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Knitting Therapy
You just pick out your yarn and needles, decide how wide to make it, and knit (or purl). In gradeschool, my daughter taught herself from a kid's knitting book in about half an hour.
Wheelbarrows: One Wheel Or Two?
Every farm needs a wheelbarrow (if not multiple wheelbarrows), and I think this fact is pretty much indisputable. Both offer advantages and disadvantages, but which is right for you?
Musings on an Old-Fashioned Measuring Wheel
I think it's a rule that old farms come fully equipped with their own puzzling agricultural artifacts—tools and machines whose purpose is unclear. Turns out it's a measuring wheel—and I might just put it to use.
Mud Season is the fifth season of the year in the Northeast part of the United States
New England is justifiably famous for its fall foliage. We all know New England is famous for its fall foliage, winter skiing, spring maple-sugaring and summer black flies. These states have high-altitude regions that are very similar to that in the Alps...
El Segundo
Around The Color Wheel With Purple Heart
Pairing analogous colors that are close together on the color wheel gives a harmonious and subtle effect. A lanky ground cover with succulent leaves, it is very commonly grown in warmer climates (zones 8a-11), either purposely planted or springing up...
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Power Equipment Purchasing Options
Standard transmissions in older tractors and some lower-priced new tractors are sturdy and should last for years, if not decades, without a problem; however, they don't offer the ease of use or responsiveness of newer power shift and hydrostatic drive...
Build Your Own Egg Mobile
I added five 8-foot 2x4s every 2 feet along the top to support the metal roofing (see step 10). They typically replace some of their fleet each year, so you should be able to purchase a used set at a very reasonable price.
The Wheel Bug: A Voracious Predator Gardeners Love
While a wheel-bug bite doesn't typically require medical care unless an allergic reaction occurs, it will often cause some localized swelling and acute pain that many consider to be much worse than a bee sting.
Spinning the Color Wheel: An Experiment with Annuals
Our large lot and lack of trees allowed plenty of room for imagination. When our new house was built, its stark white siding with inviting green shutters and roof demanded color immediately.
El Segundo
Springtime, Summertime, Autumn, Wintertime - Dreamtime: New Plants to Consider
The huge clouds of white last for three full months! If you'd like to give this plant a test drive, make sure that you get the Heronswood Form. 3) It prefers damp soil in a slightly shady area.
El Segundo
Tips on Buy Replacement Wheels for Small Farm Machines
First is the actual diameter of the wheel. Any smaller and the wheel won't fit; any larger and it will flop around on the axle, essentially rendering it useless. Unfortunately, one of the tires on my yard cart went irreparably flat last year, and while...
Vines of Reunion Island, Part 5
Be sure to not entangle your feet in all those scrambling stems and make time to come back for more! Yes, we already became acquainted with quite a few of those species in the four previous parts, but the subject is so vast that we have to revisit it!...
El Segundo
The Color and the Plant: What\'s not to Love about Lavender?
For many years, visitors to our gardens have remarked on their tranquility. And exactly which flower varieties do we perceive as lavender? I was surprised to find that there are quite a few recipes that feature lavender as an ingredient.
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Happy Campers — How to Travel With a Cat
When the editors of Cat Fancy magazine agreed to have me write an article on traveling with cats for their August 2012 issue, […] Read more of City Stock » Tags Audrey Pavia The bed was comfortable and easy to fall asleep in, even after being woken...
Oh, So That\'s Why We\'re Doing This!
Nearly a fifth of the world's food come from city farms, and more than 800 million people are growing […] Urban farmers are creating jobs! (We all know that's the topic of the moment.) “Urban agriculture will truly emerge as one of this country's...
From Garden to Quilt: Flowers and Trees in American Quilts
View details of the Autumn Leaf patternThe Tree of Life pattern was one of many quilts with a biblical theme. Not surprisingly, a large number of quilt pattern names relate to flowers, trees, animals and other features of the natural world with which...
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Ziggy The Piggy Is A World Traveler
Now this little (or rather, big) piggy is a world traveler and seems to be enjoying every moment of it. Never expecting Ziggy to get so large (they were told he'd never get bigger than 20 pounds), Kristin Hartness and Jay Yontz let the pig live inside...
Making Olive Oil
The machinery has several mixing stages during which smaller loads cannot be fully processed, so the minimum amount a member can bring it at any one time is a quintale or about 225 pounds.
Raclette, the Swiss-Can\'t-Miss
I've eaten it authentically only once, sitting with friends around an open fireplace. The combination made a perfect Germanic accompaniment for this simple, homey dish. Raclette is the quintessential Swiss winter food, simpler even than fondue.
Thimbleberry - A Postcard From Summer 1971
The van, of course broke down in every major (and minor) city and we had to call home for money to replace the engine in the middle of the desert in British Columbia. I have hazy memories of being in a Canadian farmhouse in a wheat field in a thunderstorm...
El Segundo
The Zodiac Garden
Following the normal rules, leafy vegetables & plants otherwise grown for foliage are planted under waxing moons traversing water signs. Pisces, Aquarius & Capricorn, with some sources including Sagitarius.Farmers' almanacs have been used to chronicle...
El Segundo
Plants need calcium, too, just like teeth and bones!
What does that mean? The same calcium carbonate dissolved in water is what makes our drinking water “hard.”Calcium is found in as many as 80 compounds sometimes called calcium salts such as calcium carbonate (lime), calcium phosphate (fertilizers),...
El Segundo
My Riding Mower Demonstrates The Value Of A Differential Lock
Starting up the mower once again, I engaged the differential lock and slowly pushed the accelerator. The mound was just tall enough to bottom out the mower and raise the right rear wheel slightly off the ground, which meant that the mower was stuck.
Trailers: To Hitch or to Haul
He took me under his wing that day, and we studied each trailer together. This increases the GTWR you can pull by transferring a greater percentage of the trailer's weight to the truck.
Vegetables at the Fair
Your beautifully presented display of vegetables may inspire another person to try their hand at gardening. The fair is enriched by more participants and, lest you feel intimidated, here are a few basic pointers to get you started in a fun activity tailor-made...
El Segundo
13 Tractor Terms to Help You Buy with Confidence
Most tractors come with a standard rear-mounted PTO, but midpoint PTOs are also available on some models. As a hobby farmer, buying a tractor might be your first major purchase outside of the land itself, and you want the experience to be a positive one.
Choosing A Wheelbarrow – Learn About Different Types Of Wheelbarrows
These wheelbarrows may also be labelled to carry 300-500 lbs. Being most common.Just because a wheelbarrow label says it can hold 500 pounds, though, does not mean you have to fill it to the brim with rock or bricks.