The Vespa is more than 30 years old, and I'm planning to take it apart, paint everything and then put it back together. During the rainy season, like now, the creek swells and the waterfall gets nice and big.
The FAAC USA Model 402 Hydraulic Swing Gate Operator is tailored for average single-family use; the Model 422 is designed for more demanding single-family use. Track gates slide along a metal rail embedded in the ground, whereas cantilever gates are suspended...
Farm trucks with four-wheel drive can also be tremendously valuable in the winter or during wet, muddy weather. During hay season on my farm, we frequently put our four-wheel-drive truck into action, using it to pull a trailer around the fields for the...
The U.S. Senate recently passed an amendment to S.1813, the transportation or Highway Bill that would exempt farm trucks from the restrictions of commercially licensed truck drivers.
Pickup and flatbed trucks have handled such farm tasks for nearly a century. Receiver hitches do, however, put the tongue weight behind the rear axle, which tends to lift the front wheels.
4th St. Brooklyn, NY Arrangements:Pickup at Windsor Terrace Community Garden The Neighborhood School CSA 121 E. Comanche Ave Tampa, FL 33634 813-887-4066 Arrangements: Pickup SoFla Urban Farm Fort Lauderdale,...
Plus, overhead watering encourages mildew and fungal growths. But quenching your crops' thirst doesn't mean your water bill has to go through the roof or that you need to waste this precious resource.
While the preferred markings are four white socks to the knees and hocks, and a well-defined blaze or bald face, horses with one or more dark legs are often seen. Clydesdale breeders look for horses with “action,” which they describe as high-stepping...
Adding bedding is important because dog- crate floors are slippery. Also, don't trust factory-installed latches; if they come open in transit and your animals escape, they could be killed.
And remember, spring and those first pea tendrils are just around the snowy corner! Savoring the good life, << More Farmstead Chef >> Tags freeze , frozen , garden harvest , growing season , Lists , preservation
Do you know any folksongs or other simple songs about cows? She also found a cow song she didn't know, a Pennsylvania fiddle tune called “ The Old Bell Cow .” Click on the link and hear it played! While you're there, click on Bill Grogan's Goat (that...
Another great benefit is that you can actually deter moths with herbs indoors. To use these herbs as natural indoor moth repellant, grow a couple pots worth and when mature, harvest the herbs to dry., or another type of breathable fabric bag.
They are commonly seen loafing near the visitor center. It was snatched up by a young prairie dog. I know that many benign bacteria present in the human body may be a problem when ingested by a prairie dog.
The thickly branched shrub or small tree forms extensive thickets or colonies by suckering. A drive down almost any highway in spring reveals a spectacle as the redbuds and native plums burst into bloom.
Reuse Cooking Water You know that bread that I make with the sunflower seeds that you all go ape-shit over? Maybe start by showering every other day and certainly when you can smell yourself.
Some of these small horses ended up working in Dutch and English coalmines in the 1700s, pulling carts underground. For the Falabella, the Falabella Miniature Horse Association was created in 1973.
These gaits are natural, and Rocky Mountain Horses are born with it. Today, the Rocky Mountain Horse is considered a rare breed, and is on the American Livestock Breed Conservancy watch list.
Today's promenade will take place quite far away from my tropical island as we will first fly eleven hours to France and then drive a while to get into the garrigue. I now want to thank my mother, Jacqueline Devin, who not only introduced me to the garrigue...
After it was established I planted it in the landscape in a sunny area with particularly poor soil where it continues to thrive.Gopher apple is an important plant in the ecosystems of the coastal plain.
They will have a brown husk attached. So much so, that Vermont has made them their State vegetable.Discover the Ostrich Fern, extremely well suited to the garden landscape, hardy to zone 2, why not cultivate your very own fiddlehead patch?
Across our 50 states and our approximately 975 major metropolitan areas, farmers and consumers can find 4,685 farmers' markets . Demand for local food and desire to interact with food producers helped drive the number of farmers markets in the United...
Along with the mulched leaves, grass, and twigs, there is rotting fruit from two late-bearing apple trees, small piles of manure from the apple-eating deer, and various visiting cats, dogs, and other wildlife.
The breed's ancestors worked as pack horses in the monastic houses of north eastern England, carrying goods between abbeys and monasteries. The breed declined with the invention of motorized vehicles and considerable crossbreeding, and today is considered...
We have a long way to go on the project, but just having it underway feels great! Here's to new beginnings! « More Dirt on Gardening » Tags Jessica Walliser , patio , patios , pavers
I promise myself at the end of every blooming season that I will have yanked every single cell of cleavers out of my garden. I didn't know what to do about cleavers then, and I really don't know now.
Some folks called this cornmeal mush, but most called it hasty pudding.Bouncing back to our British friends, Yorkshire pudding was made from an egg, flour and milk batter cooked in a large shallow pan containing a layer of beef drippings.
Conformation: The Caspian horse breed is small, but it's not a pony. Adult Caspian horses stand from less than 40 inches to 50 inches tall, measured at the withers, and they come in all colors except spotted.