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Fun feature: Spotlight on BirdFiles
"February is for the birds." Many winter-weary gardeners wouldn't argue with that. Members follow webcam reports and photo stories of birds from egg to fledgling and beyond.For those seeking advice on attracting birds, members suggest garden construction...
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Spider Webs On Grass – Dealing With Dollar Spot Fungus On Lawns
Inadequate nitrogen is a primary cause, but drought, overwatering, improper mowing height, heavy thatch andcan all contribute to the disease. Choose a product labeled to treat dollar spot disease and carefully follow the instructions.If you see webs on...
Dealing with Ducks
Inevitably, we suffer winter duck losses due to predators—usually eagles or raccoons—so keeping two or three of the ducklings each year helps maintain our flock at five to seven birds, the optimum number for our farm.
Canna Mosaic Virus: Dealing With Mosaic On Canna Plants
Because they're such all-around winners in the garden, it can be especially devastating to discover your cannas are infected with disease. The one that infects cannas and is frequently referred to as Canna Mosaic Virus is also known as.
Dealing with Dandelions Naturally
Good care will help prevent dandelions from getting a significant toe hold in your landscape.Manual pulling is a chore if your yard is overrun with the weeds but it is safe and easy and even the kids can pitch in.
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Purple Blotch On Onions: Dealing With Purple Blotch In Onion Crops
The following article discusses purple blotch on onions, including what causes it and how to manage it., it first manifests as small, water-soaked lesions that rapidly develop white centers.
Dealing With Common Orchid Problems
Most orchids are, plants that grow in the branches of trees in very little soil using their roots both to cling to trees and respirate; many even have photosynthetic organs located in their prop roots.
Pests On Plum Trees – How To Deal With Common Plum Tree Pests
The female beetles lay eggs under the surface of developing fruit. The following information focuses on common plum tree pests.First of all, don't panic. This procedure must be repeated daily in the spring when they are most active and then off and on...
What Causes White Holly Spots: Dealing With White Spots On Holly Plants
Are wonderful and attractive plants to have around, especially for the bright color they provide in the drab winter months, so it can be upsetting to look a little closer than usual and find little white spots all over the leaves.
How Plants Deal With Stress
Plants Can Learn Monica Gagliano , researcher at the University of Western Australia, and her colleagues are making waves in the field of plant cognition. Plants Have Options When disease or another hard time hits, plants can react in a few different...
How To Treat Bay Pests : Dealing With Pests On A Bay Tree
Most pests on a bay tree will be boring or sap sucking, favoring the stems and woody parts of the plant. Leaves, twigs and entire branches wilt and die. Occasionally,can also attack leaves.
Dealing With Common Zone 5 Weeds – Tips On Controlling Cold Climate Weeds
Using an old-fashioned hoe or pulling weeds are tried and true forms of weed management for all USDA plant hardiness zones, including zone 5. Read on for a list of common weeds in zone 5, and learn about controlling cold climate weeds when they appear.Here...
What\'s the Deal With Grassfed Meat?
As long as they are introduced gradually to grain, extreme cases of bloating are usually prevented, but ruminants don't ever really adapt to grain, though they'll eat it like the candy it is.
How to Deal with Aggressive Roosters
And if you're genuinely afraid of your rooster, replace him with one you needn't fear. When he gets up and attacks again, roll him over, repeating this until he decides you're the top rooster and walks away.
Uprooted Plant Damage: Dealing With Uprooted Plants
If the roots are white and relatively intact, your plant is healthy, so wet the rootball well and replant it where it belongs. Trees, garden vegetables and perennials are frequent victims.
Monocots versus Dicots- what\'s the big deal?
Right photo are newly sprouted cactus seedlings showing their definitely paired new cotyledons (). However, in younger palms, if topped but without completely removing the apical meristem (which is usually buried down a foot or so amongst the surrounding...
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Dealing With Ice On Plants: What To Do For Ice Covered Trees And Shrubs
Shaking off tree branches covered in icicles can cause personal injury though, so use caution. For several weeks, our Wisconsin weather had fluctuated dramatically between snow storms, heavy rains, extremely cold temperatures and ice storms.
Flowering Radish Plant – Dealing With Radishes Bolting
They also like plenty of moisture while growing.If radishes are planted too late in spring or too early for fall, the warmer temps and longer days of summer will inevitably lead to bolting.
The Yule Log
Once you finish frosting the cake, the extra piece looks like a “bump” on a log. Many recipes instruct you to cut the rolled cake at both ends on the diagonal, much as you might when cutting a real log.
El Segundo
Desperate Houseplants: Dealing With Common Houseplant Diseases
However, there are fungal, viral and bacterial conditions that can affect them. If it's dry, add some water, but if it's wet (or slightly moist), leave it alone. Can develop many problems, mostly due to environmental or cultural causes.
Pumpkin Insect Control – Dealing With Pumpkin Insect Pests
Keep reading to learn about pumpkin insect problems and pumpkin insect control.Pumpkins are a favorite food of quite a few insects, and pests on pumpkins can be a real problem. These creatures burrow deep into pumpkin vines and suck away their moisture.
Safety Tips For Dealing With An Aggressive Sow
What you do with a pig like that is up to you, but I'd personally be disinclined to keeping her around. A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I looked at the piglets frolicking in the pasture and decided: It was time to cut.
Common Spinach Problems: Dealing With Spinach Pests And Diseases
Heat also causes the plants to(go to seed) quickly, ruining the flavor of the crop.Plant the seeds in late winter or early spring for an early crop or in late summer or early fall for a fall or winter crop.
Problems With Vermicomposting: How To Deal With Vermicompost Issues
These types of foods may cause your castings to smell rotten or the worms may not even break them down.Keep vermicomposting problems to a minimum by following the guidelines on container, site, moisture and food scrap characteristics.hovering about.
What The Peck? How To Deal With Aggressive Chickens
Read Your Breed Shutterstock Sometimes, we inherit our flocks and take the good with the bad. When we understand that, we're less likely to personify aggressive chickens, assigning them ulterior emotion-based motives they are incapable of and viewing...
Zoysia Diseases – Tips For Dealing With Zoysia Grass Problems
Close inspection of spotty areas of zoysia dying will oftentimes be necessary to determine its actual presence. One of the most common zoysia grass problems is thelayer, which is caused from undecomposed organic matter.
Log Planters For Gardens: How To Make A Log Planter
Keep in mind that we often learn best from trial and error. It can be all too easy to spend a fortune on stunning planters for the garden. A trough planter can give you more width to plant in, while a vertical planter can give you more depth.There are...