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Fun feature: Spotlight on BirdFiles
We encourage you to add your favorite references or check out the titles added by your fellow members.We hope you take advantage of the birding resources here at Dave's Garden. Just likethere are images, comments and location reports.
El Segundo
Spider Webs On Grass – Dealing With Dollar Spot Fungus On Lawns
The spiders like to hide in a part of the web sheltered by fallen leaves, rocks or debris. In the presence of stress, warm days and cool nights encourage rapid fungal growth.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Dealing with Ducks
So how do you other duck-raisers deal with your ducks? You would think after keeping them on our farm for near twenty years, I'd have discovered a consistent, efficient, responsible way to deal with my Muscovy flock's obsession with reproduction (I suspect...
Canna Mosaic Virus: Dealing With Mosaic On Canna Plants
The one that infects cannas and is frequently referred to as Canna Mosaic Virus is also known as. This may involve destroying the entire plant.If the plant is also infested with aphids, immediately separate all nearby plants and kill any aphids you find...
Garden Hose Information: Learn About Using Hoses In The Garden
The most common is a ½ inch (1.2 cm.) diameter, though you can also get hoses with a 5/8 or ¾ inch (1.58 to 1.9 cm.) diameters. Hoses are usually labeled as one to six ply. In addition to this, the length of the hose also affects water flow and pressure.
Dealing with Dandelions Naturally
Lay thick newspaper, cardboard or black plastic over the affected area and let the sun fry the offending plants. Water the grass regularly in the dry season and feed with a high nitrogen plant food in spring.
El Segundo
Purple Blotch On Onions: Dealing With Purple Blotch In Onion Crops
Yourmay be of assistance steering you to the correct fungicide for use controlling purple blotch in onion crops. Less commonly, the bulb becomes infected through the neck or from fostered by temperatures of 43-93 F.
Dealing With Common Orchid Problems
People try to treat these plants like other houseplants, with chaos resulting. Even a tiny bit of damage may be enough to allow bacteria to penetrate leaves when your orchid is living in a warm, wet area.
People\'s Gardens on the Rise
The garden must be a collaborative effort among volunteers, neighbors or organizations within the local community. Hundreds of organizations contribute to the People's Gardens at the local level, and most of these partners are recipients of the food grown...
Informative Books On Vegetable Gardening
The author introduces the potager garden, using the imagination to create both functional and beautiful vegetable gardens. The author explains what to start planting and when and how to efficiently organize your garden into square foot areas, which saves...
Tater Totes: DIY fabric pots for potatoes & other plants
We just dump the containers and the taters fall out at our feet. My Tater Totes are starting their third growing season in 2012 (I did not plant potatoes last year), and I think I can get at least another year or two of use from them.
El Segundo
Getting My Garden Freak On
So yeah, this spring, I'm definitely covering the basics: zucchini, kale, lettuce, tomatoes, radishes. Weirdo crops just might turn out to be cash crops, too. When I'm setting out plant starts, I'll be saving space for a patch of lemongrass.
Dear Sheila (2), Groundbreaking time in your new veggie garden
Putting in this brand-new planting bed is a bit of a workout. No, I am not so smart! I just spend (waste?) a lot of time playing in dirt, surfing my favorite gardening website, or daydreaming about gardening! Sure, we should have started earlier, even...
El Segundo
A Quick & Easy Harvest Apron
Iron-on fusible webbing material can serve this purpose when sandwiched between the apron and a colorful fabric, making a decorative addition to the apron design. I used a sewing machine for nearly all the embellishments at first, but a friend's request...
El Segundo
Pests On Plum Trees – How To Deal With Common Plum Tree Pests
As soon as you see any sign of egg-laying scars, apply the first round of insecticide and then spray again two weeks later.are another common pest found on plum trees. They will fall onto the plastic tarp, looking much like bud scales or other debris.
What Causes White Holly Spots: Dealing With White Spots On Holly Plants
Sometimes, just moving the plant outdoors where these insects can get to it is enough. If the scale infestation is severe, however, you may have to prune away the leaves that are the most affected.
Miniature Container Gardens Provide Indoor-Outdoor Fun
I learned the hard way that they will perform better if allowed to sit in a sheltered area outside for a day or two before being introduced into the house or the yard.Prepackaged cactus soil is great for succulent gardens and with a little added peat...
El Segundo
For the Love of Luffa, or is it Loufah?
The immature fruit is a healthy vegetable prepared like squash, it does not cross-pollinate outside it's species, and when fully grown, can be put to work scrubbing and cleaning, insulating and sound-proofing your tool shed, filtering and straining, and...
El Segundo
A Day at Dave\'s Garden
I've already started someunder the lights upstairs. The words highlighted lead to their matching forum, just click on them to be taken there. Theneeded taking out, so I turned on the coffee and headed out the door.
El Segundo
V for Victory - Victory Garden That Is!
The end result was that the U.S. War Department could buy the mass produced fruits and vegetables cheaply if the people back home would produce their own.My grandfather called his little vegetable plot a victory garden until the day he had to stop gardening...
El Segundo
Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part I
They erect various type of fencing to keep the “critters” out and install different types of garden art in their plots.Water is provided by the city from faucets and hoses located throughout the garden.This garden is not just strictly for working,...
El Segundo
The Frugal Gardener: Money Saving Projects and Tips; How to Create a Small Water Garden
We hope our projects will inspire you to become a Frugal Gardener too! These are old black nursery pots, so by recycling them, it is free and reduces trash in the landfills, a win-win situation.
El Segundo
Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part IV
This community garden is located in Wayne, Michigan about 15 miles west of Detroit. I estimate the garden is about 2 acres in size are divided in plots that are about 20X10 feet in size.
El Segundo
How Plants Deal With Stress
Hardy Plants Over time, if plants are exposed to similar stresses and their entire population acclimates, the next generation inherits this change and has a greater likelihood of survival.
How To Treat Bay Pests : Dealing With Pests On A Bay Tree
Larvae tunnel in the smaller woody tissue of the plant and eat plant tissue, while adults tunnel simply to lay the eggs. Most pests on a bay tree will be boring or sap sucking, favoring the stems and woody parts of the plant.
Community Gardens Different in their own Unique Ways, Part III
These will replace some of the many ash trees lost to the EAB. The program would be similar to the Master Gardener program, but would also cover grant writing, procedures to test soil for toxic substances.
El Segundo
Making a zen garden: Your garden is your spa
Bends, corners, and shadows keep you looking and wondering what's there.This principle is one that I think we all strive for whether we know it or not. Patina on a lantern or moss on a rock and weathered wood are examples of koko.
El Segundo