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Best Fertilizer For Asparagus

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How To Grow Asparagus
Apply 1 pound of triple superphosphate (0-46-0) or 2 pounds of superphosphate (0-20-0) for every 50 feet of trench.For ideal growing, asparagus trenches should be four feet apart. Dig a trench 8-10 inches deep and wide enough to accommodate the growing...
Asparagus Winter Care: Tips On Winterizing Asparagus Beds
Then either compost or dispose of the mulch since it can harbor fungal disease spores. Do asparagus need winter protection?In mild climates, the root crowns of asparagus need no special winter care, but in cooler regions, winterizing the asparagus bed...
Controlling Asparagus Beetles: Organic Treatment For Asparagus Beetles
Even if the spears are contaminated with eggs, cut them as soon as they are large enough to harvest.can be applied to plantings that have serious infestations, especially in years when harvesting is not recommended.
Cutting Asparagus Foliage Back In Autumn
This belief may or may not be true, but it could be tied to the fact that removing the old foliage helps to keep thefrom overwintering in the bed. One of the things that is important tois preparing the asparagus beds for autumn and cutting the asparagus...
Spotted Asparagus Beetle Facts: Controlling Spotted Asparagus Beetles In Gardens
That's why it can be especially devastating when an asparagus patch falls victim to pests. Controlling spotted asparagus beetles can be done in a few different ways.One very easy and pretty effective method is hand removal.
Asparagus Fern Plant – How To Take Care Of Asparagus Ferns
The fern may dry out to the point it appears dead; however, outdoor springtime temperatures generally revive them.Keep the plant well watered in all situations and repot every few years.
What\'s The Difference Between Male And Female Asparagus Plants
In fact, male asparagus is favored so much more that there are now new hybridized male asparagus plants that produce larger yields. Keep reading to get the scoop on male vs. Are there really male or female asparagus?
Planting Asparagus: How To Make An Asparagus Bed
Planting crowns will establish your asparagus bed faster so that you can harvest the asparagus sooner.Purchase your asparagus crowns from a reputable source. Be sure to provide sufficient water until the crowns show sprouts.Now that you know how to start...
Asparagus Harvesting – How And When To Pick Asparagus
The properly prepared and harvested asparagus bed will increase in yearly production for many years, generally for as long as 15 years and possibly up to 30 years, with the vegetable becoming more abundant.
Planting Asparagus Seed – How Do You Grow Asparagus From Seed
Fertilize in the spring with 1-2 cups of complete organic fertilizer per 10 foot of row and dig in gently. If you like thicker spears, plant them 12-14 inches apart and set 6-8 inches deep.
Transplanting Asparagus Plants: Tips For How To Transplant Asparagus
With careful planning and familiarity with how and when to transplant asparagus, this endeavor should at least be a successful one. Whileisn't that difficult, moving asparagus can be quite tricky if you don't know what you're doing.
Types Of Asparagus – Learn About Different Varieties Of Asparagus
It is highly disease-resistant.– this is a hybrid asparagus that performs well in warmer climates. ‘Jersey Supreme' is a newer, disease-resistant variety that produces spears earlier than ‘Giant' or ‘Knight.' ‘Supreme' is an excellent choice...
Asparagus Weed Control: Tips For Using Salt On Asparagus Weeds
The crisp spears are perfect in a variety of preparations and adapt well to a host of cuisine types. Use caution when applying to beds with germinating seeds, as it will impede sprouting..
Asparagus Propagation: Learn How To Propagate Asparagus Plants
Then allow them to. These come from the spears after they are allowed to turn into ferns at the end of the season. Tender new asparagus shoots are one of the first crops of the season.
Two Plants, One Taste
You probably won't find enough to survive a winter on, but you will have fun and create some long-lasting memories.Many thanks go to Equilibrium, kennedyh, and floridian for their wonderful photos in Plant Files.
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Foxtail Asparagus Ferns – Information On The Care Of Foxtail Fern
Tubers may grow through the top of the soil on plants that are overcrowded in the pot.Take advantage of this attractive plant for many of your gardening needs. Learning how to take care of a foxtail fern is far from difficult.Plant the outdoor foxtail...
Asparagus.. A Spear Among Vegetables
Asparagus is an extremely good vegetable both for its ease in growing and harvesting as well as for its nutritional value. Family dogs are familiar with the green spears that children have poked at them under the dinner table.
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Growing Asparagus
The healthy spears contain an abundance of other nutrients including: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and significant amounts of vitamin C, riboflavin and dietary fiber.Asparagus also contains high quality proteins, includingand all the essential...
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Here\'s the Scoop on Fertilizers
Water in granular fertilizers thoroughly to prevent burning.Time release fertilizers are ideal for use in containers, most last for a period of 3 to 6 months.Why is there a difference in the NPK numbers on chemical vs.
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Growing Roses from A-Z (Part III)
It may also be sprinkled on the foliage. The test will also include recommendations on what amendments you need to successfully grow roses in your garden.All plants need 16 chemical elements for healthy growth.
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Homemade Gifts from the Garden
Sea salt or raw sugar can be infused with herbs or rose petals and given as gifts.To make an infused scrub, mix together a half cup of oil, such as almond or grape seed oil, with one cup of fine sea salt or raw sugar that you have already infused with...
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Three Aralias for your indoor gardens
The false aralia then looks almost like a Schefflera with serrated leaves. Three cats have on rare occasion nibbled on those with grasslike leaves such as spider plants or Dracaena marginata.Credits - Thank you to dg subscribers who gave permission to...
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Organic, What Exactly Does it Mean?
Look for the certifier's name on the package.The following ingredients are prohibited form being used on organically grown foods:Pesticides which “pose special risks to children because of their high metabolisms and low body weight”Petroleum or sewage...
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Yes, Joyce, there is a Money Tree (Pachira)
Ugh, tax time! Are you wishing that you had a magic money tree? A minor point but one that some readers may find importantMoney Tree art at left by the incomparable "Inky" Used here with permission, Thank you! Inky Art not to be used elsewhere without...
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Garden Myths Busted: Beer, Coffee and Eggs
The plants that were grown without beer and only the same amount of fertilizer did much better than all of the plants grown with beer.As far as the theory of beer adding yeast to your garden soil is baseless; yeast is readily available to your garden...
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Aquarium Water - Liquid Gold for Your Garden
I let the aquarium cycle and added the right amount of fish. My parents owned multiple aquariums and watching the small, colorful inhabitants was intriguing and mesmerizing. I became interested in keeping an aquarium at a very young age.
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Garden Crafts: How-to Instructions For A Macrame\' Hanging Planter
Once the skills are mastered in this project, we can build on them, to tackle more advanced ones.Here's a list of materials. Older kids can make extra money if they wish. I always use a ring, as it reduces stress on the cords as they swing in the breeze...
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