After all, it's just as attractive. If your bishop's weed is losing its variegation, read on for information.Why is my snow on the mountain losing color? This form, (‘Variegatum') displays small, bluish-green leaves with white edges.
It tolerates almost any soil as long as it is well-drained, and needs full or partial shade. They'll be ankle high again in no time. Dig these plants out immediately, getting rid of as much of the rhizomes as you can.
Bird watching and bird feeding are growing in popularity every day and gardeners find these activities a natural extension of their other outdoor enjoyments. We encourage you to add your favorite references or check out the titles added by your fellow...
Inadequate nitrogen is a primary cause, but drought, overwatering, improper mowing height, heavy thatch andcan all contribute to the disease. The spiders like to hide in a part of the web sheltered by fallen leaves, rocks or debris.
Since we haven't been able to bring ourselves to eat surplus ducks (yet) and I don't want our farm over-run with super-poopy pet fowl, I try to be diligent about gathering duck eggs (great for baking, by the way), except for the annual summer clutch I...
Other plants with drupes include coffee, mango, olive, apricot, cherry, peach and plums.Pistachios are also harvested differently than other nut crops: the nuts are picked before they fall to the ground.
The one that infects cannas and is frequently referred to as Canna Mosaic Virus is also known as. It can also be spread by the propagation of already infected plant material. Keep reading to learn more about recognizing mosaic virus in cannas, and how...
They reseed vigorously and prolifically, produce long deep taproots and are very hard to kill. Citric acid works in much the same way as the vinegar and is also non-toxic.Fight fire with fire so to speak.
Less commonly, the bulb becomes infected through the neck or from fostered by temperatures of 43-93 F. Also, remove any volunteer onions which may be infected. Onions infected with purple blotch become defoliated prematurely which compromises...
Read on to prepare for your orchid adventure.Even with the best of care troubles can occur. People try to treat these plants like other houseplants, with chaos resulting. As the medium or moss ages, it breaks down, squeezing the air pockets between areas...
First transported to the United States in 1916, Japanese beetles are equal opportunity marauders, infesting not only plum trees but many other plants. Adults are brown and scaly with long pinchers that they use to tunnel into fruit.
Sometimes, just moving the plant outdoors where these insects can get to it is enough. Keep reading to learn more about what causes white holly spots and how to deal with white spots on holly leaves.White spots on holly leaves can almost always be chalked...
There are a wide range of ways that plants acclimate to stresses, including changing their leaf size, developing antifreeze or heat-shock proteins, or adjusting the ions in their cells to compensate for dry soil.
Treating bay tree pests can be completely safe and successful without the use of damaging chemical formulas. The activity can resemble blight, a common disease. Often, simply hosing off the pests is the most effective and easiest solution.
Using an old-fashioned hoe or pulling weeds are tried and true forms of weed management for all USDA plant hardiness zones, including zone 5. In fact, spraying may be more effective in cold weather because many products become volatile in warmer weather,...
As long as they are introduced gradually to grain, extreme cases of bloating are usually prevented, but ruminants don't ever really adapt to grain, though they'll eat it like the candy it is.
One day when Dad was wearing shorts, Rasputin attacked him from behind and used his sharp spurs to rip a gash down the back of Dad's leg. He was aggressive from the start. Our chicks arrived and grew quickly , but when Mom put her hand in the brooder...
Any extra pesto freezes well, too. You can substitute lime juice, if you don't have a lemon, and almonds, if pistachios are too dear. This will prevent the pesto from turning dark.
Resist the urge to trim trees and bushes at this time – they're going to need all the leaves they have to feed their new root growth.Many gardeners tie them to posts or pins secured in the ground, with the tension pulling in the opposite direction of...
For exmple, have you ever noticed that palms, though often very tall, have a skinny trunk the same diameter the whole way up?Even the term woody stem is usually reserved for dicots.Palms and a few other big monocots have ‘woody-like' stems but these...
Read on to learn more about caring for plants after an ice storm.Ice covered trees and shrubs is just a normal part of winter for many of us in cooler climates. Using pruning sealer, paint or tar toactually just slows down the trees natural healing process...
They also like plenty of moisture while growing.If radishes are planted too late in spring or too early for fall, the warmer temps and longer days of summer will inevitably lead to bolting.
This means it's possible to grow this tree in Florida, but only in those regions that fall in USDA zone 8 or 9. In an orchard, a male tree is planted in the middle of a block of female trees.
If it's dry, add some water, but if it's wet (or slightly moist), leave it alone. Otherwise, they should be removed and destroyed. Remove and destroy the affected houseplant as the fungi thrive on decaying plant matter., or gray mold, is another disease...
Put a 2-inch layer of river rock or gravel in the bottom.Mix equal parts peat, sand and organic garden soil and fill the container two-thirds full with the mixture. Follow instructions on the package for the size and age of the tree to get the right proportions.
Most, however, are treatable or at least preventable. Light insecticides should kill off an aphid infestation, but they can also be combatted by a strong spray of water, the introduction of natural predators like
(This article, by the way, is not about castration — it's about the catching that comes first and dealing with what might be an aggressive sow.) In our handful of years as owners of breeding hogs, we've gotten somewhat adroit at catching pigs.