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Soaker Hose Irrigation: How To Use Soaker Hoses In The Lawn And Garden
Some people even make their own soaker hoses by recycling an old garden hose. The pores allow water to seep slowly into the soil.The main advantage of a soaker hose is its ability to wet the soil evenly and slowly.
Hydraulic Hoses: What You Need to Know
Switching cylinders will be a great time to check my hoses for wear points and abrasions. Depending on the size of the pump and the load it is bearing, hydraulic fluid can be under thousands of pounds of pressure.
How I Use (A Lot Of) Hoses To Deliver Water To Pastures
Make sure that any hoses you purchase are certified “drinking” hoses that provide clean water. Once they're in place, you should be good to go! Now, you can deliver water simply by turning on your spigot, walking the path of the hoses, and turning...
6 Garden Hacks That Reuse Nylon Stockings
Then I make a little sling for the growing melon by tying the ends of the nylon to the fence and stretching the middle around the underside of the melon. While I don't mind sharing some, I found that the birds were getting the lion's share and I was getting...
Dave\'s Garden Book Review: Pine Needle Basketry
Baskets constructed from reeds, bark or grasses have been unearthed wherever there is evidence of civilization. Other than a couple of guide tubes and the needles themselves, most everyone will have these in their tool box.
El Segundo
Don\'t Say Nyet to Russian Sage
Some people report using the flowers in salads and the leaves in teas, but the flavor isn't really something that will make anyone ask for seconds, just be rest assured that it isn't toxic unless consumed in great amounts.
El Segundo
Put Those Tools To Bed for Winter
I have a bucket full of sand that has a half-gallon of vegetable oil added to it. The leaves have finished falling and I'm off to the garage to begin the task of preparing my garden tools for the upcoming winter.I divide this job into three parts, my...
El Segundo
A July Almanac
In Germany, June 27 (which actually would have fallen on July 7 prior to the Gregorian calendar reform) is Siebenschlaefer, or Seven Sleepers Day, a day thought to determine the weather for the next seven weeks.The ruby, July's birthstone, takes its name...
El Segundo
UF Hack: Provide Home Heating With Your Compost
Often, biomeilers are covered thereafter in order to avoid sustained rains that will wash away all the good decomposing bacteria that take up residence. As with calculating the optimal volume of compost required for hot composting, using some basic principles...
Different Types of Azaleas
A single flower features five to six petals around five stamens and one pistil, such as in the Kobai azalea. Examples of species azaleas are azaleas native to the United States, including Rhododendron canescens, Rhododendron eastmannii and Rhododendron...
Santa Monica
Choose The Right Nail Gun For Your Needs
They might lack the power needed for roofing or framing, but their small size and portability make them ideal for odd jobs around the farm. Coil In a coil magazine, nails are collated in long, flexible strings that wrap around themselves, creating a circular...
Water Your Garden with Water Timers
They cost $10 to $15 and are available at most garden-supply centers. Most hoses put out about 10 gallons per minute. You can be confident that the watering will stop while you're away.
DIY Hydroponic Grapes
The container for growing grapes must be large enough to hold the mature plant and arranged so the weight of the plant and fruit won't tip it over. Caulk around it to prevent leaks and allow it to dry for at least 24 hours.
Santa Monica
Irrigation Systems For Xeriscape Environments
This minimizes water loss due to runoff, wind and evaporation. Avoid frequent, shallow sprinklings that lead to shallow root development.result in puddling and water runoff. They are useful for irrigating larger plants, such asMicro-sprays emit large...
Watering Wisely
The majority of these people are in real danger of running out of water. Using conventional watering techniques loses too much water to run off, over spray, and evaporation; it also saves time by not having to move hoses and sprinklers around your garden.A...
El Segundo
How to Kill Tree Roots With Milk
You can stop treating the stump once the stump crumbles in your hand. This is an indication that the milk is working. The use of milk is an organic alternative to using chemicals such as nitrogen fertilizer.Place a plastic tarp over the stump, put mulch...
Santa Monica
Safety Check: 4 Water Sources for Your Chickens
Watering your flock from the outside spigot is comparable to the tap water inside your house. Most commercial hoses contain hormone disruptors, like phthalates and and bisphenol A (BPA), to keep the plastic soft.
Geothermal Blooper: Some Geyser Action
I thought perhaps the workers had ruptured a water line while drilling the holes for the geothermal coils—though I'd never seen one leak like this. The workers covered the geyser to prevent panic by passersby and went home for the evening.
Things You Use to Water Plants
Depending on the design of the planter, the water is drawn up into the planter by a wicking action, or the plant's roots grow down into the water and nutrient solution. Instead, try using efficient watering methods, including a few recycled items, soaker...
Santa Monica
Seed Starting 101: Planting Out - Tips for Transplanting Seedlings into Your Garden
Don't bury the crown, or the plant may die.With plastic pots, you can generally push up the bottom of the pot or squeeze the sides a little to release the rootball. Many plants seem to have a hard time pushing their roots through peat pots.
El Segundo
Tips For Watering On A Hillside Garden
Simply poke small holes approximately an inch or so apart along the length of an ordinary garden hose, then clamp off one end and place the hose in the garden. These should be dug on the downhill side of plants.
Eye Catchers: Corkscrew Rush and Tomatoes with Fern-like Foliage
Corkscrew juncus or corkscrew rush is an amazing grass-like plant that produces stems that are twisted like a coil. I've posted here before about how I'm a sucker for interesting plant forms.
How to Save Plants From Weed Killer
Weed killers, also known as herbicides, are usually fast-acting and will kill an unwanted garden plant in as little as 12 to 24 hours. The goal is to soak the soil to dilute the weed killer enough so that it does not damage the plant.Wait until the next...
Santa Monica
The Frugal Gardener: Money Saving Projects and Tips;How to make a Holder for Nesting Material
Some people offer a pan full of mud, but many report that the birds prefer their mud right on the ground.For this project, you'll need wire and a few decorative beads. We hope our projects will inspire you to become a Frugal Gardener too!
El Segundo
How Often Should I Water My Vegetable Garden?
A garden with clay soil may need water less frequently, and a garden in sandy soil may need water more often.You can test soil's moisture level by pushing your fingers into the soil.
Santa Monica
Problems With Drip Irrigation – Drip Irrigation Tips For Gardeners
Yes, it really is as time consuming as it sounds. Turf grasses have different root structures and watering needs than larger plants. Drip irrigation can be set to give these areas a slow penetrating soak, or can be set to deliver water in bursts that...
Balsam Fir Planting – Learn About Balsam Fir Tree Care
If the water starts to run off before the hour is up, turn it off for a while and let the soil absorb the water, then turn the hose on later to finish out the hour. You can tell the difference by the way the cones grow.