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Best Feed For Beef Cattle

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Three Aralias for your indoor gardens
This aralia has ruffley compound leaves on light colored "trunk." One variety has been called "parsley aralia" and it does look a bit like parsley growing on a very small tree. In southernmost Florida and other tropical zones, this plant is grown outside,...
El Segundo
Yes, Joyce, there is a Money Tree (Pachira)
Ugh, tax time! Are you wishing that you had a magic money tree? A minor point but one that some readers may find importantMoney Tree art at left by the incomparable "Inky" Used here with permission, Thank you! Inky Art not to be used elsewhere without...
El Segundo
Garden Crafts: How-to Instructions For A Macrame\' Hanging Planter
Mark this point with a piece of tape or safety pin. At about the halfway point, you will want to change their positions so that the carrier cords will be used to tie the knots and the original knot tying cords will become the carrier cords.
El Segundo
5 Key Aspects of Feeding Cattle
When feeding hay, make sure there's no mold, sharp seed heads (foxtail, cheat grass, and so on), sharp objects, sticks, wire or other junk baled up in it. Cattle can eat a lot of food in a hurry and then belch it back up for thorough chewing.
Bad luck with houseplants? Try lucky bamboo
Curled and curved stems lead to other graceful design possibilities, such as hearts.A "good luck" reputation combined with a hardy physiology bestowed popularity on this otherwise unremarkable tropical plant.3 - Happiness OR three levels of luck (happiness,...
El Segundo
A Grapevine Christmas Tree
Luckily, I have my own. However, as collectibles so often do, my garden ornaments became more and more numerous. Owners are usually glad to give permission for grapevines to be cut and collected.Every year the tree finds a place of permanence in my home.
El Segundo
Warm and Cozy Buckwheat Seeds?
Word gets around pretty quickly on Dave's Garden, and my shivering was no secret. I tried them for awhile but I continued to shiver.From the north came the words: “Lots of exercise will warm you up.” I already run through my days like a spinning top,...
El Segundo
My favorite, versatile, new gardening tool is my \
I took pictures of price labels when I comparison shopped for birdseed (safflower, at Lowe's, six pounds for nine dollars.) I have a picture of a bag of granular, insect repellent yard treatment, which I might research or purchase later.
El Segundo
Nutrition Matters: What To Feed Your Cattle
A finishing diet typically starts 60 to 90 days before you intend to harvest the animal. While there are guidelines for nutrition you should follow, the feedstuffs you choose will depend on your farm and what is available.
Is a Breeding Bull Right for Your Farm?
Cows bred this time of year will calve in the fall; those bred in the fall will calve this time next year. “This should be done every year,” he says. Managing a bull on your property takes special considerations year-round—even more so come springtime.
Cattle & Their Wild Cousins: How Livestock Has Adapted for Winter
Bison will turn a furry face toward winter precipitation, even in blizzard conditions. Neck humps tend to hold more muscle, while humps over the withers tend to hold more fat, which is a storehouse of calories to help the animals get through leaner months.
25 Photos of You and Your Cow
Courtesy Lisa S. They keep our forage fields from becoming overgrown. Courtesy Adam B. Courtesy Laura B. Courtesy Tony S. Courtesy Della S. Get tips and advice for keeping cows on your farm: How to Milk a Cow Did You Ever Want to Ride a Cow?
9 Baby Cows We\'ll Go Grassfed For
Head over to our Facebook page through the month of April, where we'll be talking about all things baby livestock. As we continue our celebration of Baby Animal Month on, we hope these photos from our readers' hobby farms will bring a bit...
7 Things To Look At When Selecting Grassfed Cattle For Your Herd
Some lines of cattle have been bred to better utilize forages as a ruminant should, while others have been selected for faster weight gain, more marbling and larger muscling when consuming grains.
How To Milk A Cow
Pasteurization Method 2: Continuous High-temperature Short-time Method Prepare an ice-water bath for cooling. Your cow will need slightly less than 3 pounds of grain for each gallon of milk it produces daily.
Is Fall Calving Right For You?
Dark-faced breeds, like Suffolks , are also a challenge but are known to be a little easier to breed in the off season. But did you know that there are some benefits to breeding livestock so the young are born in the fall?
How To Castrate A Calf
Other than making sure the animal is up to date on its tetanus vaccination, this is a fairly innocuous castration method elected by farmers, as it is easily performed at the farm without the help of a veterinarian.
Are Cattle Right For My Farm?
So, before buying 20 cattle to keep on 20 acres, really take a look around and determine what you have to work with. Locate Feed and Minerals Grassfed beef has an ever-increasing market and should be thoroughly considered before purchasing cattle.
Create an Easy-to-Build Cattle Corral for Your Herd
Excerpted from Temple Grandin's Guide to Working with Farm Animals © by Temple Grandin, photography by ©Jason Houston, used with permission from Storey Publishing. There have been many discussions about straight chutes versus V-shaped, single-file chutes.
What\'s the Deal With Grassfed Meat?
Because the emergence of large-scale feedlots aided by tax-subsidized corn and soy, the general public has grown used to the taste, texture and smell of grain-fed meat. This rumenitis allows the escape of bacteria from the rumen into the bloodstream,...
About Cattle Farming
The European Union, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Canada have banned its use. Heifers are young female cattle that have not yet given birth. Contact your cooperative extension agent, as well, because they usually have easy-to-understand information...
Florida Cracker and Pineywoods Cattle
In 1970, Zona Bass and Zetta Hunt, daughters of pioneer cattleman James Durrance, donated five purebred heifers and a bull from their father's herd, on behalf of the Florida Cattleman's Association.
Raising Calves: Tips On The Best Time For Vaccination
This story originally appeared in the July/August issue of Hobby Farms magazine. The complex issue of vaccinating newborn calves is explored in a peer-reviewed article called Does Your Vaccination Protocol Compromise Newborn Health?
How To Keep Your Cattle Healthy This Winter
Because I'm a beef cattle specialist, I'll be using the 9-point scale here. Again, your local extension office will be able to assist with this process, as will your local feed supplier.
How To Make Grassfed Cattle Gain Weight
It's because most grains have higher protein content than most grasses. “I don't like eating the same thing,” says Chad Lemke, production manager for the Grassfed Livestock Alliance , part-owner of McCollum-Lemke Ranches and secretary of the American...
Have a Cow—and We Mean a Pet Cow
Fresh cow flop is 5 percent nitrogen, .2 percent phosphoric acid, and 5 percent potash by weight; dried manure has even higher percentages. For a pet I'd buy a bucket calf (bottle baby) from a dairy farm; it will look to you as mama.
Livestock Pregnancy & Its Problems: Cattle
As a result of this rapid calcium depletion, the affected cow begins to show a set of clinical signs that are so common you can almost diagnose milk fever over the phone—and in fact many experienced dairy farmers will diagnose this condition themselves...