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Save your money: Delicious cups of wonder from the world of COFFEE
Please comment if you have any favorite and easy coffee recipes or if you just want to talk about coffee. I read that over 20 million people a day purchase specialty coffees. Scientists have discovered that even the stars in the sky are fueled by coffee...
United Kingdom
The Coffee Bean Tree
By the 15th century, Mecca boasted several public coffeehouses. I sip that second cup slowly because it is the last cup I allow myself for the day, and I need to savor it. Now, right here, I need to take a little break and tell you that there is a downside...
United Kingdom
Coffee tasting on the Big Island of Hawaii
We didn't leave you out. Some folks go on wine tasting tours of Napa Valley. Hawaii, we set out on a mission to discover the best coffee on the island. Look for articles on chicory and biscotti.
United Kingdom
Bird Lovers, Wake Up and Smell the Shade Coffee!
Even withcoffee, farming families often are pressured to give up the generations-old practice of shade coffee farming. Their site offers education, coffee purchases and opportunities to is a treasury of information from Julie Craves.
United Kingdom
Indoor Coffee Bean Plants: How To Sprout Coffee Seeds
Fresh seeds germinate in 2 ½ months while older seeds take about 6 months.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });After you germinate coffee tree seeds, remove them from the medium.
United Kingdom
Coffee Plant Care – Growing Coffee Plants Indoors
If the coffee plant is grown in ideal conditions indoors, it will eventually flower when it matures, which can take three to five years. Not only is coffee plant care easy, but the plant itself is lovely and makes a wonderful addition to the home.Coffee...
United Kingdom
Pruning Coffee Plants Indoors: How To Prune A Coffee Plant
When cutting back coffee plant, remember this plant is very forgiving and pruning back harshly won't harm the plant at all.When pruning a coffee plant on a commercial plantation, trees are kept down to an easy-to-harvest 6 feet.
United Kingdom
Confessions of a Coffee-aholic
The most widely grown species for the production of the worlds coffee. It was akin to a treasure hunt, and when discovered, usually in some tiny little general store in the middle of nowhere, I would gladly scoop up all they had in stock.
United Kingdom
Happy, Hunting Grounds
All copyrights reserved.Today is day four of the Dave's Garden focus on coffee. My ardent devotion is not due to a Frappuccinodependency (though I have begun to savor a refreshing iced vanilla latte as an afternoon energy booster).
United Kingdom
Ants In Your Plants
The waste including dead ants, is absorbed through the leaves. New research indicates that it releases a sulphur compound that hastens decomposition of trapped insects. Ants live under its tree-hugging leaves & possibly aid the plant, though research...
United Kingdom
Caffeine: the most widely consumed drug in the world
Since both coffee and tea have been discussed at length in their own articles, I'll let you refer to those for more information. A person feels able to concentrate, and alert instead of drowsy or tipsy.
United Kingdom
Slug Those Slugs!
On an early morning stroll through the garden, sipping a mug of steaming coffee and inhaling the fresh dewy air, one comes upon a new begonia bloom with most of the petals chewed off.
United Kingdom
Household Composting
However, just to be on the safe side, I use this only on ornamentals and not on or near my food crops. Still have a pile of fat, post-holiday credit card bills languishing on the dining room table?
United Kingdom
Cardamom ~ add some spice to your holidays!
You need to be sure that your two surfaces match. Knead, dusting surface and hands lightly with flour, until raisins are distributed. While ground cardamom is certainly acceptable, the essential oils that give the spice it's flavor dissipate rather quickly...
United Kingdom
Diana\'s Anise Biscotti
Fennel, on the other hand, is available in many varieties and is an easy-to-grow biennial/perennial (depending on your variety) having a bulbous base and yellow, umbel flowers that reward your efforts with seeds every fall.Anise and/or fennel seeds add...
United Kingdom
Vermicomposting: Worm Composting Indoors, Part One
You can use a discreet 10-gallon size, or a larger 25-gallon ‘Roughneck' storage container. The photo at left shows my smaller bin with fresh bedding and my newly purchased worms placed on one side, ready to be fed and covered.Where to get them?
United Kingdom
Winter Composting: Retaining the Heat When the Temperatures Drop
At no other time of year do we have access to such a prolific array of organic materials with which to build our compost piles. Compost tumblers would fall into this category, with their emphasis on turning the drum to re-distribute the ingredients every...
United Kingdom
Recycling Kitchen Waste
I had several large, recycling bins that I thought would be perfect. Azalea lace bugs, scale insects, and other insect pests dislike whatever substance is transported. Daddy had good, Mississippi clay-based soil with a significant amount of organic matter...
United Kingdom
The Truth about Chicory
When Napoleon sold Louisiana to the United States, the population of Louisiana still remained primarily French. According to the editors of Prevention Health Books, chicory is excellent for lowering cholesterol.
United Kingdom
Coffee Filter Turkeys
Cut a gobble and beak out of construction paper. It's up to you! Fold the coffee filter in half and glue a jumbo craft stick in the center of the painted coffee filter, extending about halfway up the coffee filter.
United Kingdom
Hydrangeas & Coffee Grounds
The studies did not prove that coffee grounds effectively suppressed fungal diseases on hydrangeas or other plants.Coffee grounds compact easily, and if they are applied in thick layers as mulch, they can block air and water from entering soil.
United Kingdom
Composting With Coffee Grounds – Used Coffee Grounds For Gardening
But this is only true for unwashed coffee grounds. That being said, some fungal pathogens may be suppressed as well.Sprinkling dry, fresh grounds around plants (and on top of soil) helps deter some pests same as with used coffee grounds.
United Kingdom
Diluted Coffee For Plants: Can You Water Plants With Coffee
Diluted coffee adds just enough organic fertilizer to encourage bushier, healthier plants. Then simply waterWater with the diluted coffee just as you would with plain tap water. The question is, will watering plants with coffee give them that same “perk”?Coffee...
United Kingdom
Coffee Grounds As Lawn Fertilizer – How To Apply Coffee Grounds On Lawn
Just as the aroma and caffeine of a cup of Joe in the morning stimulates many of us, using coffee ground on grass can also stimulate healthier turf. Voila, can't get much simpler than that.Reapply the coffee ground lawn fertilizer every month or two thereafter...
United Kingdom
Chicory: From Coffee to Plate
Tags The Prescription Gardener Wild Chicory Wild chicory is the same species as the vegetables listed above. If you head down to Bourbon street even today you can get a cup. The delicate color is brought on by growing in the dark or below the soil surface,...
United Kingdom
House Plants That Like Coffee
Most house plants have tropical origins, where they thrived in the acidic soil of the forest floor. A ring of deciduous leaves top it during the winter growing season following the short-lived appearance of numerous tubular, scarlet flowers.
United Kingdom
3 Coffee Substitutes You Can Grow
It goes without saying that all of these beverages are a matter of personal taste, but finding the perfect placeholder can be well worth it when trying to cut down on caffeine. Gymnocladus dioicus Benny Mazur/Flickr I received some seeds of this North...
United Kingdom