Well, I work as tree surgeon and I climb trees in order to prune them, remove dangerous limbs, and perform various tasks including taking pictures, harvesting fruits and seeds and at times, setting up nets to catch bats.
When you cross-referance a cultivar with, and the source you want to buy from, you will have a better idea of how that cultivar grows. For the seasoned rose growers, i hope this article helps you to inspire others to grow roses and share your experience.The...
Two excellent intoductions in the past decade are 'Red Scentsation' (1998, White) and 'Ralph Moore' (1999, Saville), the latter dedicated to Moore, the father of miniature roses, who was honored in 2000 for a lifetime of achievement as the first and most...
The fragrance is very mild and it is susceptible to mildew, but with the stunning color and form this rose can be forgiven almost anything.(1990, Moore) is a beautiful deep pink mini from Ralph Moore, the father of the miniature rose.
I had no idea there were so many wonderful roses in all shades of peach, apricot, melon and orange. Color with a capital. It is one that particularly struck me from a thread. You can see by these photos that the same is true of all of these rosarian/photographers.'Candelabra'...
No, we rose rustlers don't make a practice of stealing other people's roses, as if they were so many mavericks! We just root cuttings of heirloom types--usually found on abandoned farms or in old cemeteries--that may be in danger of dying out.
At this point, you can cut off the spent stems when they begin to dry out and brown. These plants are native to Africa and indigenous where soil is poor, moisture is minimal and heat is severe.
After I decided to add 'Peace' to the rose garden, I realized how many roses there are related to the original 'Peace' or with peace in the name. Orange You Beautiful? A look at orange rosesFor more information about David Austin's English Roses, here...
Grows in zones 5 through 9.'Night Owl' (2005, Carruth) [l], large-flowered climber. Dawn comes calling in all shades of pinks, roses, mauves, lavenders and purples. It repeat blooms well, has a mature height of 3' to 4' and is hardy to zone 5.
It was pretty labor intensive, but there isn't any mystery as to what I'm actually making into tea.I have a huge patch of chocolate mint and since I was running the dehydrator anyway, I thought it might be tasty to make a combo tea.
I cover the cutting with the cut PET bottle, by pushing it gently into the ground, so I won't harm the leaves of my rose cutting, until the tip almost reaches the bottle's cap - I need to leave some space for the future sprouts.
In 1937, Moore opened Sequoia Nursery in Visalia, California. The book "Thoughts of Roses" is a collection of poems illustrated with pressed flower pictures. He has written rose books; "." He has also written poetry for 25 years.
There are five now and I will add more this year. There is also a list in the(permanent informational postings) at the top of the forum of the on-line rose nurseries that are recommended by the members and why.
This is a rose that grows well, it has sturdy branches and slightly longer than normal thorns. This will also allow for a good breeze in the area. Are your neighbors getting a little to close to your fence??
The All-America Rose Selection (AARS) announced their 2008 winners: a Floribunda and Grandiflora won the honors for the upcoming year. All-America Rose Selections is a designation given to roses that have passed a very rigorous evaluation.These evaluations...
Large stone slabs and wooden benches, garden chairs and trunk slumps are available for the visitors who want to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and have a small rest before discovering more.George's daughter, Veronique, is the one who will guide you through...
My birthday is November 20, and I did my annual birthday walk around in my yard. I was bent over, picking up sticks, kicking leaves around, and glanced up for just a second. I am almost afraid to look this morning, but surely it will take a winter rest.Isn't...
In the next article we will take a look at some of the other popular floral designs such as the Blue Onion, Blue Willow and Blue Tulip that were in use.Devon Spray Roses Detail of Devon Spray Blue Ridge RosesW.S. George "Derwood " 1898 Detail of Derwood...
I am planning on adding the 'Hansa', 'Therese Bugnet', and 'Wasagaming' to my own rose beds this year.In a large pan, add the rose hips and water. The ancestors of the family of the rugosa rose originated on the sandy beaches of northern China, Japan...
You can also cut off old or dead stems at the base of the plant to stimulate healthy new growth.Always use clean, sharp pruners when cutting back hydrangea vines. Read on to learn about climbing hydrangea pruning.: If your climbing hydrangea doesn't need...
This is one vine that does not harm walls or masonry.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });One other unusual feature of these vines that you'll learn from evergreen climbing hydrangea info is that they thrive...
There is also the popularity of "goth"... At left is 'Black Magic'.)There is always something of interest in Wikipedia, although you have to take the information as is. Several varieties of deep red roses are mentioned including 'Black Magic', pictured...
To those who admire and collect roses, the name Sean McCann is familiar; to others he may need introduction. He tells me bits and pieces of his life in Ireland, and I relate to him about my life in Texas.I have learned that family is very important to...
But if you have a climbing hydrangea not climbing, what do you do? When attaching climbing hydrangeas to support, use a soft but strong material like cotton string, twine or nylon.
Draw the rose garden on graph paper before planting. And we have her rose.You will be amazed by what you see here. Prune in the spring by removing old canes, dead or diseased wood and neaten by cutting back canes that have tangled around one another.semi-double...
That's not generally a recommended time to prune roses, but ZD is very forgiving. Sweetly scented, fluffy pink blooms, tough as nails, shade tolerant, and nearly thornless? Reconsider! 'Zephirine Drouhin' just may be the rose for you.
I know only that it was our former landlady's husband's favorite, but she didn't much like it.Having gotten this far with discovering who my lot were, I suddenly found myself yearning for more, a decidedly uncharacteristic position for me when it comes...