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How to Measure Board Feet in a Log for Timber Logging
Check with the sawmill to see how these deformities factor into price calculations. Many sawmills require you to round down to the nearest even foot, especially for softwoods. If the log end is oval-shaped, take two measurements at right angles and use...
Santa Monica
Build A Suet Log Feeder
This clever suet feeder encourages woodpeckers, titmice, nuthatches and other winter birds by presenting the treat in a log shape. Hold it between your feet to keep it from moving, or use a clamp to secure the log to a workbench or table.
Up to (Electrical) Code
Not only can they apprise you of the local codes but they might also be able to advise you on the options available for your renovation needs. Because we're not ready for the latter, we're in the throes of finishing and finalizing electrical wiring for...
How Do Potatoes Produce Electricity?
The word "potato" commonly refers to the edible tuber of a potato plant. Today, they are the world's fourth-largest food crop, behind rice, wheat and corn. The freed electrons travel from the nail electrode through the wire, lighting the bulb or LED,...
Santa Monica
Build The Best Log Home For You
Follow these strategies, and you'll soon be on the way to the log home of your dreams. Mix & Match: If you want to mix and match these different styles, log and timber producers can help you create a new rustic style all your own.
Electric Vehicles: Charge Up in Texas
Courtesy eVgo Electric-vehicle owners in Texas can now charge up their cars at public charging stations springing up in Houston and the Dallas/Fort Worth areas. Each Freedom Station provides a 480-volt DC fast charger that can add 30 miles of range in...
How To Maintain An Electric Fence
Do you get good voltage close to the charger, but less at the far end of the pasture? The other terminal—the “ground” or “negative” terminal—is connected to metal grounding rods that are placed deep into the soil, giving all of the ground...
Flip the Switch on Electricity Consumption
A CFL lasts for about five years and, over its life, can save $30 in electricity costs. Our house is situated ideally for a system like this, with a southwest-facing orientation unobstructed by trees.
Electric Drills: An Essential Farm Tool
“Hand me the drill.” This phrase couldn't be more common on hobby farms everywhere, whether you're building a chicken coop , repairing a fence or working on a multitude of other construction tasks.
Ring In The New Year With A Yule Log
We drilled small holes, pushed wads of spore-infused sawdust into the holes, and sealed them with hot wax or good ol' duct tape. Just a few days ago, I finally went hunting on the internet, and found a diagnosis.
Log Homes: What You Need To Know Before You Build
To reduce maintenance costs, Hochstetler says to use a good finish, large overhangs and quality kiln-dried material. Not everyone will be drawn to the log-home standards of a cathedral ceiling, exposed beams and wood walls and ceilings.
Why Winter Is The Perfect Time For Small-Scale Logging
It can be difficult to see any great distance in a forest during the summer months, so working in the winter when the leaves are down and you can see the surrounding forest much more clearly makes it easier to find clear paths for machinery and identify...
Electric Fencing: The Economical Option For Your Farm
Of course, electric fences do have a few disadvantages. Loose wires also make the fence more dangerous, as animals can become tangled in the wires. Long-haired animals require more voltage than short-haired animals, and sheep might require even more,...
This Water Pump Is Propelled By The Water It Pumps
Buy It Or Build It? The pump fills the tank slowly, and the tank, positioned at the highest point on the farm, can then gravity feed water to wherever you need it. But generally speaking, more precision is needed for a flow rate of less than 3 gallons...
Consider These 4 Extra Features When You Buy an Electric Drill
Here are a few less-obvious features to consider when shopping for an electric drill. If you can get a brushless motor, you'll probably be pleased. A portable electric drill is an essential tool for any hobby farmer.
Bringing Back The Windmill
The deeper the water is, the larger the head will need to be,” says Duane Miller, owner of Miller's Windmill Service in northern Indiana. The tower tanks are typically as high as the windmill.
5 Tools Modern Farmers Should Be Thankful For
Usually, discussions of “things to be thankful for” are saved for Thanksgiving season, but hobby farmers across the nation have so many things to be thankful for that we might as well start early! Here are five pieces of equipment that (in my opinion)...
Farm Shiitake Mushrooms in the Forest
“I keep adding other species as time and space allows. “Mushrooms are the gateway to agroforestry ,” says Steve Gabriel, extension aide at the Cornell Cooperative Extension, who, along with his colleagues, has been studying shiitake cultivation...
Dryer Trouble-shooting: Keep It Simple
Because I purchased the dryer through our local dealer (after all, he had kept our 20-year-old dryer functioning for years), I gave him a call. << More Shop Talk >> Tags broken machine , clothes dryer , electrical machines , Jim Ruen
Use a Solar-Powered Portable Electric Fence to Pasture Your Pigs
But when you add the kit that mounts the solar panel as well as houses the marine battery, things get portable. Then I observed and emulated the solar setup of a "lunatic farmer." Here's how it works.
Power to the People
Batteries for these systems may require maintenance and generally need to be replaced every five to seven years. Wind turbines use kinetic energy to create electricity. Whether for heat or electricity, we all need power, but we don't have to rely on the...
The Mushrooms Are Mushing!
Studies show they can improve cognitive ability, encourage nerve growth and facilitate healing wounds. It's giving me hope for the shiitake log right next to it—no signs yet, but I'm feeling optimistic.
How to Cut Firewood at the Standard Lengths
The standard length for firewood is 16 inches. Cut down to the previous cut until the log falls from the tree. Repeat this process for all of the 8-foot logs.Flip the 16-inch log rounds upright so that you can see the cross-cut of the wood grain.
Santa Monica
How to Dry Birch Wood
The length of the cut will depend on how you intend to use the dried wood.Melt paraffin on low heat until it reaches the consistency of paint.Seal the ends of your logs with liquid paraffin applied with a paintbrush.Place supports made from 2-by-4s under...
Santa Monica
Fairfield University\'s Energy Dashboard
Tags electricity usage , energy dashboard , fairfield university , thermal usage The “carbon footprint per bed” is accounted for, showing how many tons of C02 is used and how many acres of trees are needed to offset each building's carbon footprint.
A Celebration of the Winter Solstice
Hence, the logs or trees that were burned became known as Yule Logs.Oak was the most common wood used for these Yule Logs. And...I'll raise my cup of cheer to toast the Winter Solstice while singing along with David Mallett's "Wishing you a Happy Winter...
El Segundo
Shiitake Mushroom Growing: Learn How To Grow Shiitake Mushrooms
However, shiitake mushroom growing for the home gardener or hobbyist isn't very difficult and can be very rewarding.Shiitakes are wood-decay fungus, meaning they grow on logs. About 25 years ago, demand for shiitakes made it a viable and profitable enterprise...