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3 Coffee Substitutes You Can Grow
I've been living in Scandinavia for four years now and grew up among Lutherans. Hardy to USDA zone 3b , the tree's seeds and pods were used as a coffee substitute by settlers. In trying to halve my caffeine intake, I've been trialling some potential coffee...
The Best Veggie Garden $1 Can Buy
I began to gather the red bricks and pavers that I had previously dismantled, and make a plan.My target: a strip on the side of my house where the baking sun made landscaping rocks and a compost pile the only success I could come by.A stray patch of cottonwood...
El Segundo
Save your money: Delicious cups of wonder from the world of COFFEE
Garnish with decorative toppings. (We use a powerful industrial strength blender and the coffee retains its heat. The topping above is crumbled mint leaves and organic, pesticide free dried rose petals.
El Segundo
Diluted Coffee For Plants: Can You Water Plants With Coffee
Be sure to dilute before watering plants with coffee and don't add anything else to it.Now that we have ascertained that we should use diluted coffee for plants fertilizer, how do we do it?Coffee has a pH of from 5.2 to 6.9 depending on the variety and...
The Coffee Bean Tree
Now you know why folks fight a hangover with strong black coffee.Jamie, my friend, I just wanted you to know how much I appreciated such a delicious gift. The Arabs were forbidden to export the plants or unroasted seeds, but in the late 1600's the Dutch...
El Segundo
Coffee tasting on the Big Island of Hawaii
We sounded like any wine tasting party.Good quality beans produce a smoother cup of coffee.The harsh, bitter notes in lesser beans can be disguised by clever roasting.a lot of fun comparing the finer points and nuances of flavor in the "fancy" and "private...
El Segundo
Bird Lovers, Wake Up and Smell the Shade Coffee!
Her articles keep readers up-to-date on latest happenings regarding sustainable coffee and biodiverse habitats.For a more complete look at this issue, please read this excellent article fromToday is day six of the Dave's Garden focus on coffee.
El Segundo
Indoor Coffee Bean Plants: How To Sprout Coffee Seeds
There's always the corner coffee shop. Orchid fertilizer may be used sparingly on the coffee plant to maintain the low pH and add minerals.. Keep the soil moist and well drained.Patience is now a definite virtue.
Coffee Plant Care – Growing Coffee Plants Indoors
Considered to be among the easiest and hardiest of houseplants, coffee plant is great for both experienced or beginner gardeners. If the coffee plant is grown in ideal conditions indoors, it will eventually flower when it matures, which can take three...
Pruning Coffee Plants Indoors: How To Prune A Coffee Plant
Make sure the plant has well-draining soil, filtered sun and moderate (never soggy) irrigation.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Although coffee plants will produce fruit without fertilization, for the...
Confessions of a Coffee-aholic
The only thing I have ever knocked on a neighbors door for, is a cup of coffee grounds. Extreme panic sets in when I can see the bottom of the can. Remember those? I don't even wait for the brewing to finish, as soon as I return from dog duty, I stick...
El Segundo
Can You Take It With You?
As long as you identify them on paper and physically mark them (or their locations), you won't have to worry about a dispute.old the house, make a detailed plan about timing, as well as where you'll plant everything at the new address.
El Segundo
Happy, Hunting Grounds
I generally nab these bags of leaves as soon as they hit the curb and dump the bags in piles under my azaleas. You may also compost the coffee grounds and then use a portion of the finished compost about once per month.
El Segundo
Can You Grow Vegetables In Coffee Grounds: Using Coffee Grounds In Your Vegetable Garden
Throw in the coffee filters too as an added carbon source. Also, each cubic yard of grounds affords 10 pounds of slowly released nitrogen to be available to the plants over a long time period.
You Can Pickle That!
While you can slightly adjust the amount of spices used in a recipe, you should not change the ratio of produce, vinegar, salt and water. You'll also need: a large stainless-steel, aluminum or enamelware pan for heating the brine (Don't use copper, iron,...
Annuals You Can Grow
The flowers look like cats whiskers or giant spiders. The long seedpods are great for their contrast in the garden. This plant is very old in American gardens, and a classic that is often spread to the wild.
El Segundo
Can you actually buy luscious RIPE tree fruits at the supermarket? Not likely, but you CAN grow your own!
Strain juice and put remaining fruit through a fruit processor to squeeze the rest of the juice out (the sweetest and most flavorful juice, pretty pink color). Some of the best tasting varieties are not even GROWN by commercial fruit growers, for the...
El Segundo
Understand A Property\'s Easements Before You Buy
I'm looking at a property with an existing easement related to driveway access. What does this mean and how could it affect me? A: By definition, an “easement” is the legal right to use land that someone else owns.
Garden Where You Can
Maria told me that the garden has been worked by her family for many generations, which means that this little strip of a garden has witnessed a great deal of history and undoubtedly experienced a whole lot of poaching from passing soldiers.
Do What You Can
Do what you can, where you are, and with what you have—you'll be surprised how effective you can truly be. No matter what problem you face, it's not about the size or scope of what you're doing to combat it; it's about taking the initiative to combat...
Can You Burn Cypress Wood?
This occasionally massive tree, often buttressed at the base, has a wide distribution in swamps, riverine forests and other bottomlands. Its resins may create substantial smoke -- a sign that much energy is going into vaporizing moisture -- and also promote...
Santa Monica
Can You Sprout Flax Seeds?
If you use multiple layers of paper towels, make sure they are stable so that they won't slip apart when you pick them up. High heat and light can cook the seeds instead of sprout them.Lightly mist the seeds with clean, room-temperature water any time...
Santa Monica
Can You Afford That Tool?
You can get ballpark figures with comprehensive tools developed by William Lazarus, PhD, professor and extension economist in the University of Minnesota Department of Applied Economics.
Simple Perennials You Can Grow
The biggest downfall is the fact that the plants are last to come up in the spring and thus many a impatient gardener may cut into and destroy this plant by forgetting it is there or thinking the plant is dead.
El Segundo
Can You Juice Celery Leaves?
Many people who incorporate vegetables juices into their diet typically include celery juice for its fresh taste and nutritional content, but the leaves can also be juiced for additional benefits.
Santa Monica
Can You Name That Wildflower?
The legend behind the flower (aka wild carrot) says a member of royalty was sewing a particular garment when she pricked her finger and a drop of blood fell in the center. You can distinguish this flower from others in its family because of a little red...
Ants In Your Plants
Nepenthes species are also known as Tropical Pitcher Plants or Monkey Cups. The waste left by the ants feeds the plant, which is also protected by its own formicidaen garrison. The pure myrmecophyte is B.
El Segundo