready
If your fall wasn't quite as well organized as you would have liked, you may be facing a different situation with your lawn mower. I use it in all my small engines, especially if they sit for any length of time.
Lawn Mower Exchange Program a Success
With the help of Polk County's Lawn Mower Exchange Program, 35 Iowans traded in their old lawn mowers for vouchers that allowed them to purchase Neuton battery-powered mowers at a significant discount.
Seven ways to sneak bulbs into your landscape without your lawn\'s mower even noticing!
Low-growing trees likebulbs in the shadow of bushes, where nothing else between rocks, or around tree roots. One side of the road bursts into beauty during April, thanks to the bulbs planted around the base of the sign.else fails, plant bulbs...
El Segundo
Spring Bulb Blooms May Be Finished but the Gardening Isn\'t
Sprawling daffodil foliage can be gently and loosely braided or bundled so it can finish reforming the underlying bulbs. At some point, there are so many roots competing for resources in one small area that while you see lots of greenery, few flowers...
El Segundo
Why A String Trimmer Mower Should Be In Your Tool Shed
Around Trees Riding mowers, being large and difficult to maneuver into small spaces, aren't the best for mowing in and around groups of trees. Underneath Benches and Fences Is the grass getting too tall under a heavy bench or similar item?
10 Terms Every Farmer Should Know About Mowers
They are capable of mowing at higher speeds and turning in place, making them ideal for mowing large areas or complicated yards with a lot of obstacles to mow around. Hydrostatic This type of transmission is powered by hydraulic fluid and allows for seamless...
Plow Snow With Your Lawn Mower Or ATV/UTV
Lawn mower tires aren't designed for use in snow, so you might need to purchase some tire chains (as their name implies, chains that wrap around tires) to give your machine better grip.
4 Mower Types To Keep Your Farm Well-Maintained
(Zero-turns don't always have a hitch for attachments.) Rear-Engine Tractors Essentially, these are small lawn tractors with engines in the back and a steering wheel to control the front wheels.
The Pros and Cons of Carts for Riding Lawn Mowers
Hooking up some larger trailers can require a lot of strength (and perhaps more than one person), but small carts are light enough that you can easily pull them across the yard by hand if necessary.
My Riding Mower Demonstrates The Value Of A Differential Lock
The left wheel, as if finally realizing that the task wasn't as hard as it seemed, gripped the ground and almost effortlessly drove the mower forward and off the anthill. Fortunately, the differential lock can override the essence of the differential,...
Sharpen Up On Scythes
A bent shape is most popular, providing a slight angle for optimal mowing. If you take a work break, hang the tool from a tree branch or place it in a conspicuous place, so no one steps on the blade.
Lawn Mowing Equipment: What Are The Different Kinds Of Lawn Mowers
Damaged grass blades can reduce the turf plant's ability to photosynthesize, causing sparse, brown, unhealthy lawns. Available as tow behind attachments for lawn tractors, gas or electric powdered or manual push models, reel mowers are generally less...
Celebrating The Goose: Raising Geese
“It's like a reunion, like they're saying ‘Come join us, you're part of the family!' They're so welcoming and protective as a community. Give Mother and Father Goose plenty of personal space during this emotional time.
Cut Weeds Quietly in Small Spaces With a Special Tool
Karen Lanier Much to my surprise, the perennial herbs I planted last fall survived the winter and sprung back to life, along with the cover crop of white clover and weedy volunteers—dandelion, thistle, dock, wild onions and hairy vetch.
Block That Noise: Why Every Farmer Needs Earplugs or Earmuffs
Also keep in mind that while earplugs and earmuffs can go far toward protecting your hearing, common sense is just as important. Greater numbers are better, though, unfortunately, the bare numbers are based on best-case scenarios and usually don't reveal...
How To Successfully Start Seeds Indoors
Some gardeners prefer a basement or closet to keep pets and young children away from the trays. Starting out life with less competition will give you bigger, stronger plants sooner that will thrive later on.” 10.
A Spring Treasure Hunt (or Why I Don\'t Mow Just Yet)
The hill beckons me to come have a closer look at its offerings:A walk around back took me to the fallow vegetable garden, another refuge wherepresently stand erect and proud and regal.
El Segundo
Good Things to Come
The plants are happy too. Payoff! They are loaded with blooms and bees right now. My daffodils and tulips are pretty much finished blooming and are being replaced by lots of blooming perennials, especially in my shade gardens.
The Farmhouse Reveal
As we slowly sort and purge the remaining boxes and bins at my mom's house, I'm picking and choosing from the artwork and photos I displayed in the old house, as well as dreaming up new ideas to add embellishments.
Don\'t Balk at Caulk: 5 Tips to Make Caulking Easier
Buy the Right Caulk We needed material for our project that could be stained or painted. Wood filler might require sanding, so be sure to take this into consideration and read manufacturer's instructions before proceeding.
One Technique for Painting Succulents with Watercolors
Oh well).But when painting something with wonderful symmetry or annoying details, tracing the original photograph saves me both time and frustration.To copy a photo I just print it out on an 8x11 sheet of paper and cover the back side with graphite (#2...
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Run Your Tractor at Full Throttle? Ask the Tortoise
But because my brother's primary concern was driving a small cart of supplies around the farm on a daily basis, the lack of strength was unimportant and more than offset by the phenomenal gas savings.
The Thrifty Gardener: Do-it-Yourself Pond, Part 2
Oxygenating plants such as Starwort, Anacharis, and Willow Moss can and should be added to supply oxygen to wildlife and add nutrients to your growing pond ecosystem.Spiral Rush is a striking plant with curly, modified leaves which can be grown as a bog...
El Segundo
At one time in the United States the cultivation of teasel was a sizable industry in New York state. Teasel is seldom recommended in herbal medicine today. I would be one of them, since I have used bundles of teasel stems tied together in a red bow to...
El Segundo
4 Steps To Keep Young Trees Out Of Your Fields
Here's my approach to keeping eager, resilient trees under control. One option is to dig up the roots of all these little trees, but because in my case they're growing right next to a long line of old, mature trees, that wasn't possible.
Must Have Gardening Tools – Learn About Common Garden Tools And Equipment
While a powerful weed eater may be great for making short work of weeds, it may also be quite heavy to carry around. A steel rake is required if you need to smooth out the soil surface or work in compost or fertilizer.
Cucumbers, Cabbage, Fennel … Oh My!
I'd better run to the store for more vinegar . A few of my gardening friends and my mother are all having the same issues this year. Even the cherry tomatoes aren't ripening yet. Wonder what's up with that.