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Yellowing Corn Leaves: Why Corn Plant Leaves Turn Yellow
Acan help you determine if your plants are low in nitrogen. We had an extremely, unusually warm summer with temps into the 90's, so we even watered twice a day since our corn was in containers.
Corn Seedlings Are Dying – What To Do With A Sickly Sweet Corn Seedling
In this case, they will develop rot in the roots and at the stem near the soil line.Prevention is always best, of course, and with corn seedlings two main factors that promote disease are the quality of the seeds and the soil temperature and moisture...
No Ears On Corn Stalks: Why Is My Corn Not Producing Ears
As with everything we grow, we hope the outcome will be some juicy, sweet corn for late summer BBQs, but I've had some problems in the past, and maybe you have too. Always buy inoculated, clean seed from reputable nurseries andmay also infect soil surrounding...
Mosaic Virus Of Maize Plants: Treating Plants With Dwarf Mosaic Virus
If ears develop, they may be unusually small or may lack kernels.Symptoms of infected johnson grass are similar, with greenish-yellow or reddish-purple streaks running along the veins.
Growing Popcorn – Popcorn Growing Conditions And How To Grow Popcorn
Popcorn doesn't transplant well, so it is mostly grown from seeds planted directly in the garden. When the plants have eight to 10 leaves, side-dress with ½ pound of high-nitrogen fertilizer per 100 square feet.
Problems With Corn: Information On Early Corn Tasseling
(12-33 C.) and the temperatures at night are between 52 and 74 F. Wind carries the pollen to the female flower, or the silk, on the corn plant.; however, some gardeners have concerns when their corn tassels too soon.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Poor Kernel Production: Why Are There No Kernels On Corn
In other words, each ovule must be fertilized in order to develop into a kernel. The tassel releases around 16-20 million specks of “sperm.” The resultant “sperm” is then carried to the female corn silk hairs.
How To Grow Corn – How To Grow Your Own Corn
There aren't many people who actually start corn plants first; it just isn't feasible.Corn enjoys growing in an area that allows for full sunshine. Make sure your soil has a lot of organic matter, and fertilize before you plant the corn.
Sweet Corn With Downy Mildew – Tips On Treating Sweet Corn Crazy Top
These perfect conditions are generally caused by flooding or waterlogged soils that last for at least 24-48 hours.Crazy top downy mildew can also infect other plants such asand a variety of grasses.
Corn Pollination – How To Hand Pollinate Corn
As the tassel ripens, pollen is shed from the center spike downward to the lower fronds. You'll be surprised at how relaxing hand pollinating corn can be. Between air circulation and stalks jostling one another in the wind, there is enough natural agitation...
Common Smut Of Corn: What To Do For Corn Smut Fungus
In Mexico, they call it cuitlacoche and it's used in cooking in a similar way as a white mushroom.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Corn smut control can be difficult, if not impossible, to eliminate, but...
Tips For Harvesting Corn: How And When To Pick Corn
Left too long, the kernels become hard and starchy. Cut the stalks into 1-foot lengths before adding them to the compost pile to hasten their decay.Some people claim that you should put the water on to boil before going to the garden to harvest the corn...
Fixing Knocked Over Corn: What To Do When Corn Is Bent Over
Often the corn is bent over at a 45-degree angle at the very least, sometimes it has been battered down to the ground.When the corn stalks are mildly bent over, they may just rebound themselves given a bit of time.
Sweet Corn Rust Treatment – Learn About Corn Rust Fungus Control
The pustules then rupture and the small, cinnamon colored spores are revealed. Young leaves are more susceptible than mature leaves to common rust on sweet corn.Common rust of sweet corn is more commonly spread when conditions are moist with a high relative...
Southern Corn Leaf Blight Treatment – What Are Symptoms Of Southern Leaf Blight
Find out if your corn is at risk and what to do about it in this article.In 1970, 80 to 85 percent of the corn grown in the U.S. was of the same variety. Wait four years after growing corn in an area before planting corn in that same area again.
Corn Plant Tillers: Tips On Removing Suckers From Corn
Sometimes, however, they will make it to maturity and an extra little bounty ofWith favorable conditions — ample light, water and nutrients, tillers form because the corn has surplus energy to foster tiller development.
What Is Dent Corn: Planting Dent Corn In The Garden
Grain corn is classified into four main types:Dent corn, at maturity, has an obvious depression (or dent) at the crown of the kernels. As the kernel ripens, the starch in the center shrinks causing the depression.Dent corn may have kernels that are long...
Corn Plant Problems: Reasons A Corn Plant Is Wilted
Corn plant problems such as wilting may be the result of temperature fluxes and irrigation, although there are some diseases that afflict– Corn thrives in temps of between 68-73 F.
Controlling Corn Rootworm – Preventing Corn Rootworm Injury In Gardens
Corn that pollinates from late April to mid May avoids trouble from the adult beetles, which emerge in late May or June. Read on to learn more about the corn rootworm beetle and how to control it on yourCorn rootworms are the larval stage of the corn...
Corn Root Borer: Tips For Controlling Corn Borers In The Garden
Moths like to rest and mate on tall weeds, which will increase the number of eggs laid in your garden area. This insect is one of the most damaging corn pests known in the United States and Canada, causing over $1 billion dollars of damage toannually.
Treating Stunt In Corn – How To Manage Stunted Sweet Corn Plants
Symptoms of stunt in sweet corn usually appears about three weeks later.Unfortunately, there are currently no chemical or biological treatments approved for corn stunt disease. As the name suggests, corn stunt disease causes severely stunted plants that...
Companion Planting With Corn – Learn About Planting Next To Corn
Do your homework prior to planting corn in the garden to see which ones work well together and are also suited to your growing region. The beans set nitrogen into the soil to be used by successive crops, the corn provided a natural trellis for the beans...
Cross Pollination Of Corn: Preventing Cross Pollinating In Corn
The impressive height and sheer volume of the plants is a symbol of American agriculture and a cash crop of huge economic importance. Preventing cross pollinating in corn is important to preserve the strain of corn that has been planted.Farmers with high...
Why Is My Sweet Corn Not Sweet: Fixing Corn That Is Not Sweet
Read on for more details.“Get the water boiling before you pick the corn.” This is advice of long-time gardeners, and it's true. Also, while the corn is delicious when freshly picked, it isn't quite as creamy when frozen or canned.
Sweet Corn Kernel Rot : What Causes Rotting Corn Kernels
Ifsees you frustrated because there is kernel rot in sweet corn, it's time to get proactive to prevent the problem next year. Usually, a small portion of plants will be affected and the rest will be fine.
Tips For Growing Corn Indoors
The lights should be as close to the corn as possible.The more artificial “sunlight” you can add, the better the corn will perform.whenever the top of the soil is dry to the touch.
Rotting Corn Stalks: What Causes Sweet Corn Stalks To Rot
A common symptom of fusarium stalk rot is pink lesions on the infected corn stalks. What causes sweet corn stalks to rot? Spores of anthracnose stalk rot and other fungal rots rapidly grow in hot, humid conditions.