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Should I Supplement Light In My Coop?
Prevent Fire Choose a light fixture that won't be a fire hazard inside your particular coop, and make sure it's as far as possible from flammable materials. Those other 60 days, she's either molting, broody or her ovaries are taking a staycation.
Nutrition Matters: How To Add Supplements To Chickens\' Diet
Kitchen Scraps Chickens make great garbage disposal substitutes. Sunflower seeds are high in vitamin B and E, while flax seed will increase the omega-3 levels in the eggs a hen produces.
How to Enrich Your Chickens\' Diet This Winter
For large layers, a grazing frame requires hardware cloth to support their weight over the forage. “The satisfaction of growing sprouts and fodder doesn't end after the first jar,” Gabel says.
3 Edible Mushrooms To Forage From The Woods
It's best to harvest maitakes when the mushroom is young. He recommends that even if you can positively I.D. a mushroom, it's best to cook it thoroughly. In general, this mushroom fruits in the summer.
4 Store-Bought Treats Your Flock Will Love
I do, however, hate seeing food go to waste. Our food tends to be too high in salt, sugar and fat, unhealthy for humans and undoubtedly bad for our birds. These blends of grains , seeds, nuts, dried insects, raisins and other ingredients come in colorful...
Charcoal For Chickens
If you're worried your chickens won't appreciate their new treat, rest assured that if your birds can reach it, they will taste-test the charcoal. Next, find an area away from anything that can be damaged by fire.
4 Nutritious Spring Roots To Harvest
There are two ways to enjoy them in a meal. If you'd rather be on the safe side, you can slice and freeze your roots. After the long winter where the frozen ground has prevented me from digging roots and the cold kept the greens hidden below the soil,...
18 Ways To Upcycle Eggshells
“Then put them in a sunny window, and water.” Display the blooming shells in eggcup holders, nested in a dish of gravel or even in egg cartons. You might as well give it a try.
Rockhounds: Finding A Market For Foraged Rocks
A benefit of this special local product is that they are nonperishable items that can be sold at market in early spring and late fall when harvests are low, and they are favorite items for tourists at market to purchase.
Grow A Garden For Your Chickens
That way, even if the specific plant you're interested in feeding is not listed, you can begin to identify whether that plant might make good chicken food based on its family. The extra vitamins they get from the plants in their diets make for better...
Nutrition Matters: What To Feed Your Laying Hens
If you are feeding supplemental foods or hens are foraging, then they need grit, too. Choosing among these higher-priced rations is a personal choice based on your chicken-keeping goals.
5 Seasonal Treats That Your Geese Will Love
You can feed them romaine and other common lettuces, or the tops of root vegetables such as carrot or beet greens. It's full of fats and provides very little in the way of proteins or vitamins.
Holistic Henhouse: Home Remedies to Help Your Chickens
Wear disposable gloves and old clothes if you use it; it's terribly difficult to remove from skin and clothing. Add linseed meal or flax seeds to feed to boost protein levels, and add a large dose of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids to chickens' diet.
The 3-Course Meal Your Chickens Should Be Eating
Because they are biennials, I pull them from the vegetable garden and replant the woody ones next to the pen. Perhaps it will give you some ideas for upping your chicken-feed game.
3 Homegrown Treats for Farm Babies
Mangels tolerate various soils, but prefer full sun. Store seeds in a dry, pest-proof container until ready to feed. They grow best when kept moist. Pumpkins Harvest celebrations and Halloween might be what you think of when you hear the word pumpkin...
USDA Expands SNAP Access at Farmers\' Markets
According to the Farmers Market Coalition, farmers markets' and market networks interested in taking advantage of the USDA funding are advised to contact their state SNAP agency as soon as possible to learn more about participation during the 2012 season.
5 Rules for Urban Wild Food Foraging
Forage with Friends You can learn about urban foraging on field walks, such as Meredith's in Brooklyn, or “Wildman” Steve Brill's throughout New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and New Jersey.
Boost Chickens\' Protein Intake With Mealworms
During times when protein needs are high, such as during a chicken's annual molt or when hens return to egg laying in the spring, mealworms are an excellent protein supplement to help meet seasonal nutritional requirements.
6 Foraging Chicken Breeds for the Thrifty Farmer
Tags chicken breeds , chickens , flock , foraging , hens , Lists Many of the most popular dual-purpose heritage chickens can bear confinement or adapt to a free-range environment. While this breed is practically unheard of in the United States, it has...
DIY Guide to Natural Pest Control
Technicians check the bait stations every quarter for activity. The compounds in the hair spray clog the breathing pores of the insect's exoskeleton, killing it quickly. Make Your Own Spray I've formulated my own recipe for a pest deterrent spray based...
Feed Your Hogs Hay? In Some Cases, It Makes Perfect Sense
It's also important to consider what hay you're offering your swine. For starters, ensure you're offering hay and not straw—as obvious as this might seem, some still stand to learn the difference between the two.
4 Ways To Promote Good Rumen Health In Goats
As with all ruminants, the key to keeping goats healthy lies primarily in keeping their rumens healthy. The mineral access helps to balance nutrition-poor forage and allows you to feed less grain to make up for those imbalances.
Understanding Nitrogen Requirements For Plants
Understanding nitrogen requirements for plants helps gardeners supplement crop needs more effectively. Plants obtain nitrogen through compounds containing ammonium or nitrate. Both of these can be given to plants through chemical fertilizers.
Up to Scratch: A Guide to Specialty Grains for Chickens
Shutterstock Summer Scratch During the hot days of summer, eliminate corn from scratch. Each shop owner also provides scratch bars with resources for customers to make their own blends.
7 Chicken Treats for Better-Quality Eggs
“Chickens are like a lot of other creatures,” Tabler says. “If you throw a bunch of stuff out there, they know what their body needs. Treats should not be chickens' main source of food.
Book Learning or Experience: Which Is More Important in Farming?
Experience is crucial, but instructional materials as well as memoirs provide a necessary supplement for those breaking into agriculture. While instructional guides and websites were invaluable, a different kind of farm book helped keep our spirits up...
Gardeners SNAP to It
“It would be great if hobby farmers selling at markets or local grocery stores would make sure the markets take food stamps, and they should get in touch with SNAP Gardens to request posters,” he says.