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How to Find a Commercial Greenhouse for Rent
Ask someone at the nursery whether you can rent space from them or whether they know of anyone with a greenhouse for rent. Follow up with any recommendations you receive, indicating what you are looking for and that you are willing to discuss rates.Place...
Santa Monica
7 “Value Added” Ideas That Don\'t Require A Commercial Kitchen
Hosting classes on farm or at another local venue can be a great way to make a little extra cash, get some helping hands or even spread the word about your farm. It's a good deal either way.
Watch FFA Convention in Real Time
Because FFA membership stands at more than one-half million students throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, expects this to be their largest telecast ever.
What Is Horticultural Soap: Information On Commercial and Homemade Soap Spray For Plants
The choice depends on the ingredients on hand and the extent to which one wants to use natural ingredients, i.e. those without perfumes or dyes.To make insecticidal soap, simply mix the following horticultural soap recipe ingredients thoroughly:Combine...
Aeroponics Shapes Future of Urban Ag
The aeroponic system is a type of hydroponic […] He discovered aeroponics is the most efficient means of growing leafy greens. I want this technology to be in reach of people to set up businesses and provide better foods for people.” Visit the AeroFarms...
Q&A With Lufa Farms
And from those first days, Lufa Farms has since grown to bring clients—known as Lufavores—items from other local producers, such as sustainable meat and dairy products, fresh baked vegan desserts, Fair Trade coffees, and even organic beauty products.
Bird Flu Strikes Again
They instead brought in prisoners, veterinarians and farmers to manually kill the birds using American Veterinary Medical Association-approved devices. As crop farmers tilled land that was infected with the droppings of wild birds carrying bird flu, airborne...
Survey: Local Livestock Breeds at Risk
Encourage countries to find ways of maintaining endangered stocks through sustainable use Set up gene banks “as a backup system” in case breeds disappear, Beate Scherf of FAO's Animal Genetic Resources Group, one of the main group involved.
Top Tomato Picks for 2012
Flavor, appearance, disease resistance in a ‘normal' preventative program and marketability,” says Steve Bogash, regional horticulture educator at Penn State, who co-leads the trials.
Geothermal Systems Keep Turkeys Comfy
While Americans heated up ovens to cook turkeys and sides in preparation for Thanksgiving meals , a geothermal energy system developed by a University of Missouri engineer kept live turkeys toasty despite the chilly autumn weather.
Poultry Science: Proper Vaccination of Backyard Chickens
To that point, getting information about chicken vaccination can be even more difficult because owners have so many questions, such as what vaccines to use, how often to use them and how should they be given.
Egg Storage & Sales: The Europeans Know Something Most Americans Don\'t
Isabelle never got around to trying storebought eggs during her stay; with our girls happily producing, there was no need to purchase a commercial dozen. A newly laid, unwashed egg with its bloom intact can stay fresh at room temperature for as long as...
Tools for Tight Spaces
Its patented vertical-lift boom provides exceptional load stability and lift-height, while 60/40 weight distribution, low center of gravity, long wheelbase and high ground clearance deliver balance and agility.
List of African Rainforest Plants
The plant also has medicinal uses, with rainforest tribes taking its bark for treatment of the common cold. The plant originates in west and central tropical Africa and produces fruit that grows in clusters.
Santa Monica
Alpine Goats
One of these adaptable and well-traveled animals apparently lived another 11 years. Alpines first appeared in the U.S. in 1922, when Dr. Charles P. Trained wethers can serve as sturdy pack animals.
Phalaenopsis - the Beginner\'s Orchid
Phalaenopsis or moth orchids, are among the easiest and most popular orchids to grow as house plants. This article will explain why they are so popular and how you can grow them inside to provide year-round exotic beauty.
El Segundo
Online Network Links Ag Groups
Using iHigh's unique content platform, organizations such as the National High School Rodeo Association, the U.S. Pony Club and school clubs are able to share their events in real time with a global audience who can access the streaming video on any computer...
Lawn Fertilizer Tips: When And How To Apply Lawn Fertilizer
To grow a beautiful lawn that you'll be proud of, you need to develop a proper maintenance schedule which includes fertilization. Watering rinses the fertilizer off the grass blades so that they won't burn, and it allows the fertilizer to sink down into...
Tree Care - Only you can prevent tree abuse!
Metal strapping must be removed promptly once a tree is established, and nails should never be hammered into a live growing tree. From soil that is too dry to branches from a tree shading some smaller plants too much, I scan and look for ways I can help.
El Segundo
Seed Starting 101: Grow the best TOMATOES ever from seed
Last year's tomato blight, possibly carried by commercial plants, has many gardeners thinking about starting from seed. If your seedlings got a little leggy, deep planting will make them sturdier.Water in each seedling with a gentle stream to settle the...
El Segundo
Coffee Grounds As Lawn Fertilizer – How To Apply Coffee Grounds On Lawn
Read on to learn more about feeding lawns with coffee grounds.It isn't the caffeine that stimulates healthy grass growth, but rather theand trace minerals that coffee grounds contain.
Foreign Visitors Without Visas: Bugs, Borers, and Beetles
However, as with all interesting research, one thing led to another and the article expanded to gargantuan proportions--too much to absorb in one reading, so I will divide the subject into separate articles: The(which will be in late June before these...
El Segundo
Forest Unleashed
Sometimes not doing anything is the best course of action. This ruled out mowing. However, there's a bright side to the dilemma: My oaks and walnuts, which were pushed to compete, are nearly as tall as the cottonwoods.
How to Reduce Potassium Levels in Soil
Apply only commercial fertilizer that has a '0' in the final number field. Correct a potassium problem by draining and filtering the soil or by switching fertilizer types.Loosen the soil deeply with a shovel, and water thoroughly to dissolve water-soluble...
Santa Monica
Can you actually buy luscious RIPE tree fruits at the supermarket? Not likely, but you CAN grow your own!
You can be sure of having some kind of fresh fruit to pick even in the cold winter months listed among all my articles on common berries, uncommon berries, small-space orchards, backyard fruit orchards and backyard nut orchards.
El Segundo
What Is Teff Grass – Learn About Teff Grass Cover Crop Planting
Broadcast the tiny seeds from late May-July. Sow seeds no deeper than ¼ inch (6 mm.). Farmers are also planting teff grass as. Previously,were the most common cover crops, but teff grass has advantages over those choices.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Hand Lotions and Scrubs for Gardeners
She came up with the recipe for O'Keefe's Working Hands Cream which contains no oil and is recommended by the HandyMan Club of America. Upper Canada's products can be found at variety stores and online for about $12.Earths Organics Gardeners Hand and...
El Segundo