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A Crown Of Dandelions
It was fun to let him do it without fear, because all the plant is edible and can be used to heal different illnesses.When he gets older, I'll tell him this story about how dandelions have been a part of my life and I'm sure he will love it.
El Segundo
Don\'t Whine About Dandelions, Make Dandelion Wine!!
Take the pot off the heat and add a few drops of the food colouring if you like a nicer yellow. The green would make the wine bitter, the less green, the better the wine. When I was a kid, every summer Dad would kick us out of the house, into the fresh...
El Segundo
Making Dandelion Jelly
I thought dandelion jelly would be unusual enough for a follow-up to last week. It is not surprising that it reminded me of honey since the bees obviously love dandelions too! I picked about a gallon to make sure that I had enough.
El Segundo
Ask-a-Gardener: Your Gardening Questions Answered
A big part of what attracts people to Dave's Garden has always been our forums, where gardeners ask and answer questions for one another. Chemical-free methods consist of using a 'dandelion-digger trowel' to pop the tap root out of the ground (best used...
El Segundo
Eat your greens! Dandelions are a dandy way to get super nutrition in a variety of tasty ways..
Let's take an ordinaryof only dandelion greens. Pour this over your greens. Try this: it's the very same dressing that my mom used to throw together many years ago.- any old kind will do - put in a pan with a tiny bit of oil (I use olive).
El Segundo
3 Ways You Can Harvest Garlic
This article originally ran in the November/December 2016 issue of Hobby Farms. Use the greens and bulbs for pizza, pesto, salads, or as an alternative to chives and spring onions.
Oca: A New Tuber To Try This Year
Case in point: Oca. The flavor of most varieties has a hint of lemon, but as they cook, they become more nutty or squash-like in flavor. Potatoes aren't the only tubers fit for you dinner plate—try oca, found in array of colors.
Try Purple Sweet Potatoes This Year
They require about 100 to 120 days to mature, which is why sweet potatoes produce so well in the long, hot summers of the southern U.S. In northern gardening zones, you'll need to start your purple sweet potato crop by warming the soil for a few weeks...
Daikon Radish: Breaking The Rules, Not The Root
An early-season mistake turns into a win for this farmer. The radishes provide an early harvest, and they help with spacing out the carrot seeds more evenly. In late May, as I was harvesting pounds of lovely daikon radishes, I looked around farmers markets...
Your Step-By-Step Guide To Growing Carrots In Containers
Water them daily during hot weather or when rainfall is inadequate. Because phosphorous is fairly immobile in the soil, it needs to be close to the root zone of the plant. Carrots are prone to damage from several soil-borne pests, including wireworms,...
15 Tips For Growing Your Best Beets Ever
Don't be afraid to try different varieties of colored beets, too, as each color root provides your body with different nutrients. Beet roots grow best in loose, friable soil. If kept just above freezing, the roots will last for months.
How To Grow Shallots
Do not wash the bulbs before curing them. Shallot bulbs are fully winter hardy, so as long as you leave some behind, you'll have a continuous crop, always ready to flavor your next breakfast omelet.
4 Root Crops To Get Your Spring Garden Started
Early-planted turnips are a great spring root crop, especially when harvested young. In my USDA zone 5 garden, I start sowing seeds of these root crops by the first week of April. Because radishes mature just 30 days after planting, this is a tasty, fast-maturing...
Crop Profile: Sweet Potatoes
The active ingredient for many birth-control pills is derived from yams. Most of the increase in tuber size occurs during the last three or four weeks before harvest. During the actual harvest, it is important to make every effort to minimize injuries...
9 Tips for Growing Great Fennel
The fronds are a great anise-flavored herb, the seeds are a wonderful spice known for their digestive properties, and the flower is a pollinator-attracting powerhouse and lovely addition to any bouquet.
How to Harvest Potatoes
I discovered that if one “bad” potato is put in the same storage box as unblemished tubers, the resulting rot can ruin the entire batch. To harvest new potatoes, I sink a pitchfork into the soil a foot or so away from the base of the plant and gently...
Horseradish: The Fall Herb Every Family Needs
I have clearly lost some time and am having difficulty accepting that as I write this in these first days of fall. If you ask my family, I need no further encouragement to grow and eat horseradish.
Because its productivity is so closely linked to the weather, spinach harvests can be erratic from year to year for many gardeners. Where to plant: Garden; containers When to harvest: 30 to 40 days after seeding, when leaves are 1 to 2 inches in length...
6 Ways to Prep Your Soil for Better Carrots
While less-than-perfect carrots aren't the end of the world, growing straight, pest-free roots isn't as difficult as you might think. Mixed with water and applied via spay or sprinkle on a cloudy or rainy day, Steinernema carpocapsae actively move through...
How to Grow Radishes
To deter them, I cover my newly planted radish seeds with floating row covers. As with most vegetables, the only way to get a true taste is to grow your own. Radishes will bolt (or flower) when the days begin to lengthen in late spring and the temperatures...
You Say Potato, I Say Sunchoke
Once trimmed, they are ready to begin digging. This delicious vegetable is high in inulin, a starch effective in controlling blood sugar. Unfortunately, if you dig up all the sunchokes at once and attempt to store them , their starches will transform...
What\'s an Apiaceae Vegetable and How Do I Grow It?
It isn't difficult to grow plants from this family, and there are some top-notch varieties that are sure to please. So many farmers' market vendors focus on tomatoes, summer squash and other popular crops.
They boast a mild, crisp, tender flesh with a surprisingly delicate flavor. When to plant: Best planted in late summer for fall harvests, but can be grown season-long. Direct-seed when soil temperatures are between 60 and 70 degrees F.
7 Crops Impossible (Or Pretty Darn Difficult) To Kill
Potatoes Peter Mooney/Flickr Why They're Easy Potatoes do not have high nutritional needs, and thus, can be grown in any range of soil types. Once established, sweet potatoes just need a spot weeding.
Growing Great Rutabagas
Rutabaga Pests And Diseases The primary pests for rutabagas include flea beetles, cabbage moths, harlequin beetles and cabbage root maggots. Plant several varieties to see which work best for your soil and market.
When the pots are pretty... too pretty... the roots may be ugly
Pay special attention to the watering of such plants, as the root zone conditions are what will often make or break this plant. The local store price was cheaper, and I'd have the fun of choosing my own specimen too.
El Segundo
4 Tips for Growing Market-Worthy Radishes
These crunchy and delicious vegetables deserve a place in your garden—and on your plate. Furrow planting is also an option: Use a hoe or other tool to open up a shallow trench, sprinkle the seeds into the furrow, and lightly cover them with soil.