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Spider Webs On Grass – Dealing With Dollar Spot Fungus On Lawns
Fungicides are toxic chemicals that you should use with caution. Inadequate nitrogen is a primary cause, but drought, overwatering, improper mowing height, heavy thatch andcan all contribute to the disease.
Dealing with Ducks
This is not a surprise, because past experience has taught me to expect R-rated Muscovy behavior and fertile eggs anywhere from March to November. They have their own reproductive agenda, with the females—determined to give us duckling surprises whenever...
Canna Mosaic Virus: Dealing With Mosaic On Canna Plants
It can also be spread by the propagation of already infected plant material. Because they're such all-around winners in the garden, it can be especially devastating to discover your cannas are infected with disease.
Dealing with Dandelions Naturally
The vinegar is non-selective so only spray directly on dandelions. The method takes persistence and time but is a more sure-fire system and prevents spreading noxious substances where children and pets play.Dandelions have been used medicinally and as...
El Segundo
Purple Blotch On Onions: Dealing With Purple Blotch In Onion Crops
(1-3 C.) with a humidity of 65-70% in a well aerated, cool, dry area.If need be, apply a fungicide according to the manufacturer's instructions. Also, remove any volunteer onions which may be infected.
Dealing With Common Orchid Problems
It helps to know a little more about common orchid problems before you buy your first plant. Because of this, orchids are very sensitive to environmental a common sign of problem conditions.
Pests On Plum Trees – How To Deal With Common Plum Tree Pests
Shake the limbs of the tree to dislodge Japanese beetles much as recommended for non-chemical control of plum curculio. Gather all the beetles and dispose of them. Early identification of plum tree bugs will help you to figure out how to control or eradicate...
What Causes White Holly Spots: Dealing With White Spots On Holly Plants
Sometimes, just moving the plant outdoors where these insects can get to it is enough. There's a chance you also have southern red mites, a common problem with holly plants. Both are tiny pests that stab into the leaves of the plant and suck out its juices.,...
How Plants Deal With Stress
Don't view all stress as harmful to plants. The sensitive plant became acclimated and somehow knew that it would survive the next drop, so there was no need to protect itself from danger.
How To Treat Bay Pests : Dealing With Pests On A Bay Tree
Leaves yellow and die and twigs have a scorched appearance.It is important not to use toxic substances on trees whose leaves you use in recipes. Lacewings and parasitic wasps may also be helpful in combating bay pests.In small plants, soak a cotton ball...
Dealing With Common Zone 5 Weeds – Tips On Controlling Cold Climate Weeds
In fact, spraying may be more effective in cold weather because many products become volatile in warmer weather, turning into a vapor that can damage nearby plants.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });An additional...
What\'s the Deal With Grassfed Meat?
However, it's important to keep in mind that healthy animals produce healthy meat, and as we saw earlier, ruminants on a grain-based diet are not as healthy as their grassfed counterparts.
How to Deal with Aggressive Roosters
Ask Martok! Do you have a livestock or wildlife question you want me to answer? When he gets up and attacks again, roll him over, repeating this until he decides you're the top rooster and walks away.
Uprooted Plant Damage: Dealing With Uprooted Plants
Keep reading for information on what to do about plant roots coming out of ground.Yes, sometimes uprooted plants can be saved. First, inspect the rootball carefully for breaks and damage.
Monocots versus Dicots- what\'s the big deal?
I mean, you can, but you will end up with a dead post instead of a shorter palm tree. Monocot trees, on the other hand, can tolerate girdling since their transportion anatomy is not so easily cut off by girdling.
El Segundo
Dealing With Ice On Plants: What To Do For Ice Covered Trees And Shrubs
When winter temperatures stay consistently cold, ice on plants is not usually something to worry about. In the fall, use pantyhose to tie shrub branches up to each other to prevent the shrubs from splitting.
Flowering Radish Plant – Dealing With Radishes Bolting
Those grown in cooler temps will also have a milder flavor.Spring planted radishes should also be harvested early—before the heat and longer days of summer begin to set in. They also like plenty of moisture while growing.If radishes are planted too...
Using Herding Dogs on the Farm
Page 1 | 2 Tags farm , sheep , stock dog Before you decide on a specific dog breed , consider your livestock and how you manage them. The vast majority does not work on a farm or ranch.
Using Travel Corridors on the Farm
Understanding Possible Hazards Just as we need roads to meet our daily activities, wildlife need to travel between locations to eat, sleep and loaf. Wildlife “interstate” corridors connect populations of wildlife to other populations.
Coloring Garden Structures: Tips On Using Color On Landscape Structures
A fun way to display your children's art work is to paste it to the fence and then use a clear outdoor sealer to protect the artwork. If you are using paint on a wooden barrier around a raised food bed, you might want to think twice about a purchased...
FDA To Tighten Rules On Compost Used on Food Crops
The pre-harvest application window for raw manure under the proposed rule is nine months prior to harvest.Although these regulations are aimed at commercial growers, I believe home gardeners who use compost containing animal matter might be wise to follow...
El Segundo
Desperate Houseplants: Dealing With Common Houseplant Diseases
Good ventilation and careful watering is recommended. Otherwise, they should be removed and destroyed. Can develop many problems, mostly due to environmental or cultural causes. If it's dry, add some water, but if it's wet (or slightly moist), leave it...
What Are Grow Lights: Tips On Using Grow Lights On Plants
For example, plants such asand similar plants thrive in low to moderate light.need more intense light. LED lights may appear dim to human eyes because the bulbs don't provide a lot of yellow-green light, but they offer plenty offreestar.queue.push(function()...
What Is Miticide: Tips On How To Use Miticide On Plants
Wind can carry miticide to undesired areas, and it isn't as effective because less of the product lands on the intended plant.Buy only as much miticide as you can use and mix only what you need at one time because it is very difficult to dispose of the...
Epsom Salt Lawn Care: Tips On Using Epsom Salt On Grass
Add 2 tablespoons to each gallon of water used on the lawn. One such piece of advice was in the use of Epsom salt as lawn fertilizer. Let's consider first what Epsom salt has been used for in the commercial farming industry.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Oatmeal Uses In Gardens: Tips On Using Oatmeal For Plants
Oatmeal has a slightly abrasive quality that helps loosen up the goo. Oatmeal is a nutritious, fiber-rich grain that tastes great and “sticks to your ribs” on cold winter mornings.
Ferret Poop In Compost: Tips On Using Ferret Manure On Plants
Fertilizing with fresh manure can result in burned roots.Now that you know using ferret manure on plants isn't a good option, you can look towards other types of manure that can be safely used instead.