What is a powder puff cactus? The plant is a succulent and the name results from the compact round shape with small spines covered in wool. Seedlings take a long time to form adequate plants, so the best way to start some new plants is from division.
Also, try your own DIY herb blends and infused vinegars and oils for the food lover on your shopping list.If you have some cold hardy herbs still thriving in your garden, cut a few handfuls and tie into an attractive bundle with a pretty ribbon.
These are plants for the intermediate gardener who wants to give the plant some thoughtful attention.With an eye to good care, many people are quite pleased with their aralia houseplants.The "ming" name may be a vague reference to the Asian origin of...
Ugh, tax time! Are you wishing that you had a magic money tree? A minor point but one that some readers may find importantMoney Tree art at left by the incomparable "Inky" Used here with permission, Thank you! Inky Art not to be used elsewhere without...
Of course, that was way back in the days of bell-bottom pants and tie dye too.Macrame plant hangers are a great gift for gardening friends. Cut your cord.Measure five more cords by using the first long cord as your guide.
Hibiscus is in the mallow family, a family that is almost entirely made up of edible and medicinal plants. Hibiscus moscheutos is an Ohio native, growing in zone 5 quite happily. So fleeting and so beautiful, but happily replaced with a fresh bloom the...
Planters with many stems are proportionally more expensive. Short stems of bamboo sell for a dollar or so. Just top off with room temperature water as needed to keep it at the same level.
After the holidays are over, I simply slip a large garbage bag over the tree to keep it from collecting dust. Then I put it in its place in the garage-high on a shelf and out of the way until next Christmas.
June had sent me a small miracle.She ordered the buckwheat seeds, she said, and I found several sources online. Suddenly I remembered buckwheat pancakes were made from buckwheat flour, and with that thought, I finally knew what my cozies were made from.By...
Dog owners need to beware when using cocoa shell mulch that the shells do contain varying amounts of two compounds that are toxic to dogs: caffeine and theobromine.The sweet smell of the cocoa mulch is attractive to curious dogs and could be potentially...
My phone holds a lovely portrait of a sunkissed compost tea brewer in front of the local organic market. A database of plants is another tempting app. Davison from the University of North Alabama, was online and in my hand.
Only time will tell if I'm successful in that aim. The vanilla plant is an orchid with well-known culinary applications. Vanilla appears to be a great addition to our daily lives in times of high stress, and I am constantly on the hunt for new and different...
The coop is now a 12-by-16-foot building with an attached 18-by-16-foot enclosed run. The door to the run now opened into our dog's fenced-in area. For water, we use an automatic system hooked up to a house.
Of course, I try not to let that happen too often. All the hummingbirds seem to require is that you keep the feeder filled, regardless of the brand or style. They know that's where I emerge with the filled feeders.
This process is hot and arduous, especially in the summer in Texas but it added such character to the varied nature of my vessel collection.Once I had my propagation and container producing processes underway, I had to figure out how to make them more...
Or forego the cactus and take this ABC concept full circle; choose a 'Zombie' amaryllis! Again, advanced plant addicts may want more specialized books that focus on certain types of plants or genres of gardening.
Accessed August 25, 2008.Save your money: Delicious cups of wonder from the world of COFFEE Fennel or anise provides the distinctive flavor in Italian sausages and in other savory dishes, such as pork or tomato sauces.
Among retailers selling plants with tags promoting their air-cleaning abilities are Lowe's and Home Depot.jode, tashmoore, jnana, sandpiper, monochromatico, and gabro14 for the contributions to PlantFiles used in this article.
The gift ones never do.Making fun of the same gifts we receive every year may reek of ingratitude. We dream of discovering blue tulips when the rest of the world dreams of winning the lottery.
“It's often just a case of human nature. Ventilation is important when horses are kept inside a barn, says Dave Freeman, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension equine specialist.
It was thought to protect inhabitants from thunder and lightning strikes, so was a common sight planted on thatch and sod roofs. They make great plants for vacation homes and for gardeners with hectic work schedules.
This is a normal chemical reaction, and it won't explode. This will be for stopping the bleaching process when you are done. The thought and care involved in choosing the gift is often more valuable than the actual item
I have placed wet sheets on my living room window glass to dry, which gives them a very smooth finish on one side. I strain mine through the large bags made to strain paint. Let it drip like a jelly bag, and then squeeze out all the excess water.
Water your zinnias in the morning as their only weakness is powdery mildew. This makes them ideal for children's gardens. Most direct-seeded zinnias will bloom four to six weeks after they are planted, if the ground is warm and conditions are favorable.Zinnias...
Just position your clay critter on the rim, with a piece of aluminum foil underneath, and it's ready for the oven.Bake your ladybug according to the directions on your polymer clay, usually for about 25 minutes at 274°.
A sunny or bright but cool windowsill is a good site for your paperwhites to develop. Make the gift more lightweight (less costly to mail) by using plastic beads or acrylic chunks as the filler.
Bust your birds' boredom while boosting natural behaviors and nutritional health in your flock by thinking like a zookeeper. In short, environmental enrichment gives our chickens more opportunities to act like chickens.